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Need plants beneficial or attractive to bees in Dripping Springs, TX
January 27, 2014
Can you provide a specific list of plants beneficial or attractive to honey bees in the Texas Hill Country (we raise bees in Dripping Springs, TX.) Thanks.
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January good time to plant live oak in January from Manor TX
January 19, 2014
I want to plant a Live Oak in January. Is this a good time to plant it?
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A Native Tree for Ardmore PA
January 15, 2014
I am looking to plant a native tree in my back yard. The yard is small and gets mostly afternoon sun. Thank you
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Problems with non-native citrus trees from Mesa AZ
January 13, 2014
We have one valencia orange tree and one naval orange tree in our Mesa, AZ yard. Just noticed some oranges on both trees have a 1/4 inch diameter hole through the skin and the orange fruit and skin a...
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Natural privacy hedge for Kyle Texas
January 06, 2014
I am looking to make a natural privacy screen in the Kyle Texas area. I am being pointed towards Leyland Cypress by some and told to shy away from this tree by others. I found Green Giant Arborvitae a...
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Thoughts on non-native Italian Cypress in Austin
January 01, 2014
I would like to know your thoughts on growing Italian Cypress trees in Austin Texas? We are looking to create a privacy screen(and prepared to pay more for mature trees to cut down the wait to grow...
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Fruiting times of native trees and shrubs in the Pacific Norhwest
December 30, 2013
I am looking for information on fruiting/seeds/nuts times of native trees and shrubs in the Pacific Northwest. Obviously they fruit after they bloom but all I can find is very general information such...
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Trees failing to prosper from Denham Spring LA
December 23, 2013
I live in Louisiana. Out of all of the native trees that we grow, there are two in particular that always struggle no matter what the conditions are in which they grow. The first one, sassafras, is ...
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Are leaf margins of Chilopsis linearis toothed from Austin
December 22, 2013
Are the leaf margins of Chilopsis linearis, Desert Willow, smooth or toothed? The NPIN descrip says willow-like. Most willows have toothed leaf margins. Thank you.
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Need a native pine tree for Austin, TX.
December 21, 2013
Is there a native pine tree that you would recommend for the Austin, Texas area? We're considering the Colorado pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) or the Papershell pinyon (Pinus remota)? Would either of the...
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Galls on live oak tree in Austin
December 12, 2013
I live in Austin, and have a 13 year old live oak in my yard. It has developed little spheres, kind of like green peas, on the underside of the leaves. What is it? Is it harmful? Is there somethin...
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Live oaks lifting up sidewalks in Palm Coast FL
December 12, 2013
My live oak trees roots are lifting up my side walks. Can I cut just the roots that are causing the problem without hurting the trees? Thank you.
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Pruning lower branches of Cordia Boissieri from San Antonio
December 08, 2013
My Texas Wild Olive Tree is about 6 feet high now. I bought it at the 2012 plant sale. This past summer it put on new branches near the base of the tree which I would like to cut off (to encourage u...
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Growing Dwarf Yaupon Holly in Texas
December 04, 2013
We planted 10 extra dwarf yaupons in our Austin front yard. They were identified as 'Gremici' dwarf yaupon. I googled them to get more information about them in order to determine why five have di...
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Wildlife and bird friendly hedgerow for Chicago suburb
November 30, 2013
Want to plant a wildlife/bird friendly hedgerow in suburban Chicago. Looking for a recommended mix of understory trees as well a shrubs and grasses. Site is part shade with average to wet soil and tr...
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Fruit trees for Kempner, Texas
November 29, 2013
I just moved to Kempner , TX and would like to plant a couple of fruit trees in my 1 1/4 ac yard. I would like to plant a species that will do well and produce edible fruit. Any assistance will be app...
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Pruning Roughleaf dogwood
November 28, 2013
We put 5 rough-leaf dogwoods along our side deck; having been told (by the local, natural plant seller) that they would reach a maximum height of 6 feet. They have grown taller than that (despite som...
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Is a wasp colony in hollow in my oak tree harming it?
November 26, 2013
I have wasps colonizing a hollow portion of a live oak here in my backyard in Austin ten feet from my backdoor. They are yellow and black banded, maybe an inch long. Two questions: 1. Are they hurt...
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Frost protection for non-native citrus trees from Austin
November 24, 2013
With ice predicted, should I pick citrus, lemons, limes, satsumas that are not quite ready?
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Is post oak resistant to oak wilt from Dallas TX
November 22, 2013
I am confused. The NPIN website says that Post Oak IS susceptible to oak wilt, but all the other information I have been able to find says that it is resistant to oak wilt and rarely gets the diesase....
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Incorrectly planted anacua from San Antonio
November 22, 2013
I purchased a 12' anacua tree from a local nursery about 18 months ago. It was not planted correctly (root bound, rolled into a hole about 3" larger than the pot) but is still alive with the number...
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Abundance of acorns from Wimberley TX
November 22, 2013
We have lived in Wimberley since 1999 and this is the first time we have had such a huge abundance of acorns on our Oak trees, which is surprising considering the drought we have been in the last few ...
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Need a shade tree to plant in Houston, TX
November 18, 2013
Hi, i'm looking for a shade tree to plant on the southwest side of our house, both to make our backyard more enjoyable and to improve energy efficiency. We really like Live Oaks, but they just take t...
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Tree removal from Austin
November 18, 2013
Unfortunately we need to cut down a Spanish oak (11" diameter, over 50 feet tall) that is leaning against our upper story deck (if it falls, the roof, deck, and steel supports may be crushed). A lim...
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Young pecan trees with leaf and branch problems from Gatesville TX
November 18, 2013
I have a young pecan tree that had very rapidly browning Leaves. They became brittle and so did the branches with affected leaves. The branches soon fell off. We treated with fungicide during that pro...
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