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A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers are the culpable and capable culprits. Yet, others think staff members play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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1,017 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page

Transplanting Mexican bonebract in Floresville, TX
November 12, 2008
My kids and I finally identified a small plant that we found growing in our pasture. There was only one and it is lovely. It is the Mexican Bonebract. What I am interested in finding out is how to tra...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Sun tolerant, rabbit-resistant plants in Plano, TX
November 07, 2008
I live in Plano, Texas and am trying to identify sun tolerant plants for my landscape that are also rabbit resistant. The rabbits have taken over and destroy pansies, marigolds, etc. I am looking fo...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Overwintering a Juncus effusus in Great Neck, NY
October 23, 2008
Can I over winter a juncus effusus spiralis indoors or must it be kept outdoors? Whether indoors or outdoors, what is the proper way to keep it alive during the winter months?
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Watering for Scarlett Milkweed in Florida
October 18, 2008
I have a Scarlett Milkweed and it was doing very well until this last week. It now has yellow leaves that are falling off and no flowers. It says on the tag that the water is low once it is establishe...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Mildew in Phlox paniculata
October 13, 2008
I planted garden phlox (phlox paniculata) in my front landscaping and it is suffering from mildew. It is wet on that side due to a down spout and it may benefit from being split. Does anyone know of...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Planting iris rhizomes in Wisconsin
October 10, 2008
I live in central WI and was given some iris bulbs (think they are called Rhizomes) and have no idea how to go about planting them. I am very new to planting so step by step instructions with good de...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Plants for a drainage easement in central Texas
September 29, 2008
I have a 1/3 acre of drainage easement behind my home. I would like to cover it with wildflowers. It is only wet during or shortly after a rain and otherwise does not have water. I have channelled ...
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Care for an orchid
August 31, 2008
I have another question. How do I care for an orchard. I have had it close to a year and it hasn't grown. How much water do they take.
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Plant for eastern facing side of house in Washington
August 26, 2008
I was considering putting some Lily of the Nile in front of the eastern facing side of my home. Is this plant a suitable choice for planting here in Eastern Washington?
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Leaf browning on blackfoot daisy in Arizona
August 26, 2008
Blackfoot daisy plant was doing great; then, in one day, it turned brown like it had no water. Have a watering system in place which waters once a day for one hour 1/2 gallon a hour.
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