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1,956 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Fast-growing evergreen tree to hide power lines
April 10, 2009
Live in Orange Connecticut and need a tree that grows fast and tall to cover the power lines which are quite tall. I'm thinking evergreen type trees so that the during the winter it provides the cov...
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Browning of Red Western cedars in Medina, OH
April 09, 2009
I have a row of Red Western Cedars bordering my yard. One week after my lawn people but down spring fertilizer and grub control, they began turning brown. Is there any correlation? If not, what cau...
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Symmetrical Holes in Live Oak leaves.
April 08, 2009
We have 2 young live oaks - quercus virginianum trees and their brand new leaves show two symmetrical rows of pin-sized holes punctured along the length of them. What could have caused this?
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Native evergreen tree for horse pasture in New Jersey
April 05, 2009
I just pulled out a laurel that was hiding a stand pipe in our horse paddock. We had trouble this winter with the horses eating it when there was little grass to graze on. Can you suggest an evergre...
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Grafting stone fruit
April 02, 2009
Do you know of anyone grafting the new low chill stone fruit trees to the Mexican plum to minimize cotton rot? Or would it even work?
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Apple trees for Dothan, AL
April 01, 2009
I would like to plant early, mid and late season apple trees in my area Dothan Al.What types can I plant that will help pollinate each other? I have plenty of room and planting some crabapples trees w...
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Trees with non-invasive roots for California
March 30, 2009
My family is currently in the process of redoing our entire yard. A huge task I might add! We had fruitless mulberries planted and one Modesto Ash. As much as we loved them we are hating their roots. ...
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Transplanting redbud from field in Edmond, OK
March 30, 2009
I want to transplant a small redbud from a field to my yard. The trunk diam is about 1.5" and the tree is about 4' tall. What is the best way to do this? Should I plant it in a pot first?
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Replacement for trees destroyed by Hurricane Ike
March 28, 2009
We had a 23 year old elm tree in our front yard that was uprooted from Hurricane Ike (about 50 feet tall)..can you tell us what the replacement costs for that would be? Also we had a 20 foot live oak ...
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Planting a Texas Persimmon in rocky soil in Krum TX
March 27, 2009
I have recently purchased a 10 gallon Texas Persimmon plant that I want to put as a highlight plant in my yard. According to the nursery, it has been in the pot for 2 years. I have been "blessed(or...
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Native tree for Perrysburg OH
March 25, 2009
Can you recommend a small tree 15-20 feet for Perrysburg Ohio that does not produce seeds/berries/nuts etc, has large leaves and is pest resistant? Low maintenance
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Are hackberries harmful to other trees?
March 25, 2009
A neighbor warned me that a hackberry tree that naturally sprouted up recently will harm the roots of other trees nearby and that it is such a bad tree we should take it down before it gets too big. I...
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Trees for Parker, Colorado that will not harm horses
March 21, 2009
we are searching for trees that will grow well in Parker Colorado and not be poisonous to our horses
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My newly planted Mountain Laurel isn\'t doing well.
March 13, 2009
My mountain laurel was planted from a container in Dec. It is in part sun, clay soil, and its leaves are turning yellow. should I move it or will that kill it?
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Digging sassafras roots in Oklahoma
March 11, 2009
When should I dig sassafras roots in eastern Oklahoma?
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I need a tall tree with kind roots for a narrow space
March 11, 2009
We have a space in the yard where a building is within 3 to 6 feet of where we would like a tall tree. What tree could achieve two stories in height, while not messing with the foundation of the bu...
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Replacement for black walnut near septic tank
March 10, 2009
We have a black walnut tree growing on the sunny side of our house which provides wonderful shade in the summer but it is such a dirty tree. The leaves drop very early as well as small branches and t...
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Potential allelopathy of cultivar of Artemisia ludoviciana
March 09, 2009
I recently submitted a question regarding allelopathic potential of artemisia ludoviciana on rusty blackhaw viburnum, not specifying that I meant Vibernum rufidulum. Mr. SP interpreted my viburnum as...
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Tree roots breaking surface in Allen, TX
March 09, 2009
I live in Northern Texas, near Dallas. My questions concerns a tree in my front yard that now has roots that break the surface of the soil and grass. I would like to cover the roots. Should I cover...
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Is Esperanza a deciduous or an evergreen plant?
March 08, 2009
I've read that Esperanza/Tecoma Stans is an evergreen. I planted one last year that seemed very healthy, but it dropped its leaves in late fall and looks (at least) dormant now. Will it come back o...
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When should a redbud start blooming?
March 06, 2009
Does it take a couple or more years for a redbud tree to bloom? I had some in Houston when I lived there and it seems like it took a long time for them to bloom. I now live in Richards (Near Huntsvill...
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Distance from existing structures to plant a tree in New York
March 05, 2009
I would like to plant a large maple or birch near my suburban home. How far away from my home, garage, or any buildings should the seed be planted?
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Can hackberry twigs and leaves be safely used in compost?
March 05, 2009
If Hackberry trees and leaves have growth inhibiting compounds, should they not be used in compost piles?
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Fertilizing oaks to produce more acorns
March 04, 2009
What type of fertilizer would I use on oak trees to possibly increase growth and acorn production ? I have some flooded oak timber that is home to migrating ducks but there is little for them to eat.
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Patio materials under a native oak trees in Missouri
March 02, 2009
Is it safe to build a pavestone patio (with gravel sub base, Geo tech 101 fabric and sand bed..around two 50+ year old native oak trees? I know concrete would compact and cause damage to the surface ...
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