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Moving School House lilies in Austin
March 02, 2009
I live here in Austin in zipcode 78729. I have a clump of School House lilies in the back of the garden. I would like to move them to another bed under a tree. Is this a good time to move them? Should...
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Non-native creeping fig
February 26, 2009
I like the creeping fig that covers my brick wall but the roots are very invasive and are choking my rose bushes and other surrounding plants. I spent two days removing the roots and loosening the so...
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Roots of Savannah Holly close to house
February 26, 2009
I live in Sugar Land and want to plant Savannah Holly at the ends of both sides of the front flowerbed. Are the roots too dangerous to plant so close to the house? (How far from the house should they...
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Coloration problems with non-native nandinas and queens wreath in Taylor, TX
February 25, 2009
This year my nandinas are extremely red and my queen's wreath blossoms deepened in color before the first freeze browned them out. What would cause this? Thank you.
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Top soil dressing for bermudagrass
February 25, 2009
Need to apply top soil dressing to bermudagrass. Can you suggest any type? This area is heavy clay soil and need to even out the lawn as well as feed the grass.
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Native plants of Rome
February 22, 2009
I am researching the native plants of Rome but I can't get anything get anything else besides olives. Can you help me to find some more?
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Non-native Ruda plant drying up in Florida
February 19, 2009
I have a RUDA plant at work, but do not know if I am putting too much water on it, it is about 1 meter high but I think is drying up. How often do I water it? I'm in Miami Fl. Thank you.
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Plants not native to North America in Hawaii
February 18, 2009
Do not know if you have any experience for Hawaii but here it goes. I live on Maui and have some coco palms, a line of 12, two of them right next to each other (15-20 ft). They are a decent shade of ...
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Replacing non-native St. Augustine with native grasses in Rockport TX
February 18, 2009
Mr. Smarty Plants, I have a few questions for you. I live in Rockport and am in the process of revamping my yard to native species. I currently have San Augustine, weed infested grass. I want to scrap...
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Transplanting non-native bougainvillea in Florida
February 10, 2009
Hi, My neighbor has two established bougainvillea that he is giving me..I just have to dig them up and not kill them..what is the best way to dig up and transplant them?
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Information on non-native Leopard wort
February 10, 2009
I'm looking for information on the herbaceous perennial, Leopard wort.
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Coffee grounds as mulch into vegetable beds
February 05, 2009
Can you put too much coffee grounds as mulch into vegetable beds?
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Leaf problems on non-native Pachira aquatica
January 31, 2009
I have a Pachira Aquatica. I have had it for 6 months and it has been thriving and growing very tall with nice leaves. Lately some of the leaves have become mottled yellowish green and fallen off. Ca...
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Native shrubs to replace non-native boxwood in Parker County, TX
January 31, 2009
I'm looking to replace some Japanese Boxwoods my wife planted years ago with some native plants, they run along the front of our house next to the foundation and porch about 60' in length. I prefer ...
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Leaves on non-native Rose Cactus
January 30, 2009
I have a Rose Cactus (Pereskia grandifolia). The leaves have all dropped off. I was wondering if this is normal in the winter. Also, is the pear shaped fruit edible.
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Problems with non-native orchid
January 26, 2009
I have vanda sanderiana that has wrinkled and yellowing leaves.They are located outdoors, northeast section, plenty of morning direct light and still bright even when the sun is at 3:00 oclock.I water...
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Clearing out non-native Himalayan blackberry
January 25, 2009
Can you recommend a way to clear an area of Himalayan blackberry? We have cut the canes back but wish to eliminate them completely so that we can replant that area with native plants attractive to wil...
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Locating ruda plants in Florida
January 24, 2009
Where I can find or who sells Ruda plants? in the Miami, Florida area ?
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Leaf color in non-native sago palms
January 24, 2009
I have two sego palms planted in my front yard. Lots of sun. The fronds have turned a lime green color instead of the dark green color. Please help...(alkaline soil)
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B1 for transplant shock in non-native bamboo?
January 24, 2009
I am wondering about the details as I wish to transplant some bamboo. I do not know the actual variety, as I have at least 2 types, but will take a cutting to a high end nursery.Some of this is about ...
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How soon after stump grinding can something else be planted?
January 18, 2009
How soon after cutting down a Mulberry and grinding up the stump can we plant a new tree in its place?
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Mosquito repellant plant?
January 18, 2009
Is there such a thing as mosquito repellent plants? If so, what are they?
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Probably non-native crapemyrtle trees damaged by hurricane
January 15, 2009
I have 5 crape myrtle trees. I live in Galveston, Tx and when Hurricane Ike came through in September the salt water I think killed them. They have not come back since then and are brown with no leave...
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Care for non-native red orchid
January 11, 2009
In a nutshell, I was away for about a week and before leaving I watered my red orchid (as instructions said you were only supposed to water it once a week and place in a spot with sunlight but not dir...
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Identification of non-native bougainvillea
December 18, 2008
What is the Scientific Name of the Central Texas Ornamental that people call Bogan Vilias. I think that is the correct spelling. The Plant is Perenial. Their flowers are terminal, the petals are in ...
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Texas native plants that absorb air-borne pollutants
December 15, 2008
hello mr. and mrs. smarty, I'm looking for native Texas plants that absorb pollutants and trap air-borne particulates. I found a list (below), but don't think they're native. Could you give me ad...
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Cross pollination of non-native poinsettia
December 01, 2008
I have a poinsettia that I have had for about 5 yrs. that has always flowered red. Last Christmas I was given one that was white. During the summer I put both plants in my green house side by side. Th...
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Non-native Bird of Paradise plant (Strelitzia reginae)
November 30, 2008
I have two Bird of Paradise plants on my lanai (Marion County, FL) and they are both in large pots. Nobody but me seems to like them at my house and I have been asked if I could trim all the leaves o...
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Care for indoor Lemon Cypress
November 30, 2008
How do I care for an indoor Lemon Cypress tree?
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Small white bugs on indoor hibiscus in Ohio
November 25, 2008
My Hibiscus has small white bugs on the leaves with small white residue. Looks like very small pieces of white rice. This white rice is also covering the UNOPENED buds and making them fall off. It ...
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Possibility of replacing Bermudagrass with native grasses and wildflowers
November 24, 2008
Are there any native grasses and wildflowers that can compete with bermuda grass to make a nativ-y wild area without removing the bermuda?
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Problems with non-native closet plant
November 23, 2008
I have three closet plants. All are putting on new growth and even blooming. However, the leaves are turning brown from the edges. What is the problem?
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Pruning non-native peach trees in Austin
November 14, 2008
I have 2 peach trees that are 2 years old. Last year I pruned them in February and do not want to prune them again this year. I want to cut the little sucker limbs off of them this year. When can I do...
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Problems with non-native Mayten tree
November 05, 2008
Hi. Our Mayten tree was doing really well, but just in the last month has last a great amount of its leaves, and it seems to be tilting slightly now. We placed some small plants in the same area of ...
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Can Allamanda cathartica be used as an insecticide
October 31, 2008
is allamanda cathartica can be used as an insecticides?
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Will non-native Star Jasmine survive outside in winter in Ohio
October 27, 2008
Hi! I have two Star Jasmine in pots (we brought them back to southern Ohio from CA this year). Should we bring them inside for the winter? Would they do okay outside next winter if we plant them in...
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Wintering over of non-native Myriophyllum brasiliensis
October 27, 2008
I have a Myriophyllum brasiliensis in my outdoor fountain which I drain in the cold weather. How can I keep the plant alive over the winter? Thank you.
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Getting rid of giant ragweed in Austin
October 25, 2008
How can I get rid of a large field of giant ragweed? Part of the site is a steep slope, which is difficult to mow. I want to encourage native grasses but they are crowded out by the ragweed.
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Problems with non-native Ficus Pumila
October 23, 2008
I have successfully maintained Ficus Pumila trees indoors for many years. Over the last year my two indoor,5' (in container) ficus trees have developed large brown lesions that turn "papery" befor...
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Non-native arica palm
October 21, 2008
I have been watering an arica palm in my house in Va. Beach, VA. The leaves continue to get brown, dry up and die. I'm not sure if it has a disease or something else. Can you help?
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Survival of non-native Cape Plumbago in Delaware
October 18, 2008
I have a cape plumbago shrub growing in a large pot outdoors - but we are in Delaware - where it won't apparently survive the winter. How can I keep my plumbago safe over the winter?
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Watering for Scarlett Milkweed in Florida
October 18, 2008
I have a Scarlett Milkweed and it was doing very well until this last week. It now has yellow leaves that are falling off and no flowers. It says on the tag that the water is low once it is establishe...
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Texas frogfruit vs. non-native St. Augustine grass
October 12, 2008
Can Texas frogfruit resist invasion by St. Augustine grass, or will I need to create a barrier?
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Care for non-native ice plant in Virginia
October 12, 2008
Regarding the ice plant in Virginia - do you cut it back or just trim or just leave it alone before winter?
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Preservation of a non-native Norfolk pine after hurricane damage
October 11, 2008
I had a 25ft. Norfolk pine blow down during hurricane. I have the top water living after 3 weeks. Can I plant this hoping it will survive? Do I need to cut into the trunk or just trim back the ...
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Planting iris rhizomes in Wisconsin
October 10, 2008
I live in central WI and was given some iris bulbs (think they are called Rhizomes) and have no idea how to go about planting them. I am very new to planting so step by step instructions with good de...
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Problems with non-native Weeping Japanese Red Maple
October 04, 2008
have a Weeping Japanese Red Maple. We bought if from a good nursery in the spring and planted it but now it is not red anymore. It is just greenish. Can you advise me what it is needing or any thing ...
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Problems with non-native navel orange
October 03, 2008
Hello Green Guru, Question: Why hasn't Navel Orange Tree grown or sprouted new branches? It's 3 years old and is about 5 feet tall and has remained this size. It hasn't grown at all. It only ha...
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Plants for pots outdoors in winter in Virginia
October 02, 2008
Hi Mr. Smarty Plants, I was wondering what plants would be best to grow outdoors, in pots, in Virginia, in the winter? This is a lot of restrictions but we just need 2-3 plants for our office pati...
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Cuttings from non-native weeping willow in California
October 01, 2008
I have a large area to plant, I have a flourishing Weeping Willow and would like to harvest cuttings from it to start new trees. What is the best time of year for this in Central California?
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