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Use of newspaper mulch in garden
January 05, 2007
Before constructing a raised garden, I would like to lay newspapers at the initial ground level, then add about 12 to 15 inches of compost on top of that. Would that hurt the plants? And will the ne...
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Winter trim-back of plants in butterfly garden
January 05, 2007
I had a wonderful butterfly garden this past spring, summer, and fall. This was its first year of planting. Should I trim the plants that have died back due to frost? I'm worried about destroying ...
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Alternative to grass as groundcover in area used by dog
January 05, 2007
I am looking for a beautiful groundcover to use instead of grass which need to be soft and animal friendly. My dog is in the yard a lot and she's 10 yrs old. I am looking for a groundcover which wi...
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Wildflower seeding for hurricane-damaged areas of New Orleans
January 05, 2007
I need some information. I am going to be traveling to New Orleans in two weeks to visit a relative. They are in an area that was decimated by the hurricane. Though they have rebuilt the neighborho...
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Possible damage by invasive, non-native earthworms in compost
January 03, 2007
I received a worm bin (vermicomposter) for Christmas. The instructions that came with the bin say to use the red wiggler worm (Eisenia foetida) and that it is okay if some of the worms go into your g...
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Texas Ash
January 03, 2007
Where can I purchase a Texas Ash? One native tree nursery advertised Texas Ash but the trees turned out to be Fan-Tex, which I believe is an Arizona Ash cultivar.
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Rhizobium inoculant for Leucaena and othr leguminous tree seedlings
January 02, 2007
What sort of Rhizobium inoculant would be appropriate for Leucaena and other leguminous tree seedlings?
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Identification of plants emerging from "wildflower mix" of seeds
January 02, 2007
I planted a "wildflower mix" a couple months ago, and now I have a bunch of plants growing that I'm not sure what they are. Some of them are starting to make buds, and I've been looking on the in...
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Viability of Desert Willow and Hong Kong Orchid Tree in Spring Branch, TX
December 26, 2006
We live in Spring Branch, Rt 281 north of San Antonio. We want to plant a Regal Desert Willow tree and a Hong Kong Orchid tree. Will the cold / freeze be a problem? Where locally can we purchase th...
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Care and propagation of Kentucky Coffeetree
December 22, 2006
I found a tree on our property in Missouri, after some reserch I found that it is a Kentucky Coffee tree. I collected several of the pods and would like to know how I can plant them to grow. Thanks.
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Native plants for creekside erosion control
December 16, 2006
I need advice on what native plants I can use to slow erosion by my creek. The watershed for a large area ends up at my place, and nothing is growing where most of the runoff flows. I've got braken...
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Source for plants or seeds of Pedicularis densiflora
December 14, 2006
Do you know where I might obtain Pedicularis densiflora live plants or viable seeds. I understand that this plant is native to Oregon and California and is semi-parasitic and needs a host plant to dr...
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Source for Crossvine and time to plant
December 11, 2006
I live in Dripping Springs, Texas. I would like to plant a cross-vine in my back yard. When can I plant the cross-vine? Where can I purchase them in my area?
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Instructions on rainwater harvesting
December 09, 2006
Do you have any information on the construction of domestic rain fall catch tanks and water distribution systems? We are currently in a drought-stricken area of Texas and are very interested in constr...
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Medicinal purposes of the common pepper
December 07, 2006
Hello. I am a student at North Harford High School in Harford County, Maryland. I am currently doing a project in environmental science which requires me to do an interview, or at least ask some que...
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Availability of orchids native to Austin, TX area
November 29, 2006
Hi Mr. Smarty plants, I'm looking for orchids native to the Austin Texas area. I'd like to incorporate them into my pond and waterfall garden. Can you give me some names. I'd also like to know ...
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Information on medicinal plant uses by Dakota Indians
November 29, 2006
I would like to know what the plants were that were used for medicinal purposes by the plains Indians in the Dakotas. Is there a place/site that I can go to to research the data?
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Flowering and fruting of Texas wild plums and where they grow
November 28, 2006
Could you please tell me about Texas wild plum trees—when they flower, when they bear fruit and where they grow.
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Alternatives for non-native Bradford Pear
November 27, 2006
Hi, can you please give me some information about the "bradford flowering pear"? I live in Hutto,Tx. I want to know if this is a good tree to plant. What are the benefits of choosing this tree and...
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Breaking dormancy of native seeds
November 22, 2006
The science of seed preservation seems to be well advanced. However, Jill Nokes' book appears to be the only well-known information about breaking dormancy of native seeds. I'm grateful that she w...
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Removal of Bermuda grass in lawn
November 22, 2006
Help! I am looking for a way to get rid of coastal bermuda grass in my yard, short of all out toxic chemical warfare. Is there any thing that can be used other than herbicides. Thanks.
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Possible woodpecker damage in Monterrey Oaks
November 17, 2006
I live in NW Austin and have two Monterey Oak trees, each about 30 - 45 gal in size. They both were planted approximately 9 months ago. Both trees seem to have some cracking bark on the trunk along w...
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Frequency of mowing on native grasses
November 17, 2006
I live on 5 acres in TX Hill Country. I love the native grasses when they are high and blowing, etc. My husband insists on mowing, claiming that by mowing, the grasses grow more rapidly over the dry...
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Arborvitae as privacy screen in Maine
November 17, 2006
I want to plant privacy bushes (arborvitae shrubs) around my back yard. My husband built a wall to retain the soil behind it. My neighbors' yards abut mine. They have a fence, but not high enough to...
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Possibility of symbiotic relationship between cedar elm and ashe juniper
November 14, 2006
Is there a symbiotic relationship between cedar elm and ashe juniper? We have a small ashe juniper sapling and a small cedar elm sapling growing near each other (actually, we planted the juniper 2 yea...
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Trailing milkvine, Matelea pubiflora, identified from seed pod
November 10, 2006
I have a vine that has a seed pod that looks like okra. Inside the pod is a small flat seed and a cotton-looking fiber. Please help identify, if possible.
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Wildflowers for wedding mid-spring in Austin, TX
November 10, 2006
My fiancé and I are both native Texans, and we are looking to have a beautiful yet simple wedding on March 31, 2007. We would love to use TX wildflowers. Our colors are white, orange, and blue. Wo...
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Native plants for rain garden in Collin Co., TX
November 09, 2006
I am developing a Collin County Master Gardener’s program on Rain Gardens (in particular) and Rain Harvesting (generally.) I saw the recent article in your magazine about rain gardens and wondered if ...
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Native perennial roof garden plants for New York
November 09, 2006
I am looking for perennial roof gardens plants, sedum, hen and chickens, native plants. I am in zone six. They will have three inches of perilite, gravel, and compost. Can you give me a good local so...
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Non-endangered medicinal plants to Echinacea
November 08, 2006
A recent issue of the Wildflower Center said that echinacea is endangered and it is best to use a substitute, but did not give a good substitute. (Only oregon grape was listed as a substitute for gold...
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Winter trimming and shaping of native perennials
November 08, 2006
Granted, it's a bit early, but for planning purposes: What is the best care for shrub-like woody perennials, like Lantana, Copper Canyon Daisy, Salvia greggii, Chile Pequin, Eupatorium wrightii, Pav...
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Methods of planting state wildflowers on roadsides in California
November 06, 2006
My garden club is initiating a program to plant state hwy 49 within our county with our state flower, California Poppy. Do you have information on using hydroseeding as a method of planting?
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Problems with sunflowers in Florida
November 03, 2006
I planted sunflowers on the west side of my house where I have previously planted them and they grew wonderfully. These new ones, however, seem to be dying, (less than 2 weeks). I bought the plants at...
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Viewing times for wildflowers from Ouchitas to Austin
November 03, 2006
I'm a geographer and wildflower enthusiast considering a spring visit to the Austin area and want to find out the best time to view wildflowers and farm crops around Austin and also on the drive from...
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Introduction of possibly invasive Texas wildflowers to Afghanistan
November 03, 2006
I'm in Afghanistan right now, and at the USO over here there's a small garden where some service members have seeds sent from home to plant. I don't see any Bluebonnets so I asked my grandparents t...
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Native plants to make houses for sale more attractive
November 03, 2006
I could use your suggestions: I have 2 small houses in Dallas which I am trying to sell, and would like to beautify -- with plants. Currently there are no shrubs or groundcover or trees -- nor anyo...
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Sources of native seeds for California
November 03, 2006
Hello. I am trying to locate native seed producers in California. We have 100 acres of land that we would like to plant native seeds on and possibly harvest. Can you refer me to any California nati...
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Native, flowering plants for privacy fence in Hamilton Co., TX
October 31, 2006
Looking for a native plant or climbing vine to grow on a high (8') game fence to create privacy and hide what's behind the wire. It will be planted near Hico, Texas. Would love the added benefit o...
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Student project on non-native bush snap beans
October 30, 2006
I am doing a science project for school that involves bush snap beans. For my research I am required to have at least one interview with a professional on plants. I was hoping that you would be able ...
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Seeding time for wildflower annuals and perennials in New York
October 27, 2006
We have a large area of open land in front of our house and would like to dedicate part of it to wildflowers. I purchased some perenial seeds and would like to know if I can plant these this fall? T...
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Varieties of lupines that will grow in Zone 7, Alabama
October 27, 2006
I have just found you and read 500 plus questions, fascinated. My question concerns plants in Alabama, is there a variety of lupine that will grow is zone 7, sun or shade? Also, we purchased acreage t...
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Native plants for a lizard terrarium
October 24, 2006
My brother is setting up a terrarium for his lizard and wants advice on some species to put in the tank. He wants plants that generally fit the below description. Can you think of anything fairly c...
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Identifying gender of persimmon trees
October 23, 2006
How can you tell the difference between a male persimmon tree and a female persimmon tree? Also do you need both to bear the fruit? I live in Louisiana and never heard of this before. Thanks.
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Possible low maintenance native plants for acreage in Manor, TX
October 22, 2006
My husband and I recently bought 3 acres of former cow pasture in Manor and plan to build our dream home there eventually. Other than a few pesky Mesquite trees and one huge cactus, there isn't much...
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Restoring and propagating rhododendrons
October 18, 2006
I have 70+ year old native rhododendrons (16+ feet high) in my backyard. After all these years they are beginning to get dammaged by snow load and ice. Therefore I have 2 quesitons concerning these b...
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Technique of using cut flowers to make paper
October 18, 2006
Have an inquiry regarding how to locate (or if such a craft/technique exists) someone or some service that is aware of a process to take fresh-cut flowers & dry & press them into paper or onto paper t...
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Survivability of Texas wildflower seeds in Zone 5A or 5B
October 13, 2006
What are the recommended hardiness zones for Texas wildflowers? Could these seeds survive in a 5A and 5B climate? If so, when would be the correct time to plant seeds for zone 5A/5B?
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Native alternatives to St. Augustine for under an Arizona Ash
October 12, 2006
I live in Mansfield, TX. We have a large Arizona Ash tree in our back yard. No grass will grow under it. We are thinking of laying sod (St. Augustine) there. Is this a good solution and if so, whe...
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Photo of plant Beggar Tick
October 12, 2006
I am looking for information and a photo of the plant Beggar Tick. Thank you.
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Plants for making dyes for organic cotton
October 07, 2006
Looking to dye my own organic cotton for my new line of organic clothing and I want to grow the plants for making the dyes in my own garden. Any suggestions?
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