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Groundcover for Laredo Texas
July 04, 2011
I am in Laredo, TX and no longer want to waste water on grass. I would like to pull it all out and plant native, drought resistant ground cover - low growing, between 6-12 inches, sun and partial sha...
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Plants to grow under a black walnut tree in PA
July 03, 2011
I want to plant some shrubs and flowers in an area with southern exposure that is dry, sunny, and within the drip line of, and partially under a large black walnut tree. I had been told that native pl...
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Container plant to grow in late afternoon sun
July 02, 2011
I have a shaded brick walkway that leads to my front door. It faces west, and can get very hot late afternoon Houston sun, although it is shaded for the remainder of the day. I have been successful ...
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Something eating Monarda didyma in Washington DC
June 30, 2011
Please Help, I have a couple of Bee Balm, Jacob Cline, plants, whose leave are being eaten, by what I do not know. None of the nurseries around here seem to have ever heard of this happening to this p...
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Light requirements for Heartleaf Skullcap from Smithville TX
June 29, 2011
How much sun or shade does Heartleaf Skullcap need?
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Native Species List for Ponca OK
June 24, 2011
I planted daylilies in my Austin garden and did not do well. I moved these daylilies to my garden in Ponca City Oklahoma and have done outstanding relying only on mother nature's rain. My garden in ...
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Alternative to swamp sunflower for Austin
June 15, 2011
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants, I love this forum and have learned so much from it! Do you know of an alternative to Helianthus angustifolius L. (Swamp sunflower) that requires less water and would be m...
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Standing cypress turning brown in San Antonio
June 12, 2011
Last year I bought and planted a standing cypress. This year several plants came up. The tallest one was about 1 foot tall. After blooming the plant began to turn brown and die. My question: Is t...
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Chile pequin from Spring Plant Sale in Austin
June 08, 2011
Re: chile pequin purchased at your Spring 2011 sale: it grows, seems to thrive, but sets no flowers and so bears no fruit. It's in terracotta in Ladybug potting soil, on a shady apartment patio. How ...
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Can Flame Acanthus grow in North Carolina, from Kinston NC
June 05, 2011
Can I grow the flame acanthus (humming bird bush) in eastern North Carolina. If so where can I find it. Thanks,
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Spotted spurge in Dublin GA
June 05, 2011
I noticed that you did not have a "Spotted Spurge", or "Chamaesyce maculata" listed. My Aunt asked me for help identifying it, until she remembered what it was.
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Information about Berlandiera spp. from DeLand FL
May 26, 2011
I am looking for information (something cool) about green eyes, Berlandiera spp. Information such as any medical use or story associated with the plant. Thanks
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Year-round flowering in Laredo TX
May 18, 2011
I'm trying to plant a variety of native plants in my mom's garden in Laredo, TX. The thing that I find a challenge is that she wants year round flowers. Can you suggest a few native flowering plan...
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Plants for red clay in Hattiesburg, MS
May 16, 2011
Looking for plants and flowers to plant in red clay?
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What to plant between patio flagstones in Austin, TX?
May 16, 2011
I would like to plant something between my flagstones on the patio. Something that doesn't require a lot of water, low growing, and can stand a little to moderate traffic. It is in a shade to partly...
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Deceptively deciduous, Cedar sage in Austin Texas.
May 13, 2011
Is Cedar sage deciduous or evergreen? Your database doesn't say. Thanks, and I always enjoy my visit to the Wildflower Center.
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Problems with gaura in Kyle TX
May 10, 2011
Gaura - I seem to have something going on with this plant. I've tried fungicide that also works on mealy bugs and spider mites, etc., but they're looking rather puny? Any suggestions? thanks
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East Texas Natives and Botanical History
May 05, 2011
I am looking for flowers &/or flowering shrubs that are native to east Texas, especially that would have been in this area over 100 or more years ago.
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Companion planting with heartleaf skullcap from Arlington TX
April 24, 2011
What can I plant with heart-leaf skullcap when it goes dormant in the summer?
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Can Dicentra exemia survive in Texas from Houston
April 23, 2011
Is the Houston/Austin area too hot to grow "Bleeding Hearts" dicentra eximia (King of Hearts) They seem to grow in the wild in Maryland, Virginia, and Tennessee.
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Re-landscaping neglected garden in Franklin CT
April 03, 2011
I am starting from scratch in a yard that has no planting beds or, for that matter, plants at all. House was vacant for quite some time, grass was three feet tall when we moved in. I would like to p...
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Native plants for Texarkana, TX
March 31, 2011
I've been searching for a dependable list of attractive north east native plants, for gardens, landscaping, etc. Specifically, native flowers and shrubs.
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Mercer Society of Harris County Plant Sale from The Woodlands, TX
March 15, 2011
Love the Name! Anyway, the Mercer Society of Harris County will be having its annual plant sale late this month and as usual I will be attending. I'm trying to find some tropicals and sub-tropicals...
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What are the grey-green plants on oak trees in San Marcos, TX?
March 12, 2011
The oak trees in the neighborhood in San Marcos, TX, are covered with clumps, or balls, of gray/green fluffy-looking plants. they remind me of bromeliads. You can pull and knock them off; after wind ...
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Information about Cedar Sage from Austin
March 11, 2011
I am new to the Austin area and was wondering about cedar sage (salvia roemeriana). Is this plant considered aromatic, non-aromatic of chia? And, other than the edible flower are other parts of the ...
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Care for Monardella undulata var. frutescens from Pleasanton CA
March 05, 2011
Inquiry about care of the plant Monardella undulata var frutescens "Jokerst." Full Sun? Soil? etc Thanks, Smarty!
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Cutting back perennials from Austin
February 08, 2011
When is it time to cut back native plants; salvia;copper canyon daisy; verbena, etc?
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What plants grow well in Athens, TX?
January 18, 2011
Athens, Texas, we have very sandy soil mixed with clay, what plants grow well here?
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Needs Help with Peonies
January 14, 2011
With the clay soil in North Texas (Frisco) which variety of peony would thrive and become a reliable bloomer? I do work on amending the soil with expanded shell and compost, but ultimately, we still h...
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How does Asclepias asperula (antelope horns) respond to fire
December 18, 2010
From your experience with prairie burns, how does Asclepias asperula (antelope horns) respond to fire? Thanks.
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Genetics of Anemone berlandieri flower colors
December 01, 2010
Anemone heterophylla or Anemone berlandieri, Genetics. Is the variation in the flower color due to Genetic Incomplete dominance or Codominance? The same codominance seen in carnations.
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Trees for cutout in driveway in Houston
November 12, 2010
I live in central Houston. I have a new driveway with a cutout of 4' x 8'. I would like to plant a shade tree that will not break up the concrete. What do you recommend?
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Black-eyed Susans in potting soil on ground
November 12, 2010
I would like to know if black eyed susans can be planted in just potting soil instead of mixing it in with dirt from the ground? I don't want to leave it in the pots. I want to plant it, but the grou...
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Evergreen tree for planter in Sherman Oaks CA
November 11, 2010
We have a large cinder block planter, 6ftx6ftx6ft,in the back of our building and would love to find a good evergreen accent tree (but not pine like). Planter is near a building so preferable it shoul...
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Plants for a pool fence in Ohio
October 28, 2010
I live in Ohio and have a pool with a white vinyl fence. Each year I plant sunflowers around it, but they are so messy when the birds/bees find them. Previously I planted castor beans, however, they...
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What habitat would my Antennaria solitaria like in Red Bank, TN?
October 26, 2010
I want to know what habitat my mystery plant will like- sun, shade, dry or moist. I think it is an Antennaria solitaria or Little Pussytoes. I got it at a native plant sale here in Chattanooga. It has...
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Mulching Spring Bulbs in Upstate NY
October 25, 2010
Just planted tulip bulbs for Spring. The Parks Department then put 4 inches of mulch on top. Will the tulips be able to get through and bloom come Spring? Is mulch a good winterizer for them? Indoor c...
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How to have year round color in the garden in Fort Worth
October 23, 2010
Hello, I'm sending an SOS for a miracle! Since planting is the best now during the fall or so I've been told for North Texas Native Perennials, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. My beautifully mat...
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How do I prepare blackfoot daisies for winter in Austin, TX
October 19, 2010
I have blackfoot daisies in my garden that have bloomed all summer. They are cascading out of the bed onto my lawn/grass. They have been so beautiful that I hate to cut them back. How do I prepare t...
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Nightflowering plants native to Northern Illinois
October 12, 2010
Looking for any/all info on night flowering plants that are native to Northern Illinois.
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Plants for narrow planter boxes in San Antonio
October 02, 2010
We have a narrow flower planter box in three sections above a french drain in front of our house. The box is about 2 feet high (filled with Gardenville soil) above a french drain covered with filter ...
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Landscaping around a pear tree in Tyler, TX.
September 22, 2010
We have a large raised flower bed, approximately ten feet by ten feet, surrounding a mature flowering pear tree. Do you have any suggestions for landscaping with native plants in this bed?
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Green blooms on Cedar Sage in Lucas TX
September 22, 2010
I have two Cedar Sage (Salvia roemeriana) one purchased from your plant sale and one from a local nursery planted in part shade in the Dallas area. They seem to be quite happy and are blooming but ...
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Goldenrod not blooming in Lecanto FL
September 19, 2010
My goldenrod(fireworks) grows only like a groundcover(3" tall) and does not flower. It is in full sun in my garden in Lecanto, Florida(zone 9A). What could be wrong? Thank you.
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Need Native Plants for Ditch Stabilization in Texarkana, Arkansas
September 14, 2010
I live in Texarkana, Arkansas. I have a ditch near the street in my front yard that is approximately 90-100 ft. long. It gets full sun. There is a lot of clay and rocks in the ditch. I need to fin...
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Annual plants for weed control in Pflugerville,TX?
September 14, 2010
Can you suggest an annual or summer-dormant plant to mix with Dalea frutescens? The object is to discourage the spring-emerging weeds that precede the leafing out of the Dalea, so it should finish bl...
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Information about a red-flowered Pavonia lasiopetala in central TX.
September 07, 2010
I have grown Pavonia for years and just let it re-seed where it wants (and remove if I don't want it where it falls). This year I created a new 6 inch raised bed amended with compost and some manure...
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Blackfoot daisy declining in Austin
September 04, 2010
My Blackfoot Daisies have grown large, bushy, have bloomed well over the past two summers. Now parts of the plants are drying up, dying. Will pruning out the dead parts help the plants to survive, or ...
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Copper Canyon daisy leaves turning yellow in Spring Branch TX
September 01, 2010
My Copper Canyon daisies have grown well this year but the leaves are turning yellow. Any ideas?
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Specimen evergreen for sun in Central Texas
August 28, 2010
I'm soliciting suggestions for a specimen plant for a new garden we're building. It will be planted in a 3' square raised (18") Limestone bed. It will be full sun, Western exposure, and relative...
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