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Harry T. Cliffe Collection

Harry T. Cliffe of San Antonio documented plant species in Bexar County by spearheading development of the Bexar Regional Herbarium that bears his name (also available on this site), then turned to photographing them. This collection of images focuses on the blossoms of native plants of Texas. The majority of the photographs were taken in south and central Texas. The Native Plant Society of Texas’ San Antonio Chapter provided support to scan the Cliffe collection. Mr. Cliffe is a longtime member of that organization.

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780 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Pinaropappus roseusWhite Rocklettuce
White Dandelion
Pink Dandelion
White Rock Lettuce
Pistia stratiotesWater Lettuce
Plantago aristataLargebracted Plantain
Plantago helleriHeller's Plantain
Cedar Plantain
Pluchea odorataSweetscent
Saltmarsh Fleabane
Polygala albaWhite Milkwort
Polygonum amphibiumWater Knotweed
Water Smartweed
Pontederia cordataPickerelweed
Pickerel Rush
Polanisia dodecandraRedwhisker Clammyweed
Polygala macradeniaGlandleaf Milkwort
Polygala marianaMaryland Milkwort
Potentilla norvegicaNorwegian Cinquefoil
Polytaenia nuttalliiNuttall's Prairie Parsley
Prairie Parsley
Wild Dill
Prairie Parsnip
Polygonum pensylvanicumPennsylvania Smartweed
Pink Smartweed
Portulaca pilosaKiss Me Quick
Polypremum procumbensJuniper Leaf
Porophyllum scopariumTrans-pecos Poreleaf
Shrubby Poreleaf
Hierba del Venado
Prunus angustifoliaChickasaw Plum
Sandhill Plum
Proboscidea louisianicaLouisiana Devil's-claw
Devil's claw
Unicorn Plant
Proboscis Flower
Proboscidea louisianicaLouisiana Devil's-claw
Devil's claw
Unicorn Plant
Proboscis Flower
Prunus rivularisRiver Plum
Creek Plum
Hog Plum
Prunus umbellataFlatwoods Plum
Hog Plum
Black Sloe
Prunella vulgarisCommon Selfheal
Psilostrophe gnaphalioidesDudweed
Pseudognaphalium leucocephalumWhite Cudweed
Psilostrophe tagetinaWoolly Paperflower
Psilostrophe tagetinaWoolly Paperflower
Ptilimnium capillaceumHerbwilliam
Ptelea trifoliataWafer Ash
Common Hoptree
Hop Tree
Pyrrhopappus grandiflorusTuberous Desert-chicory
Pyrrhopappus pauciflorusSmallflower Desert-chicory
Texas Dandelion
False Dandelion
Quercus buckleyiTexas Red Oak
Buckley Oak
Texas Oak
Spanish Oak
Spotted Oak
Rock Oak
Quercus laceyiLacey Oak
Texas Blue Oak
Canyon Oak
Smoky Oak
Rock Oak
Quincula lobataPurple Groundcherry
Chinese Lantern
Purple Ground Cherry
Quercus virginianaCoastal Live Oak
Southern Live Oak
Virginia Live Oak
Live Oak
Ranunculus abortivusLittleleaf Buttercup
Kidney-leaf Buttercup
Early Wood Buttercup
Ratibida columniferaMexican Hat
Red-spike Mexican Hat
Upright Prairie Coneflower
Prairie Coneflower
Long-headed Coneflower
Ranunculus laxicaulisMississippi Buttercup
Ranunculus macranthusLarge Buttercup
Rafinesquia neomexicanaNew Mexico Plumeseed
Ratibida peduncularisNaked Mexican Hat
Naked Prairie Coneflower
Ranunculus sceleratusCursed Buttercup
Rhynchosia americanaAmerican Snoutbean
Rhynchospora colorataWhitetop Sedge
White-topped Sedge
Starrush Whitetop
Star Sedge
Star Rush
Rhus lanceolataPrairie Flameleaf Sumac
Flameleaf Sumac
Prairie Sumac
Lance-leaf Sumac
Lance-leaved Sumac
Texas Sumac
Tree Sumac
Limestone Sumac
Prairie Shining Sumac
Rhus microphyllaLittleleaf Sumac
Desert Sumac
Rhynchosia minimaLeast Snoutbean
Rhododendron oblongifoliumTexas Azalea
Rhynchosia senna var. texanaTexas Snoutbean
Texas Snout-bean
Rhexia virginicaHandsome-harry
Virginia Meadow Beauty
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780 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page