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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Plants for winter installation in Houston
January 01, 2009
What plants can you plant in the winter, Houston, Texas?
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Timing for transplanting a yaupon in Louisiana
January 01, 2009
I found a female yaupon growing wild at the back of my property and would like to move it to the front. When should I do this?
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Tree for area around patio in East Texas
December 31, 2008
What is the best type of tree to plant around my patio which faces the southeast
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Dwarf golden cypress outgrowing their space
December 28, 2008
I planted two dwarf golden cypress on opposite sides of a dwarf alberta spruce in a small bed by the front door. After 4 years I have to severely prune back the dwarf cypress in spring as they will sp...
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Underdeveloped pecan kernels with brown spots
December 24, 2008
our pecan tree was loaded this year. it is a soft shell . some of the pecan meats are not fully developed and have small dark spots on them. could this be a blyte of somekind and if so what can we ...
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Is the palm tree a true tree?
December 18, 2008
Hello, There has been constant debate here about the Palm Tree. I'm in Las Vegas and I have heard everything from it not being a true tree but a cacti or a giant thistle?! I've tried to research...
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Are hollies toxic?
December 18, 2008
Can I use holly from my landscaping to decorate food at Christmas?
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Seasoning oak for burning
December 18, 2008
I have an oak on my property that has been dead for at least two years. It has produced no leaves. When I cut it down (it was 93 inches around), it looked extremely healthy. We split it up and my f...
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Trees resistant to Armillaria mellea, root fungus
December 16, 2008
We had to bring down a 200 year old oak which root system was compromised by Armillaria mellea. We were told the fungus is still present in the soil & it's advisable to plant a resistant species. W...
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Distance from existing oak trees to place paving
December 16, 2008
We are designing an expansion for an existing veterinary office and the desired side for expansion will require addition to the parking and drive aisle to the back side of the property. My question i...
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Living fence of native plants in Central Texas
December 14, 2008
I would like to plant a living fence around my property in central Texas. What trees/plants will survive the Texas weather best without taking years to provide visual shield?
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Looking for juniper trees (Juniperus ashei) for sale
December 05, 2008
Does anyone know anyone that sells Juniper trees in pots - the central Texas kind.
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Looking for copper beach (Fagus sylvatica)
December 05, 2008
I would like to purchase a copper beech tree to plant in CT as a gift. Where can I find one to purchase?
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Care for indoor Lemon Cypress
November 30, 2008
How do I care for an indoor Lemon Cypress tree?
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Root suckers growing from base of oak in California
November 24, 2008
I planted four trees labeled by the nursery when purchased as "Louisiana Oaks" approximately 20 yrs ago in my front yard. All trees are growing well but one of the four has a progressing mass of ro...
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Black coloration on Star Magnolia is probably sooty mold.
November 21, 2008
I have a star magnolia where 90% of the bark has turned black. It almost looks burned. The tree has decent buds set for next spring. What is causing the bark to turn black?
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Tropical looking plants for pool area in California
November 14, 2008
I am looking for small tropical looking plants, groundcover, and 2-small trees for around my pool. They have to be non-toxic to dogs,cats, and people. They can't attract bees/wasps, or have a root ...
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Hurricane damage to pecan tree
November 12, 2008
The recent hurricane twisted the top out of our pecan tree, leaving a couple still attached but down on the ground. Could we cut all of the damage off and just leave the trunk? Would there be a chan...
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Small tree for Huntingdon Beach, CA
November 09, 2008
I have the exact same question as a previous tree question from Huntington Beach California. When I click on the answer it brings up another question. I would like to know the answer given for the 10 ...
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Small flowering tree for Huntingdon Beach, CA
November 07, 2008
I am looking for a short approx. 10 foot tall tree to plant in the 2 corners of my backyard near a wall. I would like them to be thin approx. 5 feet wide where light can get through so my other plant...
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Over-trimming of native linden tree
November 06, 2008
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants, My huge beautiful linden tree was just way over trimmed. It is planted near the house, so they cut most of the branches on that side all the way back to the trunk. I now have...
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Names of native plants in Garland, Texas
October 31, 2008
We are building a new Assisted Living & Memory Care community in Garland Texas. We typically name the different floor plans after trees, plants or flowers indigenous or native to the area. Can you pr...
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Proper time of year to plant evergreens in New York
October 25, 2008
Dear Smarty Plants, Is it too late to plant evergreen Thuja, blue spruce and firs in Cleveland, New York? Vicki
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Knots growing on Arizona Ash in Richmond, TX
October 23, 2008
I have three Arizona Ash trees around my house the trunks are at least 15" in diameter. One of the three has at least 25 large knots growing on its trunk, some maybe 6-8" in size. What are they? Are...
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Transplanting a native Texas Persimmon in Austin
October 18, 2008
I have a Texas Persimmon, approx. 2.5 feet tall, growing in a 5 gal. pot. When should it be transplanted and where? How much sun? Could it grow in a larger pot for a time> Do deer like it? Thank ...
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