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1,358 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Non-native Jerusalem Sage from Comfort TX
May 31, 2012
I live in Comfort, TX. I have 3 Jerusalem sage plants that bloom beautifully each year. However, just the past week one has started turning yellow and brown. The leaves look withered and ready to die....
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Keeping non-native invasive bermudagrass out of yard in Austin
May 30, 2012
My neighbor just sodded a huge lawn with Bermuda Celebration. I don't want it coming into my St. Augustine. From what I've read on your site and others, I need a deep barrier. Has anyone tried pu...
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Digging wild buttercup from roadside in Mechanicsville MD
May 28, 2012
Mr. Smarty Plants, is it illegal to dig out wild buttercup in Maryland? I see them along the dirt road or just in the ditch. Since buttercup considered weed, I'm wondering what the law say about this...
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Oak trees shedding leaves in Denton TX
May 27, 2012
In Denton, TX we have two mature Quercus buckleyi. It is May 11th 2012 and one of these trees has been shedding green leaves for the last week. The only changes we have made are: planted English ivy...
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Non-native Purple Hyacinth from Sylvania OH
May 21, 2012
I am wondering if I plant a Purple Hyacinth Bean vine seed under a tree and allow it to grow up the tree trunk, will it kill the tree?
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Identity of mint impersonator in California
May 20, 2012
Is there such a thing as a mint "impersonator"? There are random 'sprigs' of purple-stemmed, bright green leaf plants in my front yard. We just moved in to the house and I don't want to assume ...
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Trees for shade in Austin
May 20, 2012
I live in Austin and I am looking for a good tree to plant under a large live oak I have in my backyard. Something slow-growing of course and, the garden only gets late day sun for about an hour. Filt...
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Adding Wildflowers to Corpus Christi
May 20, 2012
I have a dry sandy yard, full sun in Corpus Christi with lot's of stickers mostly, want to transform to wildflowers. When should I plant, how should I prepare soil, should I dig out stickers? Which w...
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Difference between Convallaria majalis and Convallaria majuscula
May 17, 2012
How do you tell the difference in the native convallaria from the European species?
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Invasive plants in native plant area from Austin
May 15, 2012
Why do invasive plants grow in native plant territory?
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Plant identification
May 12, 2012
I don't know if they are native or not, My mom bought some plants at an event at the Dallas Convention Center that all had rocks and little dirt that they sat on. The bases of the plants were large a...
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Beans growing under artificial light from Vernon CT
May 04, 2012
What bean plant will grow the best under a flourescent,spot gro light,green transparent light,or Natural light and why.What caused it to grow like it did?
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Kerrville Soil for Vegetables
May 03, 2012
We are moving to our vacation home in Kerrville, TX and plan on putting in a vegetable garden on the sunny north side of our house. I'm assuming that your answer to the person inquiring about "soil...
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Identification of tree in California
May 02, 2012
A medium-size tree with shiny green leaves toward the bottom and garnet red ones toward the top of the tree. The leaves are narrow with saw-toothed edges. There are clustered small white flowers with ...
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How Can I Tell an Invasive Thistle from a Native
May 01, 2012
Mr Smarty Plants, I have some thistles coming up in my yard. I'd like to keep them if they are native, but not if they are invasive or non-native. How can I tell? My yard is a wild area in West Lak...
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Replacement of non-native red tip photinias in Midlothian VA
April 30, 2012
I need to replace our long lived red tips. They are now diseased. I would like a fast growing bush that I can trim and make a hedge with. Any suggestions
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What is hollowing out my rosebuds in Austin, TX?
April 28, 2012
I recently noticed some of my rose buds had been hollowed out from the inside. I have seen no evidence of insect though. What do you think it is and how can I treat the problem?
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Eliminating KR? Bluestem from St. Augustine Yard in Spicewood, TX
April 28, 2012
How can I eradicate bluestem grass invading my St. Augustine lawn?
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Replacement for grass under non-native weeping willow from Yorba Linda CA
April 24, 2012
What would be a good replacement for the grass currently growing under a weeping willow? Something requiring low maintenance, the problem is with mowing over and around the roots.
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Non-native, invasive Paulownia for San Marcos TX
April 24, 2012
Can a Paulownia tree grow in San Marcos? If so were can I get one?
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Turf for high-traffic area in Austin
April 21, 2012
I am building a large soccer field at my preschool in Austin, TX in a full sun area. What type of grass would be best for me to use given that it will be a very high-traffic area with lots of direct ...
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Transporting a plant on airplane from New York City
April 21, 2012
Can I transport via airplane a jade plant from New York City to Colorado in my suitcase?
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Seeds of agave attenuata from San Diego CA
April 16, 2012
After the agave attenuata bloom dried up there are seeds like thing hanging on the foxtail; do I leave it until it dies or do I chop that down. Are those seeds for propagation. The leaves of the plan...
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Interaction of Habiturf and St. Augustine grasses from Willow City TX
April 16, 2012
How does Habiturf and St. Augustine interact? Does one dominate the other? Can you plant them in close areas? Thank you.
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Irish Strawberry tree care from Sydney Australia
April 15, 2012
Hi I have an Irish Strawberry tree - AKA Arbutis Enedo. I have had it for a couple of years now, I have it planted in the ground quite healthy soil, I feed it Dynamic lifter (chicken manuare/pellet f...
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