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1,341 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Plants for under a fountain splash line in California
January 29, 2009
What plants should we plant under our fountain's splash line in our Mediterranean style courtyard? The area will get wet from the fountain's splashing and have "full" sun. We are on a rock ridge...
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Drought-resistant plants for Paradise, California
January 23, 2009
We are moving to a new home in Paradise, CA. What drought resistant plants do well in Paradise ? Thank you !!
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Floristic Quality Assessment program in Texas?
January 19, 2009
Do you have knowledge of a Floristic Quality Assessment program for Texas such as the ones used in Indiana and Illinois?
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Evergreen shrubs for blocking car noise in Austin
January 18, 2009
I live on Bee Caves road and was wondering what is the best tree/shrub I could use to block noise from cars? I've seen evergreen mentioned, is this the right one to plant? Also, if there are existing...
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Do female possumhaws require male to bloom?
January 02, 2009
Do female possumhaws require a male nearby to bloom? I've read that about yaupon hollies, but not possumhaws specifically. Thanks.
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Plants for winter installation in Houston
January 01, 2009
What plants can you plant in the winter, Houston, Texas?
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Further information on soil pH for growing blueberries
December 31, 2008
Thank you for your reponse to my question / comment. You were exactly right about soil pH. Here is what Clemson University Extension has to say about growing blueberries in North and South Carolina....
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Narrow, evergreen shrub for privacy
December 28, 2008
I live in San Antonio and my backyard is all driveway except for a 2-3' space in front of a 6 ft chain fence. I'd like to find an evergreen narrow shrub for privacy. Would Nandina be a good choice?...
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Native shrubs for privacy hedge in Lockhart, TX
December 21, 2008
I will be retiring from the US Army to Lockhart, Texas in March. We have a small house with a 6' security fence. I have always been an advocate of Hedges for security, sound dampening and wildlife ...
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Lantanas with brown leaves
December 18, 2008
I have several lantana plants here in Austin, TX. They did extremely well all summer long up until our first freeze. It looks like they have all died. Are they just dormant or are they dead? Their lea...
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Epiphytic or halophytic trees and shrubs
December 10, 2008
Hello I was searching on this issue, but couldn't find what I really want, and I would be great full for your assistance. Please could you help me to find the scientific name for the "Trees" or...
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Native flower bed with part sun
December 05, 2008
I have recently put in three small flower beds and replaced the hard clay with decent dirt. The site is shaded in the AM but mostly sun in the PM. I would like to plant natives - what can you recommen...
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Small white bugs on indoor hibiscus in Ohio
November 25, 2008
My Hibiscus has small white bugs on the leaves with small white residue. Looks like very small pieces of white rice. This white rice is also covering the UNOPENED buds and making them fall off. It ...
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Is a Texas Mountain Laurel too messy for swimming pool area?
November 24, 2008
Our landscaper has recommended a Texas Mountain Laurel to plant beside our swimming pool. We recently removed Cherry Laurels from the same location because of the mess they made in the pool (especiall...
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How to plant a gooseberry bush
November 22, 2008
Please, if somebody can help, I need to know how to plant the gooseberry bush. Thanks,
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Native grasses and shrubs for Houston project
November 21, 2008
I am working on a project in Houston. As part of the sustainable approach of the project, I would like to plant native / adaptive, non-invasive grasses and shrubs. It is key that they use little wat...
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Evergreen native shrubs for hedge in Austin
November 20, 2008
Please help! Looking for an inexpensive, fast growing shrub or tree to plant along 200' fence in our backyard. Lots of sun (southwest side) but I wouldn't call it dry. Hoping for something that k...
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Hedge of native Purple Sage in Austin
November 20, 2008
Hi, I would like to plant a dense hedge of Purple Sage that will hopefully grow from 6-8 ' tall and about 4' wide. I purchased the Silverado Sage Leucophyllum frutescens 'Berstar Dwarf' variety....
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Small area native plant gardening for an apartment
November 14, 2008
Mr.Smarty, We live in an apartment and are fortunate to have a small area, 5'x5', and so want color! Here in Houston the winters don't freeze much and the summers are HOT. Luckily, we are in the ...
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Pale leaves and brown tips on Tecoma stans in Austin
November 12, 2008
I have a Tecoma Stans planted in a large galvanized container in a sunny spot. It has grown very fast in the last few months and flowers regularly, but the leaves are pale and the tips are turning bro...
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Necessary sun exposure for Eves Necklace
November 12, 2008
How little sun can the tree Eve's Necklace receive and still be happy and healthy? I have an intended spot that gets about 3, maybe 4 hours, some of that will be hot afternoon sun in the summer. Th...
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Indoor lantana tree dropping leaves
November 06, 2008
I purchased a lantana tree,a lantana hybrid that is only tolerant to 32 degrees. We are zone 5 so I brought it indoors and it only gets the morning sun, and 85%of the leaves have fallen off. The leav...
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Deer eating creosote bushes (Larrea tridentata)
November 04, 2008
We have Creosote Bushes (Larrea tridentata) that grow wild on out 10 acres. The deer eat those plants all year 'round. Probably more in the dry times of the year. Just wanted to let you know that t...
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List of Central Texas native shrubs
October 28, 2008
Need to find a list of Central Texas native shrubs.
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Repotting of lemon cypress for drainage
October 26, 2008
Hi, I bought a lemon cypress tree in a nice tin, It is in Plastic and the bottom has about 1.5" of water with no drainage in the plastic or tin. It will be kept inside. Does the plant need to be in...
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