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South Central Plains

This EPA Level III ecoregion encompasses all or part of 42 Texas counties. It extends from the Western Gulf Coastal Plain east across much of Louisiana and north into southeastern Oklahoma and southwestern Arkansas. In Texas, it covers approximately the same land area as the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s Pineywoods vegetative region. This collection lists only those taxa found in the Texas portion of the South Central Plains ecoregion.

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Pediomelum rhombifoliumGulf Indian Breadroot
Brown-flowered Psoralea
Round-leaf Scurf-pea
Penthorum sedoidesDitch Stonecrop
Penstemon tenuisBrazos Penstemon
Brazos Beardtongue
Gulf Penstemon
Gulf Beardtongue
Gulf Coast Penstemon
Gulf Coast Beardtongue
Sharp-sepal Penstemon
Sharp-sepal Beardtongue
Penstemon triflorusHill Country Penstemon
Hill Country Beardtongue
Scarlet Penstemon
Scarlet Beardtongue
Heller's Penstemon
Heller's Beardtongue
Penstemon triflorus ssp. integrifoliusHeller's Penstemon
Heller's Beardtongue
Peltandra virginicaTuckahoe
Green Arrow Arum
Arrow Arum
Green Arum
Pellaea wrightianaWright's Cliffbrake Fern
Wright's Cliffbrake
Phyllanthus abnormisDrummond's Leaf-flower
Phytolacca americanaAmerican Pokeweed
Great Pokeweed
Red Ink Plant
Physalis angulataCutleaf Groundcherry
Physostegia angustifoliaNarrowleaf False Dragonhead
False Dragon-head
Phemeranthus aurantiacusOrange Flameflower
Phragmites australisCommon Reed
Phalaris carolinianaCarolina Canarygrass
Phyllanthus caroliniensisCarolina Leaf-flower
Physalis cinerascensSmallflower Groundcherry
Physalis cinerascens var. cinerascensSmallflower Groundcherry
Physostegia correlliiCorrell's False Dragonhead
Phacelia congestaCaterpillars
Blue Curls
Physostegia digitalisFinger False Dragonhead
False Dragonhead
Phlox drummondiiAnnual Phlox
Drummond Phlox
Texas Pride
Phlox drummondii ssp. drummondiiAnnual Phlox
Phlox drummondii ssp. mcallisteriMcallister's Phlox
Drummond Phlox
Phlox drummondii ssp. wilcoxianaWilcox's Phlox
Drummond Phlox
Phegopteris hexagonopteraBroad Beechfern
Broad Beech Fern
Physalis hederifoliaIvyleaf Groundcherry
Ivy-leaf Groundcherry
Physalis heterophyllaClammy Groundcherry
Physalis heterophylla var. heterophyllaClammy Groundcherry
Phacelia hirsutaFuzzy Phacelia
Physostegia intermediaSpring Obedient Plant
Marsh Obedient Plant
Slender False Dragonhead
Intermediate False Dragonhead
Phyla lanceolataLanceleaf Frogfruit
Lanceleaf Fogfruit
Phryma leptostachyaAmerican Lopseed
Physalis longifoliaLongleaf Groundcherry
Physalis mollisField Groundcherry
Phlox nivalisTrailing Phlox
Phyla nodifloraTexas Frogfruit
Turkey Tangle Fogfruit
Phemeranthus parviflorusSunbright
Dwarf Flameflower
Prairie Flameflower
Phacelia patulifloraSand Phacelia
Sand Scorpionweed
Blue Phacelia
Phacelia patuliflora var. patulifloraSand Phacelia
Phacelia patuliflora var. teucriifoliaSand Phacelia
Phlox pilosaDowny Phlox
Prairie Phlox
Fragrant Phlox
Phlox pilosa ssp. pilosaDowny Phlox
Prairie Phlox
Fragrant Phlox
Phyllanthus polygonoidesSmartweed Leaf-flower
Knotweed Leafflower
Philadelphus pubescensHoary Mock Orange
Physalis pubescensHusk Tomato
Downy Ground-cherry
Downy Groundcherry
Physalis pumilaDwarf Ground-cherry
Yellow Ground-cherry
Physostegia pulchellaShowy False Dragonhead
Beautiful False Dragon-head
Phlox roemerianaGoldeneye Phlox
Golden-eye Phlox
Phacelia strictifloraPrairie Phacelia
Phoradendron tomentosumChristmas Mistletoe
Physalis virginianaVirginia Groundcherry
Physostegia virginianaFall Obedient Plant
False Dragonhead
Virginia Lions-heart
Physostegia virginiana ssp. praemorsaObedient Plant
Fall Obedient Plant
False Dragonhead
Piptochaetium avenaceumBlackseed Speargrass
Pinus clausaSand Pine
Pinus echinataShortleaf Pine
Shortleaf Yellow Pine
Southern Yellow Pine
Yellow Pine
Shortstraw Pine
Arkansas Pine
Longtag Pine
Spruce Pine
Oldfield Pine
Arkansas Soft Pine
Pinus elliottiiSlash Pine
Pityopsis graminifoliaNarrowleaf Silkgrass
Golden Aster
Pistacia mexicanaMexican Pistachio
Texas Pistachio
American Pistachio
Copal Pistachio
Wild Pistachio
Texas Pistache
Pinus palustrisLongleaf Pine
Georgia Pine
Longleaf Yellow Pine
Southern Yellow Pine
Longstraw Pine
Hill Pine
Hard Pine
Heart Pine
Pilea pumilaCanadian Clearweed
Pinguicula pumilaSmall Butterwort
Bog Violet
Dwarf Butterwort
Pinus remotaPapershell Pinyon
Remote Pinyon Pine
Pinaropappus roseusWhite Rocklettuce
White Dandelion
Pink Dandelion
White Rock Lettuce
Pistia stratiotesWater Lettuce
Pinus taedaLoblolly Pine
Oldfield Pine
Bull Pine
Rosemary Pine
Planera aquaticaPlaner Tree
Water Elm
Plantago aristataLargebracted Plantain
Pluchea camphorataCamphor Pluchea
Camphor Weed
Platanthera chapmaniiChapman's Fringed Orchid
Chapman's Platanthera
Chapman's Orchid
Platanthera ciliarisOrange Fringed Orchid
Yellow Fringed Orchid
Orange Plume
Platanthera clavellataSmall Green Wood Orchid
Small Woodland Orchid
Platanthera cristataCrested Yellow Orchid
Orange Fringed Orchid
Plantago elongataPrairie Plantain
Platanthera flavaPalegreen Orchid
Platanthera flava var. flavaPalegreen Orchid
Pluchea foetidaStinking Camphorweed
Plantago helleriHeller's Plantain
Cedar Plantain
Plantago heterophyllaSlender Plantain
Plantago hookerianaCalifornia Plantain
Tallow Weed
Platanthera integraYellow Fringeless Orchid
Platanthera laceraGreen Fringed Orchid
Ragged Fringed Orchid
Pleuraphis muticaTobosagrass
Tobosa Grass
Platanthera niveaSnowy Orchid
Frog Spear
Bog Torch
White Frog Arrow
White Rein Orchid
Platanus occidentalisAmerican Sycamore
Eastern Sycamore
American Plane Tree
Plane Tree
Buttonball Tree
Pluchea odorataSweetscent
Saltmarsh Fleabane
Pluchea odorata var. odorataSweetscent
Marsh Fleabane
Southern Marsh Fleabane
Plantago patagonicaWoolly Plantain
Bristle-bract Plantain
Pleopeltis polypodioidesResurrection Fern
Pleopeltis polypodioides ssp. michauxianaResurrection Fern
Plantago rhodospermaRedseed Plantain
Red-seeded Plantain
Pluchea roseaRosy Camphorweed
Plantago virginicaVirginia Plantain
Paleseed Indian-wheat
Dwarf Plantain
Paleseed Plantain
Hoary Plantain
Southern Plantain
Plantago wrightianaWright's Plantain
Polystichum acrostichoidesChristmas Fern
Polystichum acrostichoides var. acrostichoidesChristmas Fern
Polygala albaWhite Milkwort
Polygonella americanaSouthern Jointweed
Polygonum amphibiumWater Knotweed
Water Smartweed
Polygonum amphibium var. emersumLongroot Smartweed
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention