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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Fairfield, OH
Plant identification
I live outside of Cincinnati and I have a bush that has long yellowish leaves that grow like a spider plant. Just recently long purple things have grown in the middle of them. Is this normal or should...
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Mason, OH
Problems with non-native African violets from Mason OH
I have had 3 african violets for at least 4 weeks. I continue to water them and have moved their location. They continue to have wilted leaves. Are they done for or is there something I can do to g...
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Cincinnati, OH
Native plants beneficial to wildlife in Cincinnati, OH
I live in Cincinnati, Ohio and I am looking for native plants to plant in a small area of trees behind my house. I would like the plants to be beneficial for wildlife, like maybe some wildflowers. T...
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Cincinnati, OH
Yellow-orange fungus on Ash tree in Ohio
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants, I have a large ash tree which started growing some yellowish orange fungus around the base this spring. With this fungus there are also black bugs with a orange marking near i...
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Cincinnati, OH
Transplant shock in tulip tree in Cincinnati
I planted a tulip tree sapling (3 feet tall at the time of planting) in May of this year and it sprouted! Unfortunately, I believe the top portion (nearly 2 feet) did not make it (the sapling only spr...
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Cincinnati, OH
Source for plants or seeds of Pedicularis densiflora
Do you know where I might obtain Pedicularis densiflora live plants or viable seeds. I understand that this plant is native to Oregon and California and is semi-parasitic and needs a host plant to dr...
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Cincinnati, OH
Plant identification
We are trying to identify a plant we saw on a walk. It's about a foot high. About halfway up, the stem splits in two. From there up the two stems are covered with white kind of loosely trumpet sha...
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Cincinnati, OH
Amelanchier arborea (common serviceberry) native to Ohio
I want to plant a row of serviceberries for the fruit. I will plant a variety that attains 6 to 10 feet. I was about to order amelanchier alnifolia var. Smokey, as it's described as having very tasty...
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Cincinnati, OH
Plants for controlling erosion on a cleared slope in Ohio
I live in Cincinnati, OH. BP owns a pipeline which runs thru part of my property. They clear out all the large trees every few years, so that it is visible from the air. Our area is surrounded by M...
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cincinnati, OH
Keys for identification of native plants in Ohio
Do you know of any good web sites that provide keys for the identification of native plants? I'm conducting a wetland plant inventory in southwestern Ohio.
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Cincinnati, OH
Identification of a plant similar to wild lettuc
I have a plant that was growing by my swimming pool last summer. Its some sort of wild lettuce, but i have been unable to identify it with the resources i have.
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Cincinnati, OH
Alternative shrub for Greyowl Juniper from Cincinnati OH
I don't love Greyowl Juniper which our landscaper is recommending for a low planting in front of the house. Can you recommend an alternative? I don't care for the grayish color or the spiky look o...
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cincinnati, OH
Pruning overgrown spicebush shrubs in Ohio.
I have 2 spicebush shrubs, a male and female, on the north side of my house. They have been there for years, but like everything else I have ever planted, they grow way larger than the catalog i boug...
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Cincinnati, OH
Natives for wet soil in Cincinnati OH
I live in Cincinnati and the soil in my back yard is wet (soggy) all year round. There are moss and grass growing in the yard. The area is shaded in the afternoon but receives sun earlier in the day. ...
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Milford, OH
Replacement for boxwoods in Ohio
I want to replace my boxwood plants but I don't know what would be a good replacement. I have a hydrangea plant that is in the middle and I would like something to go on each side of the hydrangea. I...
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Milford, OH
Plant that smells like cinnamon in Milford OH
Wanting to know what wildflower/weed would be so aromatic and smells like cinnamon? Always enjoy this wonderful smell when my husband and I ride the motorcycle, but don't know what it is. Would like ...
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Villa Hills, KY
Plant ID from Villa Hills KY
Hello I have this plant but I don't know what it is. I want to know if it's edible or what it is. I think it's catnip.
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Fort Wright, KY
Erosion control in Ft. Wright KY
My house sits on a hillside. On the back and behind a somewhat large concrete deck there is a retention wall that protects the deck, but after that there is this large area (at least 24X20 ft), that ...
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Morrow, OH
Insects on hybrid 'Ann' magnolia in Morrow OH
I have an Ann Magnolia. It is covered in all kinds of stinging insects and flies. This has never happened before. Is this a common problem for the tree? What should I do?
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Dayton, OH
Failure to bloom of non-native viburnum in Dayton, Ohio
I have a 3 year old Marie's Doublefire Viburnum that has healthy, abundant foliage but never blooms. I do not prune it. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
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Beavercreek, OH
Identification of fast-growing weeds with orange flowers
I have fast growing plants (weeds?) in my heavily wooded backyard. They reach heights of over 6 ft and have orange flowers. I have spent hours searching the web today with no success -the closest thin...
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