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1,341 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Non-native red-tip photinias dying in San Antonio
August 20, 2009
A 17 year old Red tip Photinia in a hedge shows signs of dying. The main stalks are quite large and offshoots from two of the stalks have brittle, drooping leaves. The center of the plant looks norm...
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Transplanting adventitious shoots of a mountain laurel in San Antonio
August 20, 2009
Is it possible to transplant branches (shoots) growing from a mountain laurel that was chopped down? Some are two years old and several feet tall (but not yet blooming) and some as small as a foot. ...
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Fragrant native plants for San Antonio, TX
August 19, 2009
I live in San Antonio, Texas, and I am re-landscaping my backyard after my dog ate some of the beautiful blooming oleander and had to spend some time at the vet's. My backyard is my sanctuary, and it...
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Shrub for barrier fence in Alexandria, Virginia
August 19, 2009
Hi. we need plants to act as a barrier fence, 15 feet tall, partial shade. We are considering a holly or virginia magnolia. What can you suggest? thank you, Nikita
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Low water hedge for Sedona, AZ
August 19, 2009
I'm looking for a shrub to plant along a 90' property line with my neighbor in Sedona, Arizona (high desert). Ideally, the shrub would grow to about 8' and would not require too much water. What wo...
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Wilting stems on beautyberry in Georgetown, TX
August 16, 2009
Last summer I discovered that a 4-year old beautyberry had one (of many) stems that died. Leaves on this single stem wilted and dried up. This year the same happened to two or three stems. The rest of...
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Why do the leaves of my potted Esperanza plant look droopy?
August 13, 2009
My Esperanza plant leaves look droopy. I have it in a big pot and have for 3 years.
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Watering trees and shrubs in Buda TX
August 08, 2009
Should we be watering our green ash, red tips, chinkapin, burr oaks and yaupon shrubs during the drought? They are all starting to brown and drop leaves. THANKS!
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Shrubs growing in riparian areas of Hudson River, NY
August 04, 2009
What are the five most common native shrubs that grow in riparian areas in Hudson Valley? Interested especially in plants that grow near/along the Hudson River (as opposed to inland woodland freshwate...
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Hail damage to Cenizo in Austin
August 03, 2009
We have some Texas sage Silverado. After the latest hail, they look very sad. If about the half of plant is OK and the other half looks dried/dead?, should we prune the dried half? Are they ever comin...
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Trees and shrubs in Wisconsin
July 30, 2009
I live in Hudson, WI, just across the border from Minn/St Paul and would like to create a privacy screen between my front yard and my neighbors yard. Right now it's full sun, but I want to plant a c...
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Flowering small native plants for Easton PA
July 29, 2009
Please name small flowering evergreen plants native to Easton, PA. These need to be wind tolerant and must be taller than 1 foot tall, no more than 4 feet tall.
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Yellow bands around edges of leaves in Whitney TX
July 20, 2009
How can you tell whether esperanzas are getting too much water or not enough - ours have a small yellow band around the edges of the leaves - crape myrtles - same question
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Different kinds of lantana in Wilmington, NC
July 19, 2009
I live in Wilmington, NC. I spent a small fortune on three varieties of lantana--Cherry Sunrise, Ham & Eggs and Bandana Red. I live on a salt water tidal creek and most are in full sun. Some are i...
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Native perennials for Donley County, TX
July 16, 2009
What are the best perennials to plant in Donley County, TX?
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Want to identify a shrub with golden to orangish berries in Minneapolis MN.
July 14, 2009
Tall shrub or maybe tree with small berries golden to orangish color. The berries are not in large clumps but more twos and threes. Leaves are opposite each other, smooth edges and sort of elliptica...
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Evergreen flowering shrub for North Augusta GA
July 12, 2009
I need suggestions for shade-loving evergreen flowering bush that will grow 6 feet or so, besides azaleas.
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Trimming dead blooms from turkscap in San Antonio
July 10, 2009
Great answer to the Turk's Plant question. But, I can't seem to find an answer to mine. I've had Turk's plants for years and cut them back as you suggest, but have always been confused about wha...
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Failure to thrive of Esperanza in Houston
July 07, 2009
Esperanza plant. I have 3 of these plant in my flower bed for the last 10 years. They get west sun. Over the last three years they have bloomed initially but then the new growth is deformed. The best...
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Brown leaves on possumhaw holly in Grandview TX
July 02, 2009
What would be likely causes for brown leaves on possumhaw holly? We have 2, one was planted in spring 2008, and a slightly larger one planted late winter/early spring this year. Most of the leaves a...
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Plants for a sandy slope at a weekend cabin in central WI.
June 30, 2009
I have a cabin in central Wisconsin where the soil is equivalent to a sandy beach. There are some areas that are nearly impossible to mow because of how steep the incline is. Could you recommend som...
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Native plants for under a pine tree in Vevay IN
June 29, 2009
At our office we have a very nice garden however, in the front we have a large pine tree. We cannot get anything to take root & live there. Do you have any suggestions for a native shrub or perennia...
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Shrubs for New Hampshire
June 25, 2009
Will be landscaping next Spring: Do you think using 'Ilex Crenata'-Japanese Holly together with variegated Euonymus (species: fortunei) as shrub hedges in front of our house is a good combo? Do they...
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Blueberry bushes failing to leaf out in Haines Falls, NY
June 25, 2009
Blueberry bushes planted in spring in upstate New York; no leaves, only the stem. How do we know if they are alive? Blueberries do very well in that area known as Haines Falls, New York (mountain a...
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Plants for a bank too steep to mow
June 24, 2009
Like the inquiry made in late June of 2008, mine involves a bank that is too steep to mow. However, ours is facing south. I am looking for a native grass, plant or groundcover. Any suggestions? ...
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