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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers are the culpable and capable culprits. Yet, others think staff members play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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326 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page

Orange eggs on milkweed plants
October 18, 2012
Hello I have milk weed in my flower garden. Every year I find small orange 'eggs' on the leaves and stems of the plant. I don't think these are the monarch eggs, but not sure if they are other...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Weeds in Buffalograss from Edmond OK
September 20, 2012
We have a patch of buffalograss surrounded by patio/flower garden/vegetable garden. We like B-grass, but are getting a lot of weeds despite preemergents, and some bermuda had appeared. Are there h...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

New nursery plants with sappy spots from Round Rock, TX
September 09, 2012
We live on the west side of RR, near Cedar Park and recently bought three 15 gallon cherry laurels from a nursery. Started to plant them today as we bought them a week ago and noticed base of the trun...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Sticky film on oak tree leaves from Whitney TX
September 04, 2012
What is the sticky film that is coating leaves on our oak trees?
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Problems with mountain laurel from Sunrise Beach TX
August 29, 2012
In Llano Co., TX near lake LBJ, crushed granite type soil - my 4 - 5 year old TX Mtn. Laurels (2), about the size of large wheel barrows, are turning very pale, dropping leaves and on 1 the seed pods ...
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Tiny holes oozing sap from Austin
August 22, 2012
My ash tree becomes loaded with butterflies on the trunk. At closer inspection, I see they are drinking sap which is coming from small holes in the trunk. Are the butterflies creating the holes? I ...
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Wasps on live oaks from Sinton TX
August 20, 2012
Wasps on my live oak trees. What is attracting them? Does this hurt the tree?
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Oaks emitting substance in Lakeway TX
August 14, 2012
We have two large oak trees in our yard that are emitting a clear, very sticky, non-fragrant substance. The leaves are beginning to be covered as is our deck. Bees are now attracted and I am worried ...
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Insect damage on possumhaw
August 12, 2012
We planted a small possumhaw in February of this year (2012). It had leaves and some berries and was doing real well until some bug starting eating the leaves and berries. I know it is not deer becau...
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Plants that donkeys won't eat
August 08, 2012
What plants/trees do donkeys NOT like? I live in Hawaii on the Big Island and they visit once a week in my yard. I like them but would prefer that they stay just outside. Unfortunately they like my...
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326 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page