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1,017 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Deer resistant, Shaded Privacy Hedge for Wakefield RI
September 12, 2013
We recently removed the dead undergrowth of white pines that were used for privacy. We need advice as to what type of evergreen would be suitable for growth beneath the branches above. It is VERY shad...
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Maintenance of milkweed from Austin
September 12, 2013
I help plant and maintain a Monarch Waystation Garden in San Leanna, Texas (South Austin). Should milkweed plants be cut back during the winter? Last year we cut them back a bit late and some died c...
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Starting shade-tolerant ground covers in New York
September 10, 2013
Hi, I have seen some of the posts for shade-tolerant ground cover on the east end of Long Island and my question is process related. Now that I've identified the grasses/plants I need to keep my fro...
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Opinion of 5 best native garden plants in Oklahoma from Burneyville OK
September 07, 2013
What would you say are the 3 to 5 BEST native garden plants for south central Oklahoma?
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Propagation of Limonium limbatum
September 04, 2013
I have a Limonium limbatum but do not know how to propagate the plant. Can you help with this?
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Riverbank Plants for Minnesota
September 04, 2013
I would like to stablize a steep riverbank slope along the Upper Mississippi in St. Cloud MN. The slopes are almost 1:1. We are using an open cell concrete matt in which we are going to plant native...
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What to do with 200 yucca seedlings in Sandusky, OH?
August 31, 2013
I have over two hundred 3 month old yucca seedlings from my last yr. Yucca plants. I soaked the the seeds for 24 hrs. planted them in trays and now they are abt. 2 inch tall. My question is, should I ...
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Use of cedar/juniper mulch in wildflower meadows
August 31, 2013
What to do with freshly shredded cedar/juniper mulch? We have a pile of freshly ground cedar mulch that we can either keep in a large pile until it has composted(but the neighbors are complaining), or...
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Wintering Purple Coneflowers in pots in Springfield MO
August 26, 2013
I have some 8 month old purple cone flowers in containers on my porch. They did not bloom this summer because they were seedlings when given to me. I can not put them in the ground. How can I keep the...
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Propagation of cardinal flower with variegated leaves from Wakefield RI
August 21, 2013
I purchased cardinal flower seeds from the Brandywine museum & have had great success for over a decade. Recently I spotted one cardinal flower with variegated leaves. Is this a plant worth propagatin...
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Plants for a Septic Field in NC
August 14, 2013
What kinds of low water plants can I plant over a new septic field in North Carolina? The area is part sun so I am concerned about having trouble getting grass started.
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Salt tolerant plants for shade on tidal inlet in NY
August 11, 2013
Are there any salt water tolerant grasses or forbs with deep roots that grow in shade? I live on a tidal inlet/canal on Long Island NY. The southern bank has cedars and oaks but the soil is eroding ...
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Plant Identification from Pearland TX
August 10, 2013
I am looking for a native plant; was told it was called Hummingbird Weed. Came from Coryell County. I let mine freeze and cannot find more. It has long spikes with small red trumpet-shaped blooms on ...
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Growing conditions for Giant Coneflower from San Antonio
August 09, 2013
Rudbeckia maxima is considered to be a perennial plant for the sun but I have had a difficult time maintaining it in a pot in full sun before attempting to plant. Do you feel that it will survive and...
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Cold stratification of Rudbeckcia maxima from Birdeye AR
August 08, 2013
How long do I cold stratify Rudbeckia maxima seeds that I wild harvested? Can I put them in the freezer instead of fridge? Do I need to make sure they are completely dry before cold strat?
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Soils for spiderwort from Round Rock TX
August 08, 2013
We have spiderworts growing naturally in our backyard. We put a large circle around them them with limestone rock (as our beds have) to make their own bed as they clumped in one area. What kind of s...
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Gregg's Mistflower stressed in Fredericksburg TX
August 07, 2013
My Gregg's Mist Flower plants are very stressed. The blooms have turned brown and the leaves are drooping. Plants are receiving moderate sun, partial shade. Do they need daily watering this time o...
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Invasive native blackeyed susans from Warren OH
August 07, 2013
In our demo garden we master gardeners in NE Ohio have been unable to get rid of black-eyed susans which have, like the other person, prevented or "killed" the other perennial plants. They are spre...
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Hillside Erosion Control for Gainesville GA
August 07, 2013
I have a steep bare hill and the runoff from it is heavy this year. I need help with a fast growing groundcover that will help control erosion and runoff. Planting on the hill is difficult because you...
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Erosion tolerant plants for shade from Kerrville TX
August 06, 2013
We have just cleared a lot of cedar out of a small draw and would like to know the best groundcovers, shrubs, etc. to plant to hold the soil. Deep shade most of the day.
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Cutting Gardens from Charlotte, NC
July 30, 2013
I want to plant a year-round picking garden for flowers to bring into my home. I want to look at landscape plans in lieu of throwing down wildflower seeds. Can you suggest a few websites for ideas?
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Ground cover for shady area in north Texas
July 29, 2013
I'm looking for a ground cover for a mostly shady area where St. Augustine won't grow. I don't want the ground cover to overtake my established St. Augustine in the rest of the yard. The area is un...
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Plants for freestanding water in Oklahoma
July 28, 2013
I have an overflowing gutter and the ground below becomes a muddy hole. I'd like to put a basin or pot in/or above the ground with a rain chain. Are there any plants--shrubs or otherwise that flouris...
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Effects or insecticide on Monarch butterflies
July 28, 2013
Thank you for fielding questions about plants!! Our nursery just informed us that their milkweed grower was using imidacloprid in their milkweed production. As a follow up to the question already in...
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Plants for hanging flower boxes from Austin
July 27, 2013
I have two long flower boxes 17" x 15" x 25 feet long one on the north side of the apt and one on the south made of metal suspended about four feet from the ground. One will get the morning sun and ...
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