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Deer resistant, shade tolerant trees for part shade in Highland MD
March 29, 2013
Deer resistant privacy trees for partial shady area in Highland, MD.
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Problem with Live Oaks in Mesa AZ
March 26, 2013
I have two Evergreen Live Oaks in central Arizona. One is flourishing and getting new spring leaves from top to bottom. Its trunk is rough, has large grooves, and the spots where I've pruned look li...
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Problems with Monterrey Oak in Austin
March 26, 2013
We had a local tree service plant two Monterrey Oak trees on 4/2/2012. At the time we noticed that woodpeckers had had a field day on the trunk bark of both trees with the most damage being on the lar...
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Safety of hyrbrid and non-native trees for dogs and horses from Lawton OK
March 25, 2013
Are Arrowwood Viburnum tree, Sargent Crabapple tree & the Washington Hawthorn tree safe for dogs & horses?
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Shade-loving plants for birds in New Jersey
March 25, 2013
What native plants should I add to my property, Zone 6, to feed birds naturally? I have a heavily treed lot, so I'd like names of shade loving perennials. Seed or fruit bearing options would be gre...
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Will non-native and invasive Mexican petunias grow under oak trees from St. Augustine FL
March 24, 2013
Will Mexican Petunias grow under an Oak tree?
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Tall trees for privacy screen in St. Augustine FL
March 24, 2013
Please let me know what kind of evergreen tall trees I can plant for privacy in my back yard in the st. Augustine, Florida area. Thanks for your assistance.
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Allelopathy of American elms from Dallas
March 24, 2013
Are American elms at all allelopathic?
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Surface tree roots hurting grass in Houston
March 21, 2013
We have 2 mature Arizona Ash trees in our yard (30-40'). One of them is in a sunnier location and has developed an extensive network of surface roots (up to 1 to 1 1/2" Dia.) between the tree and th...
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Long term effects of pesticide from Lubbock TX
March 20, 2013
I have 9 western pecan trees about 20 years old. Trunk sizes is from 18" to 39". I used a product Bayer Tree and Shrub, applied to the trees. I wonder what it will do to the trees. I talkd to Bayer ...
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Bald cypress knees in leachfield from Ventura CA
March 20, 2013
Hey, I planted a seedling 20+ years ago which has turned out to be a 40'bald cypress that's now 40'. I'm a native southerner and would hate to cut it down but it's putting up knees in my septic s...
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Trees prohibited or regulated in Albuquerque
March 20, 2013
Are there certain trees that not not allowed to be planted in Albuquerque, New Mexico because of city regulations?
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Patio Privacy Screen Suggestions for Central Texas
March 17, 2013
I have just built a patio and want to plant some small trees, bushes or shrubs to form a visual barrier (rather than to erect a fence)to the neighbors yard.
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Supplier for non-native Norfolk Pine to East Texas
March 17, 2013
I would like to buy a Norfolk Pine Tree for my uncle who lives 90 miles east of Dallas, Texas. He saw my Norfolk Pine tree in CA which is 30 to 40 ft. tall. Where can I find a company that will ship...
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Replacement for maple tree lost in Hurricane Sandy from Hauppauge NY
March 17, 2013
Lost a Maple street tree in Hurricane Sandy, was forty-eight years old. Town will not replace the tree. Must do it on my own. What would you suggest? Nothing that grows too tall.
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Identification of bush with red berries
March 11, 2013
bush? grows along fence lines in rural areas; sheds foliage in fall; berries appear; colors vary from red to orange, depending on soil?
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Further explanation of retaining walls and trees from Washington MO
March 11, 2013
I had a question previously about putting retaining walls across the root system of a 40' tall bald cypress tree(not like spokes on a wheel, but concentric to tree trunk). How wide can the walls be? ...
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Trees and other plants for privacy along lake shoreline
March 09, 2013
We are purchasing a new home that has a 2 acre lake. We would like to add some plants/trees for privacy around the shore line. Can you suggest something that would fill in nicely and is strong enoug...
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Landscaping trees and shrubs non-toxic to dogs from Monticello FL
March 08, 2013
We're landscaping and need advice on large and small evergreen trees and shrubs that are native to or will flourish in North Florida. We plan to put in a treeline (large and semi-large trees) as wel...
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Rain garden for Washington MO
March 08, 2013
I have a 40' tall bald cypress at the bottom right corner of my sloped yard (slopes from 2 sides, has 3 gutter runoffs directed towards it from 50-70' away). Can I put a series of retaining walls up...
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Do Deer Eat Orchid Trees?
March 08, 2013
I have planted three anacacho orchid trees, however we have a lot of deer around us. Is this a tree they will want to eat? Do you have any ideas to keep deer away?
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Screening Suggestions in Brooklyn, NY
March 08, 2013
My neighbor directly in back of me has shrubs that are growing all over my fence. Also his 9-foot-tall shed facing me is rusted. What can I do to improve my view so that I can enjoy my backyard more?
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Landscaping a Fence with Native Plants for Central Texas
March 08, 2013
I'm looking to landscape my fence that I've lined with woven bamboo. The area gets the hot afternoon sun in summer and is pretty shady in winter. The plants need to be drought and heat tolerant. I'...
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Disposal of Ashe juniper from Austin
March 07, 2013
I am in western Travis County and we have been clearing our land of some of the Ashe Juniper. When there is not a burn ban, we burn them because there are just too many to shred. I was wondering if ...
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Foundation Landscape Tree Suggestion for New Jersey
March 05, 2013
I need to replace a shrub (boxwood) in a landscaped area directly in front of my house. I would like a tree that grows about 10-15' maximum. However, I have a drainpipe that runs from the house to th...
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Plants for under Oak Trees in LA.
March 05, 2013
What type of plants and grass can be planted under and around oak trees
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Small tree for Northern California backyard
March 05, 2013
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants, I'm looking for a small tree for backyard (west side of house). I'm replacing a Calif.Laurel which is not doing well because it is planted on a downward slope and gets too m...
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Desert Willow tree for Plano, TX
March 03, 2013
I live near Dallas, Texas. I have a small Desert Willow tree that I would like to plant. What is the root system of this tree like? Would I be able to plant it near our patio? How far from the house'...
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Removing a non-native windmill palm from Austin
February 27, 2013
I have a fairly good size windmill palm (about 15ft high) that is planted too close to the house. I also don't like having to constantly remove its fronds as they block a walkway. Is there a good wa...
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Is Robinia pseudoaccia a good replacement tree for Shumard oaks in Austin TX?
February 27, 2013
Recently two of our Shumard trees in the front of our house died. Both trees were small/medium in size having only been growing for 13-17 years. I've been reading about Black Locust trees which accor...
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Need recommendations for privacy screen in Richmond, VA
February 27, 2013
Hello, I read through the previous posts on privacy screen plantings in the Mid Atlantic region. There was a lot of great information, but I has a specific question that was not answered. I would li...
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Source for mulberry trees from Bryan TX
February 24, 2013
I am looking for suggestions for nurseries from which I could purchase Red Mulberry or Texas Mulberry Tree.
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Fan-Tex ash tree roots a problem near house foundation from Bryan TX
February 23, 2013
DO I need to worry about Fan TX roots being a problem near house foundations?
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Horse ate bark of cedar elm from Liberty Hill, TX
February 20, 2013
I have three acres with a rental. Planted a Cedar Elm near the porch. My ex-renters allowed their horse to graze around the house. It ate the bark off of the tree. How can I save this tree?
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Pros and cons of live oak leaves left on ground in Dripping Springs TX
February 20, 2013
What are the pros or cons of leaving live oak leaves on the ground around trees or bushes?
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Effect of pecan trees on pool deck from Clovis CA
February 14, 2013
I have pecan trees next to our pool deck. Are pecan trees invasive, will they lift up our pool deck?
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Privacy Tree for Austin, TX
February 10, 2013
Can you recommend a tall privacy plant similar to the Thuya Green Giant that is suitable to the Austin environment?
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My Cedar Elms drop leaves all year long. Is that a problem?
February 10, 2013
Lake LBJ Area. My Cedar Elms,(I have about 8) drop leaves all year long and then drop all in late fall/early winter. Does the year round drop indicate a problem? It is definitely a nuisance. Thanks
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Tree roots under concrete from Ft. Worth TX
February 10, 2013
We bought a house that has 2 trees (I believe ornamental pear trees) within a concrete patio. I found info that said basically, remove the concrete. We can't do that now (although I have encouraged...
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Tree with stilt roots for Louisiana bog garden
February 07, 2013
Does Louisiana have any native trees with stilt roots? I would like one to go with my cypress and tupelo bog garden. I have several native plants such as spider lilies and blue flag irises, but I'm...
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Thorny shrub for deterring break-ins in southeast Texas
February 05, 2013
Looking for a very, very, thorny three or four foot tall shrub for in front of windows to deter break-ins. Considering Rosa Rugosa rose but it is not native.
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Fast growing shade tree for Goldsboro NC
February 04, 2013
What is a good tree to plant in Goldsboro North Carolina to provide shade and a fast growing tree?
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Interested in a mini food forest
February 04, 2013
I am interested in starting a mini "food forest" in a twelve foot by twelve foot patch of earth next to my house. I'd like to put a focus on making sure that the bulk of the plants I introduce are ...
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Need small, fast growing trees for privacy screen in Buda, TX.
February 01, 2013
Please recommend some small, but fast growing, flowering trees to plant along a western fence for privacy
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Texas native peach from Elmendorf TX
January 30, 2013
Does Texas have a native peach tree that grows wild?
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Sweet cherry tree for New Mexico
January 23, 2013
What is the best kind of sweet cherry tree to plant in Santa Fe, NM? I have apple, apricot, peach and pear. Would like cherry unless it is a bad idea.
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Need suggestion for a replacement tree in Dallas, TX.
January 23, 2013
We are going to have a 25' tall tree removed and ground out because every year squirrels chew the branches and make huge piles on the deck and into the pool. This continues for a good month 1.5. Hen...
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Is California fan palm found on Edwards Plateau from Austin
January 18, 2013
Is the following Palm, Washingtonia filifera, found in the Texas Hill Country, specifically the Edwards Plateau or Balcones Canyonlands NWR.
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Texas wild olive for Summerfield FL
January 17, 2013
I want to buy a Texas Wild Olive for my home in Summerfield, Fl. My landscaper brought me a regular olive tree saying he had never heard of a Texas Olive Tree in our area. I have looked on line withou...
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Large shrub or tree for front door in Houston
January 16, 2013
I am in search of a shrub or tree to plant next to my front door. I want a showy medium sized shrub or tree (8 to 12 ft), decorative, and a privacy screen since my front door faces my next door neig...
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