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Request for native grasses from Hillsboro TX
August 04, 2012
P.S. I forgot to mention one very important fact: my neighbor specifically asked for "native grass" recommendations. He thought he was getting a native grass recommendation.
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Distinguishing American from Chinese beautyberry from Huntsville AL
August 03, 2012
How can I tell American beautyberry from Chinese beautyberry when trying to purchase strictly native plants?
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Why are invasive, non-natives being sold from Hillsboro TX
August 03, 2012
Why are nurseries allowed to grow and sell seed from invasive non-native plants like: johnson grass, bermuda grass, and king ranch bluestem? Many times when I contact a nursery or seed distributor as...
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Care for non-native Plumeria from Concord NC
August 01, 2012
I have had my plumeria plant for the past 5 to 7 years. It is a pot plant and I live in North Carolina, I take the pot inside in he winter time. The leaves fall off, in the spring after the last fro...
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Non-native crape myrtles in Noblesville IN
August 01, 2012
Can Crepe Myrtle trees be grown in Noblesville IN 46060? I believe we are zone five.
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Crape myrtle in Austin
August 01, 2012
Please don't bother to answer my question about how to treat a crepe myrtle with sticky stuff falling from it. I just found the answer on your site. Good site, by the way.
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Sticky stuff dripping from non-native crape myrtle in Austin
August 01, 2012
There is sticky sap-like stuff dropping from the very large crepe myrtle in my yard. The tree has quit blooming. This didn't happen last year when it was so dry; it started after we had all the rain ...
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Non-native gardenias in Southampton Ontario
July 31, 2012
I purchased 3 gardenias this year for the garden. Now I'm told that I can't leave them out all year round here in mid/western Ontario. Is this true, and if so, how do I keep them over the winter i...
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Removing faded flowers from plants in Georgetown, DE
July 28, 2012
I bought a chamase rose quartz that was in bloom. now the buds are dead, should i remove them or just leave them on the plant. they wont just fall off. and the tips of the plant has new growth.
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Is Gooseneck native from Cleveland Heights OH
July 20, 2012
I live in Cleveland Heights, OH, and have an abundance of gooseneck in my yard. Is it a native plant? Thank you!
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Ground cover for Central California from Concord CA
July 19, 2012
I live in a part of California where the summers can be very hot and dry but quite cool and wet during the rainy seasons in the wintertime. The soil around my home is very dry, rocky and infertile. I...
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Problems for non-native St. Augustine grass from Little Rock AR
July 18, 2012
We sodded St. Augustine grass four weeks ago. For the first three weeks we had no rain and temperatures over 100 degrees. We have watered 20 minutes twice a day since installation. There are brown pat...
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Non-native, invasive peanut butter tree from Canby, OR
July 17, 2012
I too have a peanut butter tree with the pink and white blooms, its about 5 years old and is beautiful, but 2 weeks ago it started wilting and losing all its leaves, I am afraid it is dying. Can I sav...
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What purple mushrooms grow in Texas from McKinney TX
July 14, 2012
What purple mushrooms grow in North Texas?
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Something eating cannas in Austin
July 14, 2012
What is eating my cannas?
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Differences between Lantana urticoides and Lantana camara
July 13, 2012
I have found an orange variety of lantana growning in several location in Jefferson County. Is there any way I can tell for sure if it is L. camara or the native L. urticoides?
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Lookink for bulbs of German Blue Bells in Weatherford, TX.
July 09, 2012
I am searching for a plant that is called "German Blue Bells". They are tubular as seed. Like tiny iris only bands around the tubular. The flower looks like a morning glory with an off set bloom....
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Hybrid Campsis radicans 'Madame Rosy' from Medina OH
July 07, 2012
I have a Madame Rosy Campsis that is not blooming. We purchased and planted it last year, mid-summer and it did well for the remainder of the season but this year...nothing but green leaves........wh...
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Dwarf oyster plant dying in Sunrise FL
July 06, 2012
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Non-native Lavender Problem in Austin, TX
July 05, 2012
I am having a problem with two of my lavender plants and was hoping I could send a photo of each to get your opinion. I've been growing rosemary and lavender successfully for quite sometime and am aw...
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Flower with spike of yellow flowers with hairy purple filaments
July 03, 2012
Fuzzy purple stamens! I can't find this plant identified anywhere. Blooms abt 1" or a little more across. 5 yellow petals, 5 sepals, & 5 stamens with yellow anthers, & the filaments are covered wi...
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Replacing yellow bells with hibiscus from San Antonio
July 03, 2012
Help! Will the roots of the yellow bells keep sprouting if I've removed the shrub? I'm replacing it with a hibiscus shrub. Will it do well in the same spot where the yellow bells were?
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California plants poisonous to dogs from Sacramento
July 01, 2012
Found dodonea viscosa purple. Is it poisonous to dogs? Also Gold Star Potentilla. Going drought tolerant and need small trees, shrubs and plants not poisonous to dogs for sun and partial sun.
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Application of sprays to non-native Crape Myrtle from Prosper TX
June 29, 2012
Can applying a systemic insecticide/fungicide combo prevent or limit Crape Myrtle blooms? I have 5 large lavender Crapes that are not blooming or budding yet and this is the first time I have used a ...
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a source for fruitless olive (non-native) trees
June 29, 2012
I was given a "mexican olive" several years ago which is doing very well. This one is non-fruiting and I would like to have another that is non-fruiting but cannot find one. Cordia boissieri see...
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