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Mechanism for Cenizo bush blooming before rain
October 04, 2006
Why does cenizo (aka barometer bush) bloom before it rains?
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Native plants for pots for wedding in November
October 03, 2006
Will any of the plants that are in your big plant sale be flowering in November? I am looking for plants that would do well in pots because I'd like to use them as center pieces at a wedding (in Aus...
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Native Indian Rice Grass cultivation as food source
September 30, 2006
Hi! I'm a student at UT and I ran across a grass while doing some reseach, native to Utah and Arizona, called Indian Ricegrass. It was used as a famine plant among native communities, however, it w...
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Preventing armadillos from digging up lawn for grubs
September 29, 2006
Over the past 4 months we have endured an armadillo digging up our lawn. We are now seeking a humane method to discourage the armadillo from digging up the grubs in our lawn. Do you have any suggest...
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Excessive nitrogen inhibiting coreopsis blooms
September 28, 2006
I planted coreopsis in the summer last year and they bloomed profusely nonstop from June 2005 to April 2006. However, this past summer, continuing to present time, my coreopsis have not bloomed at a...
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Environmentally friendly and drought resistant alternatives to St. Augustine grass
September 28, 2006
As a member of the planning committee of our property owners association in Wimberley TX, we are researching ways to make our landscape environmentally friendly and drought resistant. We have 60,000 ...
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Hardiness of Mexican bush sage in USDA Zone 7
September 25, 2006
I have a Mexican Sage (salvia). I need to know the care of it especially because it is a gift and the plant is about 5 ft. With the weather and the red clay I don't know if I could plant it or just ...
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Control methods for Cenchrus spinifex, Coastal sandbur
September 22, 2006
I have some of the nicest, thickest, greenest grassburs in the county of Erath. What is the best and quickest way to get rid of them? I have heard of a product called cornmeal gluten. Any info appreci...
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Growth rate for eucalyptus in Florida
September 21, 2006
How fast does eucalyptus grow in Florida?
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Control methods for Tribulus terrestris, Goatheads or Puncturevine
September 21, 2006
We have some land that has so many goatheads we can't do anything with it. We would like to know what if anything will remove them from our place. There has to be something out there that will kill ...
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Sources for Wax myrtle (Morella cerifera)
September 21, 2006
I live in Alvin, Texas. I am looking for a small shade tree, that is easy to care for. I only have a small area for the tree. Alvin, Texas is about 30 miles from Galveston. I saw a wax myrtle tre...
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Getting started in gardening
September 16, 2006
Does the center publish any or several planting guides to help gardeners get started? I find it is overwhelming understanding where to start. I have some lake property in East Texas close to Athen...
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Listings of the native plants in Texas
September 15, 2006
What are the native plants in the state of Texas?
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Drought resistant plants or flowering shrubs with pink flowers
September 15, 2006
I need a hardy, drought resistant flower or flowering shrub for my renter, who likes pink flowers. She doesn't remember to water and most likely won't do any weeding. Area is Corinth, TX.
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Skin care uses of sunflower seed oil
September 14, 2006
Just wondering what, if any, were the traditional uses of sunflower in skincare? I thought I read somewhere that the seeds were crushed up into an oil and used on the skin for sun protection? Is the...
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Transplanting time for Smoketree in Quebec
September 14, 2006
I would like to transplant my smoke tree. It is two years old. When would be the best time of the year to transplant. I live in Zone 4.
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More on bluebonnets
September 13, 2006
I have a small field (about 1/2 acre) where I would like to grow bluebonnets and perhaps some other wildflowers for added color. Do bluebonnets need to be fertilized? Should I water them? How can I...
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Availability of seeds or plants for Texas Mulberry
September 12, 2006
Is there any source of seeds or plants for Texas Mulberry?
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Wildflowers to see at Wildflower Center in September
September 12, 2006
My wife and I will be coming to Austin for the Quilt Show September 29, 2006. Will the wild flowers and gardens still be active? We would very much like to visit if there would still be plenty to se...
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Yellowing of Thuja occidentalis leaves in early Fall in Maryland
September 12, 2006
Mr. Smarty Plants, I am from Maryland. Please help. I have planted 23 Thuja occidentalis Smaragd in my front yard a few months ago. Height of about 3 feet. Most of the trees have turned golden brown....
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Lists of edible plants in region of Pennsylvania for school project
September 12, 2006
Please Help! I'm a grade four teacher in Philadelphia. My students and I are assigned a theme project that involves listing edible plants that grow in our region. Can you recommend a web site(s)...
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Best planting time for wildflower seeds in Texas
September 08, 2006
My husband bought a large amount of wildflower seeds at the Ladybird Johnson's Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas several months ago, but neglected to ask when to plant them. Some were Bluebonnets a...
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Determining best time to harvest deer grass seeds in California
September 06, 2006
When is the best time to harvest deer grass seeds at about 4,000 feet in southern Riverside County California??
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Native wildflowers for Missouri
September 06, 2006
I live in the midwest, Wright City, Missouri. I have good dirt, not clay or sand. I love wildflowers. What kind of wildflowers can I grow here successfully?
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Wine from Ampelopsis arborea?
September 06, 2006
Hello, can you eat or make wine from the fruit of Ampelopsis arborea? I have found a few vines that are very fruitful and are ready to pick!
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Transplanting native, protected Ostrich fern in New York
September 05, 2006
Please give advice about how to transplant Matteuccia struthiopteris. What is the best time of year to do this?
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Identification of Tacoma stans or Yellow Bells
September 05, 2006
We have seen a plant along the freeway here in Round Rock...beautiful greens leaves and the most amazing yellow flowers. Someone told us it was an esperanza plant and drought tolerate; however, I can...
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Caring for non-native African violet
September 05, 2006
How do you care for the African violet?
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Identification of Cockspur Hawthorn as Crataegus crus-galli
September 05, 2006
What is cockspur hawthorne?
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Recommended irrigation schedule for Austin, TX
September 04, 2006
With the very hot summer and the conservation of water so important, could you let me know what would be a good watering schedule? I am fortunate enough to have a sprinkler system so I can set my pop...
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Toxicity of Peruvian Lilies (Alstroemeria sp) for food decoration
September 04, 2006
Hi, I am trying to find out if I can decorate a cake using live alstroemeria laid on top of the icing. I would not want to eat the flower, just lay it on top to look pretty before removing and servi...
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Ground covers to enrich soil over winter in Austin
September 03, 2006
I am about to have a baby so will not be working my vegetable garden from about now (September) through the winter or spring. Is there something (a grass, maybe?) that I can plant now that will benefi...
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Help with native plants suffering from drought and heat
September 03, 2006
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants, HELP!!! I live on Lake Travis outside Austin and we planted our yard this spring with lots of wonderful native plants. Now most of them look like they are dying (in particu...
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Transplanting honeysuckle
September 02, 2006
How do I transplant Honeysuckle?
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Management practices to eradicate Johnson grass
September 02, 2006
Please suggest some eradication methods for Johnson grass. It is established in a field that I want to encourage native wildflowers/plants such as goldenrod, prairie coneflower, blue eyed grass, milkw...
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Locating sources for bracken fern in New York
September 01, 2006
I am looking for bracken fern plants to plant in my garden. Where can I find them?
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Possible wilt disease in mountain laurels
August 31, 2006
Three of about 24 of my mature mountain laurels died suddenly, the leaves turned brown almost overnight, scratching the bark revealed no green tissue, the small branches practically cracked when bent,...
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Problems in germination of Asclepias tuberosa in New York
August 31, 2006
I am a member of the Native Plant Center at Westchester Community College and I need information on Acleptis tuberosa. I am in USDA zone 6. Last year I planted fresh seeds purchased from Johnny's S...
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Fall blooming time for Copper Canyon Daisies
August 31, 2006
None of our Copper Canyon Daisies bloomed this year. Can you tell us why? They have been prolific bloomers in past summers.
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Control of borers attacking Prunus serotina
August 30, 2006
Where can I find information to control borers that seem to attack only Prunus serotina v. exemia?
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Replacement of barberry hedge with native, bird-friendly plants
August 30, 2006
I am looking to replace an existing barberry hedge with a deciduous hedge, using a plant that is native to the northeast. I am in zone 6. The site is sun/part sun with decent drainage. The mature si...
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Disposal of bulbs to control Arrowhead aquatic plant
August 29, 2006
How can I kill Arrowhead permanently? I have sprayed repeated years with Roundup, Crossbow, etc., but the arrowhead comes back from the bulb the next year!
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Wintering over a Cuphea ignea in Iowa Zones 4-5
August 29, 2006
I have a Cigar Plant, or a cuphea. I live in Iowa and need to know how to take care of this plant. Does this plant die and that's it, or does this plant come back year after year?
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Control of Roosevelt weed in Hays County, TX
August 29, 2006
Roosevelt weed is rapidly taking over the ranchette which we have purchased in Hays County. Any suggestions for reducing or eliminating its presence will be appreciated. Thanks.
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Seed sources for Mexican Gama Grass
August 28, 2006
I'm trying to find a seed source for Mexican Gama Grass (scientific name is Tripsacum lanceolatum). Can you help me? Thanks.
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Books on Lilies
August 27, 2006
Dear Sir, I am looking for a book covering the Lily Family as a whole, i.e., it should preferably also discuss other Genera than Lilium only. I am especially interested in Lily members occurring in t...
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Non-blooming of Campsis radicans, Trumpet Vine
August 25, 2006
I have a trumpet vine that does not bloom. My neighbor has the same plant and it blooms profusely. I have pruned the vine in February as was suggested on another site. It is healthy and is planted a...
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Determining gender of Texas Hill Country native trees
August 22, 2006
How can I identify which (Tx Hill Country) native trees are separate male & female? Specifically Tx Pistache and American Smoke Tree. Do I have to wait until they flower and inspect the flower for c...
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Elimination of dirt dauber insects
August 18, 2006
Hello - I live in the southeast part of Guadalupe Co. in the post oak savanna area. Do you have any suggestions on how to control dirt dauber dirt/mud nests. I know these critters are beneficial, bu...
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Non-native Coleus canina, animal detererrent
August 18, 2006
I had purchased a plant about 4 years ago at Lowes that I planted in my flower gardens that was a pet deterrent. I cannot remember the name of that plant now? I have spoke to Lowes and others and I am...
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