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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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10,102 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Controlling mildew on Gaillarida sp.
August 11, 2005
Any suggestions for controlling mildew on blanket flower? It's spreading throughout my garden.
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Smarty Plants for Mission, TX
August 11, 2005
Last week I visited my uncle who is head of a church in Mission, TX. The church owns an empty 2 to 3 acre lot, where they hope to build a school someday. However, that day is at least 10 to 15 years...
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Smarty Plants on Jimsonweed
August 07, 2005
White flowers that are seen a lot along hwy 58 east towards Tehachapi; they look like "angel's trumpet" but not sure... they are big, white and have dark green leaves and cluster in a bush..any ideas?
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Smarty Plants on Americas national plant
August 07, 2005
What is America's national plant? (please answer this a.s.a.p because i can't figure it out and it's for homework)
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Smarty Plants on dogwoods
August 05, 2005
I am interested in the worldwide distribution of the dogwood family/cornus. Specifically, I am interested in whether or not there are indiginous species on the Indian Subcontinent. Is there a resour...
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Smarty Plants on Pittosporum
August 05, 2005
Need to know if "PITTOSPORUM" (TOBIRA VARIEGATA) will grow in my area of SE OK. I have purchased two of them and the nursery said that they would do great. Just needed an extra opinion. Than...
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Possibility of over-watering of Asclepias tuberosa
August 05, 2005
Another question about butterfly weeds, the leaves on one of my plants are turning a yellow-red color and the blossoms seem to be dying (drying up) before they can bloom. It is right in the same area...
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Fast growing native trees for Manor,TX
August 04, 2005
A friend wants to plant fast-growing trees to disguise a road on ranchland east of Manor, Texas. Any ideas? Many thanks.
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Smarty Plants on Hesperaloe parviflora
August 02, 2005
On the home page of this website (right of center) there is a plant with the long stems and pink flowers and with green pods or seeds, also. Could you please tell me the name of this flower? We have ...
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Smarty Plants on Tamarisk
July 31, 2005
Where can I buy Tamarisk, and will it survive in Massachusetts? I've seen it in Provincetown, on Cape Cod.
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Deadheading or trimming back of Asclepias spp
July 29, 2005
I have some butterfly weeds (flowers) and I have heard conflicting stories as to how to cut them back. Should they be deadheaded to elongate bloom time or does that prevent any seeds from replanting?...
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Smarty Plants on Diospyros virginiana
July 29, 2005
Diospyros virginiana (common persimmon) is, from what I understand, a host plant for the stunning Luna Moth caterpillar which supposedly can occur this far west. Your database entry for Diospyros do...
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Smarty Plants wild sweet pea
July 28, 2005
We were asked if the seed pods of the wild sweet pea are edible. (California)
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Smarty Plants on wild edible plants
July 28, 2005
Do you have classes or information on identifying wild edible plants that could be found in Texas?
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Design and installation of trails at Wildflower Center
July 24, 2005
I am a Park Commissioner in a city near Austin and am researching a firm to help design a trail system in our park. Would you please tell me who designed and installed the trails at the Wildflower Ce...
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Smarty Plants on dutchmans pipe
July 24, 2005
How do I care for and transplant dutchman pipe?
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Smarty Plants on Texas Madrone
July 24, 2005
Hello, where can one acquire the Texas Madrone for planting? Thank you.
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Alkalinity-tolerant grasses
July 24, 2005
Dear Sirs - Are you aware of any grass species that could survive in strongly alkaline soils (ph from 10 up to 12) Thanks a lot.
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Bulbils on Turks cap lily
July 21, 2005
My Turks cap lily has dark pea size growths at the bass of each leaf. Are these the seeds? How and when do I harvest seeds from this plant?
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Smarty Plants on mulch and organic material
July 20, 2005
I live near Canyon Lake, just north of San Antonio in a new subdivision. I call on you for advice, as I have attended several classes there and hope you can help. Several areas on our property and nei...
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Sources of seeds for Cudweed Sagewort and Artemisia ludoviciana
July 20, 2005
Where can a person buy seeds for Cudweed Sagewort. Artemisia ludoviciana?
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Delay in fruiting of Mexican plum (Prunus mexicana)
July 20, 2005
Dear experts, My wife and i are members of your fine organization. Several years ago we bought four things at a spring plant sale for an understory spot in our yard. The Possumhaw Holly, American ...
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Smarty Plants on water-absorbing plants
July 19, 2005
I am looking for water-absorbing plants for L.A. zone. I am hoping this type of vegetation would ease the water retention problem at the planter right next to my basement. Is this a feasible solutio...
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Care of non-native calla lilies
July 15, 2005
How should I protect my calla lilies during the winter? If it helps you any, I live in South Carolina. And also will too much water hurt them? We have had massive amounts of rain.
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Host plants to monarch butterflies in Starr County, TX
July 14, 2005
I plant native larval and nectar plants that support the life cycle of the monarch butterfly here in the east; but, where can I find a list of native plants for my friends in the Tamaulipan Biotic P...
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