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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers are the culpable and capable culprits. Yet, others think staff members play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Please forgive us, but Mr. Smarty Plants has been overwhelmed by a flood of mail and must take a break for awhile to catch up. We hope to be accepting new questions again soon. Thank you!

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934 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page

Report on object glowing in tree in New Hampshire
August 04, 2013
Hello again Mr Smartpants. I commented about a purple glow coming from a tree in previous comments. Since then they have multiplied and are spreading to different trees. We believe we may have it narr...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Identity of night-glowing object in tree in New Hampshire
August 02, 2013
I know this sounds crazy but last night when my husband stepped outside he noticed a purplish glow in one of the trees. At first he thought some kind of animal but when throwing a rock at it it did no...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Identity of plant in South Carolina with tiny purple flowers
August 02, 2013
I found a plant while walking my dogs. I live in South Carolina. The plant gets maybe a foot tall, has a square stem and the top of plant is a candelabra with timy purple flowers in it. What is this...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Identification of shrub with pink catalpa-like flowers
July 31, 2013
Ironically, this plant is growing on a hill behind a nursery. We are all curious what it could be..I've done internet searches for 2 days. My best guess is that it's in the catalpa family, but it's...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Identification of shrub/small tree with small purple fruit
July 31, 2013
Hi! I have a tree/bush that has come up on its own in the backyard. This year it set what looks like small purple plums. Is there any chance that they might be poisonous?
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Plant identification of plant with leaves like poison ivy
July 30, 2013
I would like to identify a plant whose leaves look like poison ivy, but the stem is white and has thorns. It is not thready. It was prevalent in overgrown garden beds of a house in Litchfield, CT. ...
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Invasive spreading weed in Michigan that looks like a small pine tree
July 29, 2013
I have an invasive spreading weed in my gardens. It has black root system, comes up looking like a small pine tree. The green breaks off when you try to pull it.
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Identity of small "Pitcher" plants growing in backyard
July 25, 2013
I have small pitcher plants growing in the grass in my backyard. Looks like very dark cobra. Come every summer when very hot. They are about 4 or 5 inches from base to tip of hood. I have a pic. le...
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Plant identification
July 22, 2013
I've lived at my apartment complex for a year now and this current spring/summer I noticed the grounds keeper leaving a fern like plant that is approx. 1-2 feet tall and approx. 1 foot wide. It's le...
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Plant ID from The Woodlands TX
July 22, 2013
Your plant database does not distinguish 2 native tree species. Common names for these 2 trees: American hophornbeam and ironwood or musclewood. These common names are used for both trees - even m...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer


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934 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page