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1,341 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Transplanting native flame leaf sumac in Eden, TX
October 26, 2008
We have tried without success to transplant a flame leaf sumac from the ranch to the house. What are we doing wrong?
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Transplanting Tecoma stans in Texas
October 26, 2008
I have a pair of Tecoma stans planted too near the house. They're in shade most of the day. The branches that can reach a little sun are blooming nicely. Would they survive being transplanted fart...
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Identification of wild shrub in Michigan
October 22, 2008
I have what appears to be a wild shrub that I want to identify. It has green foliage and is bush-like. It is about 10' tall. This fall I noticed light red berries and thorns..after cutting it down...
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Pruning of Burning Bush in Missouri
October 15, 2008
I live in MO and am pretty sure I have burning bushes on either side of my deck. My question is that they are huge and overgrown but I feel if I cut them lower and shape the sides up I will be left w...
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Native plants for a barrier hedge
October 13, 2008
Is there a native hedge I can plant to provide privacy? I have hostile neighbors behind me and would rather plant a hedge than put up a fence. I looked through the Virginia native species and didn'...
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Landscaping for slope in Kansas City
October 08, 2008
We have a down sloping back yard and patio on the lower area. We need some water absorbing plants near the foundation and some in the front of the house, where water isn't a problem. We are allergic ...
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Preservation of a Lantana Tree in New York
October 05, 2008
I have a Lantana Tree that grew beautiful over the summer, now Winter is coming and I don't know what to do with this tree, I live in Monroe, New York. Could you please help me out. Thank you.
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Freeze-back of Hamelia patens in winter in Texas
October 03, 2008
Will the hamelia patens freeze back in the winter ?
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Toxic trees and shrubs in Pennsylvania
September 30, 2008
I have a long property edge that I have been gradually transforming from a former cattle pasture into a hedgerow of native trees and shrubs. Cattle still graze on the other side. Are there any toxic...
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Survival of native yaupon in The Woodlands, TX after hurricane
September 25, 2008
One of my large native yaupons trees (8ft) fell away from a group during the hurricane. I have uprighted and tied it off for stability. Now the leaves are all brown and falling. Is the tree dead or...
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Trees and shrubs that are not poisonous to horses
September 23, 2008
What non poisonous trees or shrubs or hedges would work for being near horses?
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Failure of Viburnum dentatum to produce berries in Maryland
September 20, 2008
I planted several Viburnum dentatum shrubs in a hedgerow for my yard. Although I have some other viburnums in the yard, this shrub blooms profusely but does not ever produce berries. What can I do t...
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Living fence of native plants for Ojai, CA
September 20, 2008
I would like to build a "green fence" about 10-15 feet tall. I live in Ojai, CA where we have VERY hot summers and it goes below freezing every winter. The soil does not seem to drain is e...
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Failure to thrive of Hamelia patens in Laredo
September 19, 2008
I have a question regarding Hamelias patens(firebush)that I have been trying to grow for 2 years. I live in Laredo, Texas and this area should be an excellent climate for this plant. I planted 12 of t...
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Planting shrubs on a rocky slope
September 13, 2008
I need to plant a rocky slope, facing south and west, to cut down erosion. Other than creating terraces, are there tricks for securing individual shrubs or trees to a slope when planting? What plant...
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How to combat weeds growing in mulch
September 12, 2008
Trying to decide on either ground cover plants, or some type of gravel. We have a new house where the builder has planted small shrubs in the full sun flower bed next to house. The bed has mulch at th...
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Failure to thrive of Actaea simplex in Washington State
September 07, 2008
I have a Actaea simplex 'Hillside Black Beauty' that I planted in mid August 2007 in a partial, almost full shade spot. This year it came back , but the foliage is brown with dark and light green a...
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Information on Betonyleaf thoroughwort
September 04, 2008
I purchased Conoclinium betonicifolium (Betonyleaf thoroughwort) at the spring 2008 LBJ WC plant sale. I've not been able to find much information on the plant in the typical places, including the...
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Landscaping help for Gilmer, TX
September 01, 2008
We have just moved to the beautiful hot state of Texas from warm California and we need some help! Our roses are dying, we have a patch about 25ft. by 3ft. that gets the rain run off like a little str...
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Problems on mock orange plant in England
August 20, 2008
I have a small mock orange plant that is about 3 years old. It is currently in a 12 inch plant pot in full sun. It bloomed beautifully this year but the leaves on both the new and old growth are start...
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Evergreen shrubs as dust barrier in Georgia
August 20, 2008
Mr. Smarty Plants, I live on a dirt road in West Central Georgia. Could you recommend a fast growing, low maintenance evergreen shrub or small tree (that will not harm my horses or goats) that will fo...
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Failure to bloom of non-native Althea in Oklahoma
August 17, 2008
I have 2 Althea bushes that will not bloom. For the past 2 years, they become covered in buds, which eventually yellow, but never open. The buds are fully developed. This year the branches have starte...
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Privacy plantings in Texas
August 16, 2008
Our home currently has a 4' chain fence. We are a family of 7 with younger aged children and are looking for more privacy. In lieu of a replacement fence, what would you recommend planting to provi...
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Japanese maple in New York
August 15, 2008
I have a few questions: Do you know what zone Brooklyn, NY. is in? If I plant a Japanese Maple in my backyard, do you think it can tolerate almost full shade (1-2 hours of sun per day)? Also, is it...
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Stress in potted Tif blueberry plants
August 15, 2008
Recently purchased Tif Blue Blueberry plants (about 3 ft tall)are showing signs of stress. They are in 10 gallon pots. Should they be transplanted? Medium? Fertilizer? Location? Trimming?
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