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536 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Pollination of blackberries in Lake Winnebago, MO
May 27, 2010
Not sure if blackberries are native, but my daughter got a start of one at a plant exchange at the nature center. Do we need more than one for it to pollinate correctly? We have strawberries growing i...
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Texas mail order nurseries for perennials from Centennial CO
May 27, 2010
Can you advise Texas mail order nurseries for perennials?
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When is it safe to mow wildflowers in Castroville, TX?
May 26, 2010
Hi Mr. Smarty Plants, My yard in Castroville, TX sprouted many wildflowers early in April. By now the Blue Bonnets are seeded and gone. However, I still have a lot of Mexican Blankets. My husba...
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Propagating Texas Mountain Laurel by seed from Tucson AZ
May 20, 2010
Propagation of Texas Mountain Laurel from seed
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Grafting edible plums onto Cherry Laurel in Austin
May 18, 2010
Grafting edible plums onto Cherry Laurel - possible? Insane? What? Could I do that? Could I graft, say, Green Gage Plum, or Mexican Plum, or Saturn Peach, on a Cherry Laurel and have any success? I ha...
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Problems with Shumard oak in San Antonio
May 18, 2010
Hello. I live in San Antonio and Have a question about a Shumard Red Oak. It's growing at an average pace, seems a little more vigorous this year. It's a nice tree with great fall colors. HOWEVER, w...
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Transplanting and grafting pecan in Granbury TX
May 18, 2010
I found several native pecans on my property this spring. Apparently they grew from nuts buried by squirrels. I put small protective fences around them and plan to dig and move them (bare root) next...
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How to tell the girls from the boys in wax myrtles (Morella cerifera)
May 14, 2010
How would I be able to identify whether my wax myrtles are male or female plants? I was given two plants last fall (that came from a family members back yard) and the person who gave them to me didn'...
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Non-blooming or fruiting Oregon grape holly in Elmhurst IL
May 14, 2010
I have an Oregon grape holly bush that has never bloomed and has never had fruit. I have had the bush for at least 6 years, it is approximately 5 ft tall. Have had no problems, just no flowers/fruit....
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Should a bloom stalk be cut down in Yuma AZ?
May 07, 2010
I have a plant in my front yard that looks like an aloe vera. It doesn't have any thorns or needles but does have a tall stalk like stem coming from the middle of it. The "stalk" is now approx. 5'...
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How and when to harvest bluebonnets.
April 30, 2010
A previous answer mentioned harvesting bluebonnet seeds by pulling up the whole plant when the seed pods turn brown. Two clarifications - when do the seed pods turn brown as these plants are hard to ...
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Taking a cutting from Niagara grape in Warfordsburg PA
April 27, 2010
How do I take a cutting from a Niagara grape plant, and then re-plant that cutting?
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200 year old white oak with no acorns in Oregon City OR
April 26, 2010
We have a white oak tree in our yard that is about 200 yrs old. We have lived in the house for 30+ years, and have never seen an acorn. We have had it pruned by an arborist, who said it is in good...
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Adventitious sprouts on oak tree in Austin
April 26, 2010
Hello, I have an Oak tree which was planted in about 2002, which has adventitious sprouts. The tree has always sent these up, and we cut them off below ground. The tree has always been a 'runt', b...
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Rooting house plants
April 22, 2010
Hello Mr SP: I've had Philodendron house plants (many) for years now, because they're easy to grow & that's about my style. Years ago I tried to grow a new plant from a cutting off of one, but it...
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Compact possumhaw holly for Plano TX
April 19, 2010
What variety of possumhaw holly would be best planted close to a house? I'm looking for a variety 15-25 feet, as compact as possible. Any suggestions?
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Propagation of Jack in the Pulpit in Lansing MI
April 18, 2010
I just received some Jack in The Pulpit corms. Which way is up; does the pointy thing go up or down? Thank you.
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Moving milkweed to another location in Maine, NY
April 15, 2010
I live in up-state New York. I have a 'patch' of milkweed growing where I don't really want it to grow - but have left it because the butterflies and bees love it. I would like it to grow in my ba...
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Plants that will grow under a magnolia tree.
April 14, 2010
We live in California near San Diego and have a Magnolia Tree. We have tried to plant many types of flowers around the tree only to have them die. Is there a particular type of plant that we should ...
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Spanish Dagger plant interfering with walkway in Ingram TX
April 09, 2010
I have a Spanish Dagger that is now 8 feet tall and about to fall over in a walkway. Due to the danger of these very sharp tips I need to either cut down the plant or try to root in and replant. If ...
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How to grow milkweeds (Asclepias spp.) for monarch butterflies
March 31, 2010
I tried and tried and tried to grow Asclepias viridis, A. asperula and even A. oenotheroides from seeds and even tubers for fourteen years! Do you have advice for growing these and other milkweed plan...
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Time to plant echinacea seeds in Austin
March 28, 2010
When should I plant echinacea seeds in Austin?
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Propagation of Lime Prickly Ash in Austin
March 22, 2010
We found only one small what we think is Zanthoxylum fagara or Lime Prickly Ash, Colima on our 8 acres, and the deer had apparently recently broken the main stem. I quickly made 6 or 7 cuttings, dippe...
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Time to mulch without inhibiting seeds in Hitchcock, TX
March 17, 2010
When would be the best time of year to put down mulch, if I want my native plants to re-seed? I don't want to bury the seed under mulch layers or new dirt. Thank you.
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What kind of alcohol to use with Passiflora seeds?
March 12, 2010
Hi, I read a question and answer related to gernmination of passiflora incarnata. You recommended a 5% alcohol/water solution to soak the seeds prior to sowing. I just want to make sure that you are...
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