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517 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Plant identification of vine in Ohio
September 21, 2010
I have a vine in my forest that grows up trees, that could eventually pull them over. It has roundleaves and prickers on the stem. What is this vine so I can research it?
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Identification of vine in California
September 19, 2010
Recently a volunteer vine appeared along a fence line in my yard. It has grown rapidly, has small, vaguely heart-shaped leaves, tendrils to climb with and tiny yellow flowers. As the flower fades a fr...
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Need a vine to cover a 8' cinder block wall in Fullerton, CA.
August 23, 2010
Hi- I have a 8' cinder block wall that gets full sun, and need to find either a flowering shrub that would cover, or a vine that wouldn't be to hard to manage, or would not need to use a trellis....
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Jelly from wild grapes with a few peppervine berries from Dunnellon FL
August 20, 2010
Thank you for your quick response to my question. Due to your answer, I am going to make jelly from this juice.
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Propagation of trumpet vines from Dallas
August 19, 2010
Can you tell me about trumpet vines, can they be rooted in water? I heard they reseed at the end of their growing season.
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Peppervine fruit in wild grapes for jelly from Dunnellon FL
August 19, 2010
We picked some wild grapes for making jelly. We have about 8 cups of juice. We think about 4 or 5 berries from the Peppervine might have gotten in with the wild grapes. Is this enough to make the ...
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Need some information about wild native grapes in Gatlinburg, TN.
August 13, 2010
We have some wild grapevines growing on a southern exposure eroded bank. They are providing assistance in reducing erosion with rapid growth. Do these plants develop ground contact as they grow? In...
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Plant ID of growth on wild grape vine in New Bern NC
August 08, 2010
There are purplish cone-shaped things growing on my wild grape vine. What are they?
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Mystery vine in Marlboro NJ
August 05, 2010
I have a patch in my backyard where we planted pumpkins last year but it does not look like pumpkin vines to me. The vine is smooth and the leaves are long and oval that come to a point. There are s...
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Vines for fence in Gatesville, Texas
July 26, 2010
Dear Mr Smarty Plants, My wife and I are looking for a nice vine or Ivy for our chain link fence to add a little privacy. We have 4 dogs that bark at anything that moves. We live in Gatesville Tex...
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Fast-growing vine for cinder block wall in Albuquerque
July 26, 2010
I live in Albuquerque, N.M. and have a cement/cinder block wall and was wondering if there is a vine I can plant which will be easy to grow, grow fast and cover my wall without any type of help like a...
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Allergic reaction from vine in St. George Island, FL
July 24, 2010
In the panhandle of Florida, we have a vine that looks like a blackberry vine. Seems to be poisonous. It has thorns that are dark purple and leaves a blistery, itchy rash. The leaves are green and ruf...
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Vines for Austin, Texas
July 23, 2010
I have heavy clay soil that is very wet during rainy season. I would like to plant climbing, blooming native. Crossvine and trumpet creeper are doing well but need another vine for an area that gets f...
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Rash from non-native potato vines
July 21, 2010
Here in No. CA we have two potato vines that over the last 5-6 years have flourished gloriously. Just this year, we went to prune them (as we normally do once or twice a year), and both my husband an...
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Evergreen vine for San Diego, California
July 11, 2010
I am looking for an evergreen (San Diego) vine to grow on a newly constructed trellis. Its 12' tall by 8' wide and is on the North side of the house. That area seems to only get sun June and July ...
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Are vines harmful to bricks and mortar?
July 09, 2010
I am really fond of native vines such as crossvine, coral honeysuckle, American wisteria and carolina jessamine. I love the look of vines on walls and I would like to add this to a landscape design. ...
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Plant identification--vine with spiny pods in California
July 05, 2010
I came across a vine while hiking in Orange County, CA. It didn't have flowers on it but has 3 or 4 inch spiny pods. What is it? The vine itself looks similar to a Morning Glory vine.
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Identification of vine with gourd-like fruit
June 30, 2010
We live on a farm, and I have noticed a vine that has leaves like grapes, but produces this flower, and a fruit that is rather large, shaped like a gourd, right now green in color. It is growing over ...
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Native Vines for Pacific Northwest
June 30, 2010
Hello, I recently built a shed/pen for my large dog. I have a trellis horizontal above the fence to hide the shed from street. I live in Pacific NW. Do you have any suggestions on a nontoxic evergr...
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Native evergreen vine for St. Paul MN
June 17, 2010
I am looking for a native vine that will stay green, or at least keep its leaves, throughout the winter. The vine will be grown on a trellis between our house and our neighbor's, and we want to keep...
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Will wisteria grow in LaQuinta CA?
June 13, 2010
I have moved to the desert, near Palm Springs, CA from Omaha NE where I was an avid gardener. I would like to know if wisteria will grow in this environment, with temps up to 120 several weeks each su...
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Care for large trumpet vine in Hugo MN
June 09, 2010
I was recently given a large Trumpet vine that has been growing in the same place for the last 25 years.I have replanted it and given it a large trellis to grow on.I live in central Minnesota. My ques...
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Flowering vine for trellis behind fountain in Anaheim Hills CA
June 05, 2010
We are looking for a flowering vine to plant on a trellis surrounding a water fountain. The fountain splashes leaving the soil constantly wet. We have tried numerous vines, but they all die due to t...
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Plant to hang over and cover a wall
May 21, 2010
HI! this is a stumper for me! I have a 6 foot wall bracing a hill on one side and a lawn on the other. It is currently cement and I would like to find something to cover it --evergreen would be the...
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Trumpet vines on wall in Longmont CO
May 18, 2010
I purchased three trumpet vines to plant on the NW wall of my house back in 2002. Although the leaves are a beautiful healthy dark green, none of them have ever bloomed despite regular fertilizing pe...
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