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South Central Plains

This EPA Level III ecoregion encompasses all or part of 42 Texas counties. It extends from the Western Gulf Coastal Plain east across much of Louisiana and north into southeastern Oklahoma and southwestern Arkansas. In Texas, it covers approximately the same land area as the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s Pineywoods vegetative region. This collection lists only those taxa found in the Texas portion of the South Central Plains ecoregion.

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Habranthus tubispathusRio Grande Copperlily
Copper Lily
Rio Grande Copper-lily
Hamamelis vernalisOzark Witch-hazel
Vernal Witch-hazel
Hackelia virginianaBeggarslice
Wild Comfrey
Virginia Stickseed
Hamamelis virginianaWitch-hazel
American Witch-hazel
Common Witch-hazel
Snapping Hazelnut
Striped Alder
Spotted Alder
Hedeoma acinoidesSlender False Pennyroyal
Annual Pennyroyal
Slender Hedeoma
Helenium amarumYellow Sneezeweed
Yellow Bitterweed
Slender-leaved Sneezeweed
Fine-leaved Sneezweed
Yellow Dog-fennel
Helenium amarum var. amarumYellow Bitterweed
Helianthus angustifoliusSwamp Sunflower
Narrowleaf Sunflower
Narrow-leaved Sunflower
Helianthus annuusCommon Sunflower
Annual Sunflower
Helianthemum carolinianumCarolina Frostweed
Helianthus ciliarisTexas Blueweed
Heteropogon contortusTanglehead
Heliotropium confertifoliumLeafy Heliotrope
Heliotropium convolvulaceumPhlox Heliotrope
Fragrant Heliotrope
Heliotropium curassavicumSalt Heliotrope
Seaside Heliotrope
Quail Plant
Cola De Mico
Cola De Gama
Helianthus debilisCucumberleaf Sunflower
Cucumber-leaf Sunflower
Beach Sunflower
Hedeoma drummondiiDrummond's False Pennyroyal
Mock Pennyroyal
Helenium drummondiiFringed Sneezeweed
Heteranthera dubiaGrassleaf Mudplantain
Water Stargrass
Helenium elegansPretty Sneezeweed
Helenium flexuosumPurplehead Sneezeweed
Purple-head Sneezeweed
Hesperaloe funiferaGiant Hesperaloe
New Mexico False Yucca
Heterotheca fulcrataRockyscree False Goldenaster
Helianthemum georgianumGeorgia Frostweed
Georgia Sunrose
Helianthus grosseserratusSawtooth Sunflower
Heliopsis helianthoidesSmooth Oxeye
Oxeye Sunflower
False Sunflower
Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabraSmooth Oxeye
Hedeoma hispidaRough False Pennyroyal
Helianthus hirsutusHairy Sunflower
Rough Sunflower
Herbertia lahuePrairie Nymph
Herbertia lahue ssp. caeruleaPrairie Nymph
Heteranthera limosaBlue Mudplantain
Blue Mud Plantain
Helianthus maximilianiMaximilian Sunflower
Max Sunflower
Helenium microcephalumSmallhead Sneezeweed
Helianthus mollisAshy Sunflower
Downy Sunflower
Helianthus occidentalisFewleaf Sunflower
Western Sunflower
Helianthus pauciflorusStiff Sunflower
Prairie Sunflower
Hesperaloe parvifloraRed Yucca
Coral Yucca
Red-flowered False Yucca
Redflower False Yucca
Yellow Yucca
Hummingbird Yucca
Helianthus pauciflorus ssp. pauciflorusStiff Sunflower
Heliotropium procumbensFourspike Heliotrope
Hedeoma reverchoniiReverchon's False Pennyroyal
Hedeoma reverchonii var. reverchoniiReverchon's False Pennyroyal
Rock Hedeoma
Hedeoma reverchonii var. serpyllifoliaReverchon's False Pennyroyal
Rock Hedeoma
Helianthemum rosmarinifoliumRosemary Frostweed
Sun Rose
Hexalectris spicataSpiked Crested Coralroot
Spiked Crested Coral Root
Heterotheca subaxillarisCamphorweed
Camphor Weed
Heliotropium tenellumPasture Heliotrope
White Heliotrope
Hermannia texanaTexas Burstwort
Mexican Mallow
Heliotropium torreyiSlimleaf Heliotrope
Heterotheca villosaHairy False Goldenaster
Hairy Golden-aster
Hibiscus aculeatusComfortroot
Big Thicket Hibiscus
Pineland Hibiscus
Hilaria belangeriCurly Mesquite Grass
Curly Mesquite
Hilaria belangeri var. belangeriCurly-mesquite
Hibiscus coulteriDesert Rosemallow
Desert Rose-mallow
Coulter Hibiscus
Hieracium gronoviiQueendevil
Hibiscus laevisHalberdleaf Rosemallow
Halberdleaf Hibiscus
Scarlet Rose Mallow
Halberd-leaved Hibiscus
Halberd-leaved Rose-mallow
Hibiscus lasiocarposWoolly Rose-mallow
Woolly Mallow
False Cotton
Hieracium longipilumHairy Hawkweed
Hibiscus martianusHeartleaf Rosemallow
Tulipan Del Monte
Heartleaf Hibiscus
Hibiscus moscheutosCrimson-eyed Rose-mallow
Marshmallow Hibiscus
Hibiscus striatusStriped Rosemallow
Hibiscus striatus ssp. lambertianusStriped Rosemallow
Houstonia acerosaNeedleleaf Bluet
Hoffmannseggia glaucaIndian Rushpea
Indian Rush-pea
Hottonia inflataAmerican Featherfoil
Hordeum jubatumFoxtail Barley
Hordeum jubatum ssp. jubatumFoxtail Barley
Squirreltail Barley
Houstonia micranthaSouthern Bluet
Hoffmannseggia oxycarpaSharppod Rushpea
Hordeum pusillumLittle Barley
Houstonia purpureaVenus's Pride
Large Houstonia
Woodland Bluets
Purple Bluets
Mountain Bluets
Houstonia pusillaTiny Bluets
Small Bluets
Star Violet
Houstonia roseaRose Bluet
Hunzikeria texanaTexas Cupflower
Hyptis alataClustered Bushmint
Hymenopappus artemisiifoliusOldplainsman
Old Plainsman
Hymenopappus artemisiifolius var. artemisiifoliusOldplainsman
Hydrocotyle bonariensisLargeleaf Pennywort
Salt Pennywort
Hymenopappus carrizoanusCarrizo Sands Woollywhite
Hypericum cistifoliumRoundpod St. John's-wort
Hypericum crux-andreaeSt. Peter's-wort
Atlantic St. Peter's-wort
St. Peter's Cross
St. John's-wort
Hypoxis curtissiiCurtis' Star-grass
Hypericum drummondiiNits And Lice
Drummond's St. John's-wort
Hypericum frondosumCedarglade St. John's-wort
Golden St. John's-wort
Hypericum gentianoidesOrangegrass
Hypericum gymnanthumClaspingleaf St. John's-wort
Hypoxis hirsutaCommon Goldstar
Yellow Star-grass
Eastern Yellow Star-grass
Hypericum hypericoidesSt. Andrew's-cross
Hygrophila lacustrisGulf Swampweed
Hymenocallis liriosmeTexas Spiderlily
Spring Spiderlily
Louisiana Spiderlily
Western Marsh Spiderlily
Hymenoclea monogyraSinglewhorl Burrobrush
Hypericum mutilumDwarf St. John's-wort
Hypericum nudiflorumEarly St. John's-wort
Hymenoxys odorataBitter Rubberweed
Hydrolea ovataBlue Waterleaf
Ovate False Fiddleleaf
Hairy Hydrolea
Hypericum prolificumShrubby St. John's-wort
Hypericum punctatumSpotted St. John's-wort
Hydrocotyle ranunculoidesFloating Marshpennywort
Floating Marsh-Pennywort
Floating Marsh Pennywort
Floating Pennyroyal
Hymenopappus scabiosaeusCarolina Woollywhite
Old Plainsman
Hymenopappus scabiosaeus var. corymbosusCarolina Woollywhite
Old Plainsman
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention