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Native trees for small backyard in California
May 28, 2008
I have a small backyard and very close to my neighbor. I want to plant trees that grow 15/20 high that can work as a screen although I have to be very careful with invasive roots. Also I have two sma...
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Placement of lemon cypress tree in Miami, FL
May 25, 2008
Where is the best place to have a lemon cypress tree? indoors or out? Presently in south Miami climate, Scott's potting soil, clay pot, with good drainage.
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Mountain ash seedlings in Yorkshire, England
May 25, 2008
Is there any way I can stop Mountain Ash from seeding in my garden. This year in particular, I am absolutely overrun with the seedlings and once they get a hold they are difficult to remove.
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Evergreen groundcover under pine tree in NY
May 23, 2008
Hello! I live in upstate NY. I'm trying to find an evergreen ground cover to plant under a pine tree. I believe it's a white spruce (but I'm not postive). I've read conflicting information reg...
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Citrus trees for Austin
May 21, 2008
I am looking for citrus that grows in the Austin,Tx area. Could you offer any suggestions please?
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Care of lemon cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa)
May 17, 2008
How do I grow the lemon cypress in zone 7? I bought one today at Home Depot in Granbury,TX. It had no information. Should I put it in the shade or sun?
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Place to purchase Texas Madrone tree
May 15, 2008
Where can I purchase a Texas Madrone Tree to plant in my yard?
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Small tree to plant with high bush blueberry plants
May 13, 2008
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants, I have four wonderful new highbush blueberry plants. I like to plant a native tree nearby to accent them, but cannot find a suitable one. I'd like a tree that is not going ...
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Natural lifespan of wild plum trees
May 12, 2008
We have a small border of Wild Plum Trees in our yard. Every year it seem that one or two of the biggest trees die. Do they have a specific life span? We transplanted the trees/bushes from the panh...
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Mountain laurel with new leaves or new seed pods
May 11, 2008
Each spring, my Texas Mountain Laurel seems to put new leaves only on selected branches (actually trunks), and put on seed pods on other trunks. It seems to be mutually exclusive: trunks with new seed...
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Healthy black walnut trees from volunteer saplings
May 07, 2008
We just purchased a piece of property in the Texas Hill Country. There is a stump of a large black walnut tree that has four healthy looking samplings shooting up. Each is about 10 feet high. The o...
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Tree for New Jersey shore
May 02, 2008
I'm looking for a small tree (max. 15 ft. with small spread) that will tolerate salt spray, wind, and full sun at the NJ shore. There is no protection in this location.
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Trees that are non-toxic for horses
May 02, 2008
I live in Ponder, Tx. We have some acreage and horses and wish to plant trees to afford some shade for the horses. Can you tell me what trees are toxic to horses.
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Fast-growing native trees that are safe for horses
April 30, 2008
What trees can I plant that are fast growing for shade and, most importantly, safe for horses?
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Repairing damage to Anacacho Orchid Tree in Austin
April 30, 2008
Hi You Guys!! We have an understory Anacacho Orchid Tree in the front and my sweetie was trimming the big oak and dropped a branch down, splitting one of the large branches off the Anacacho. The wou...
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Information about FanTex ash.
April 29, 2008
I live in central Texas and recenty planted Fan-tex ash trees thinking that they were similar to the native Texas ash. I am beginning to beleive that this tree has more in common with the Arizona ash...
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Failure of older branches on Bauhinia lunarioides to thrive
April 27, 2008
We planted a sapling of the Anacacho Orchid Tree (Bauhinia lunarioides) winter (Jan, Feb?) and now it has leaves and blooms - but only off of new branches near its trunk, as the old branches haven't ...
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Eco-friendly trees for parks in Brownsville, TX
April 26, 2008
Which are the best eco friendly trees for parks?
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Mountain Laurel growing in East Texas
April 24, 2008
I found a plant that looks like a Texas Mountain Laurel growing wild on a fenceline in east texas, near Canton. It is a small shrub/tree and has flowers like wisteria. It has "hairy" stems, they ar...
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Clipping of beans from newly planted Tecoma stans
April 22, 2008
I purchased a Esperanza Plant in a pot from a nursery in April of 2008. We planted it and it is doing fine, but came with blooms and beans. Do I need to do clip or prune the beans at this stage of g...
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What can be planted under a pine tree in Detroit, MI?
April 22, 2008
What type of plant would you suggest I plant under my big (Blue bruce) pine tree? It's about 25 ft high and the branches are trimmed to about 4 feet up, so it does get some light but mostly shade.I a...
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Water-loving evergreen for Chicago
April 21, 2008
Is there a water loving evergreen that will do well in the Chicago weather?
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Problems with sophora secundiflora
April 19, 2008
My mountain laurel is looking bad. It has lost of its leaves, especially on the lower part of the tree (it's about 7 feet tall) and many of the remaining ones don't look good - they are curled up an...
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Shoots sprouting around base of liveoak tree
April 18, 2008
I have a Live Oak that was planted in my yard about 15 years ago. In the last several years, small shoots have been sprouting up around the tree base, are getting more dense and spreading into the gr...
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Treatment of black mildew on magnolia
April 17, 2008
I think my magnolia has black mildew. How do I treat it?
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