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1,358 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Non-native crape myrtle resistance to deer from Annapolis MD
April 06, 2013
Is Crape Myrtle tree resistant to deers? Thank you.
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Landscaper recommends non-native zoysia in Austin
April 05, 2013
My landscaper recommends using "zoysia" grass throughout my new lawn, in full shade, partly shaded, and non-shaded areas, including in the gaps between leuder stone walks. I haven't heard about th...
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Space between trees from Blythewood SC
April 05, 2013
I'm planting 4 green giants in a back corner of my yard. I also have a kumquat tree to plant. I have somewhat limited space. What is the minimum spacing between the four green giants and the green gi...
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Pruning of non-native Senna bicapsularis from Ocean Springs MS
April 04, 2013
I have 4 Senna plants (cassia bicapsularis) that I planted late last spring. They about 3-4 feet tall but are very gangly with leaves at or near the tips only. How should I prune them to encourage g...
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Identity of plant at funeral that smells similar to honeysuckle
April 04, 2013
What plant or flower smells similar to honeysuckle? I live in Ohio and I smelled some kind of flower or plant at a friends funeral last spring that smelled similar to honeysuckle. It was...
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Dietes bicolor invasive from Brisbane Australia
April 01, 2013
We have dietes bicolor growing in our garden. I am changing the type of garden and cannot seem to kill it. I've dugged it out, spent too many weekends pulling out every new shoot, used poison, but t...
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Will corn fall victim to allelopathy from hackberry in Clarkridge AR
March 30, 2013
Will my corn be inhibited by a nearby hackberry and if so would it help to cut it down? I understand that sometimes the soil is full of the chemicals the tree produces.
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Planting petunias around base of oak tree from Houma LA
March 30, 2013
I live in south Louisiana and I want to plant petunias. Can I plant petunias around the base of an oak tree?
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Non-native dwarf palm leaves yellowing in Katy TX
March 30, 2013
1 month ago we planted dwarf palms, the leaves are turning yellow, does this mean we are over watering them? If so how much water do they require? Is there anything we can give them? We also have a fa...
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Apples, pears and geraniums in Kipling, Saskatchewan
March 30, 2013
My geranium's leaves became yellow - Why? Where can I buy a good nice apple tree? Will apples and pears grow in south Saskatchewan?
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Death of non-native eleaegnus from Austin
March 30, 2013
We have a long hedge of elaeagnus, about 5 ft tall. Four of them died in the middle of the hedge. Where can we find such big plants? Is it advisable to unroot and transplant from another area?
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Death of lantana in Bryan TX
March 28, 2013
I would like to know what killed several new gold lantana in a single bed that died over the winter. They looked quite healthy last fall. I have several other new gold lantana that survived the wint...
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Will non-native and invasive Mexican petunias grow under oak trees from St. Augustine FL
March 24, 2013
Will Mexican Petunias grow under an Oak tree?
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Deer resistant plants for Trinity, TX
March 23, 2013
I need a list of deer resistant flowers, herbs and plants that would could be planted in Trinity, Texas.
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Erosion control in Spicewood TX
March 20, 2013
I am from a small community along the Colorado River a few miles East of Marble Falls. We are looking for a ground cover/grass to prevent erosion on on our beach front. We had planned to use Bermuda G...
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Habiturf for Round Rock TX
March 17, 2013
Topic Habiturf. We have just aerated our lawn. We were planning on throwing out bermudagrass seed. We already have bermudagrass as well as many weeds in the lawn especially the blue stem clump grass w...
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Supplier for non-native Norfolk Pine to East Texas
March 17, 2013
I would like to buy a Norfolk Pine Tree for my uncle who lives 90 miles east of Dallas, Texas. He saw my Norfolk Pine tree in CA which is 30 to 40 ft. tall. Where can I find a company that will ship...
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Drought resistance of non-native Abelia from Austin
March 14, 2013
Are abelias drought resistant? I have a spot that is sunny from early morning till about 2-2:30 in the afternoon. Is this enough sun?
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Native vs Non-native Insect Host Plants
March 14, 2013
My understanding of a host plant is that it is a plant that an insect will lay its eggs on. Is this correct? If this is so then can a cultivar be a host plant for the same insect? I have read Mr. Doug...
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How to tell the difference between native and non-native thistles
March 13, 2013
It's thistle time already. There are many plants in the aster family with thistle in their common name. Are "real" thistles only those in the genus Cirsium, or are there others as well? We are tryi...
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Fruit on Jasmines
March 13, 2013
My jasmines have grown some small purple fruits and she is about to get her full bloom soon. Should I cut them off to help the plants out? What are they?
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Edibility of non-native garlic sprouts from Brancburg, NJ
March 12, 2013
I have regular garlic in my refrigerator. It had sprouts growing out of it so I put it in a cup of water. Now that the stems are large enough to put in food, my question is.. Is that part of the garl...
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Flowering landscape plants for Montgomery TX
March 07, 2013
Hello I live in Montgomery TX. I am looking for low growing evergreen flowering plants for the front of my three deep beds. The first plant closest to the foundation is loropetalum, then I have a blue...
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Care for non-native Centipede grass
February 27, 2013
My lawn is Centipede. I have created a new lawn area. Can and when should I seed/overseed my lawn? I have Rye in the new area.
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Removing a non-native windmill palm from Austin
February 27, 2013
I have a fairly good size windmill palm (about 15ft high) that is planted too close to the house. I also don't like having to constantly remove its fronds as they block a walkway. Is there a good wa...
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