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Harry T. Cliffe Collection

Harry T. Cliffe of San Antonio documented plant species in Bexar County by spearheading development of the Bexar Regional Herbarium that bears his name (also available on this site), then turned to photographing them. This collection of images focuses on the blossoms of native plants of Texas. The majority of the photographs were taken in south and central Texas. The Native Plant Society of Texas’ San Antonio Chapter provided support to scan the Cliffe collection. Mr. Cliffe is a longtime member of that organization.

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780 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

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Senna pilosiorTrans-pecos Senna
Senna roemerianaTwoleaf Senna
Two Leaved Senna
Sesbania vesicariaBagpod
Senna wislizeniCanyon Senna
Shrubby Senna
Dwarf Senna
Wislizenus's Senna
Wislizenus's Wild Sensitive-plant
Palo Prieto
Sisyrinchium albidumWhite Blue-eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium angustifoliumNarrowleaf Blue-eyed Grass
Narrow-leaf Blue-eyed-grass
Bermuda Blue-eyed Grass
Blue-eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium atlanticumEastern Blue-eyed Grass
Simsia calvaAwnless Bush Sunflower
Bush Sunflower
Sisyrinchium chilenseSwordleaf Blue-eyed Grass
Sword-leaf Blue-eyed Grass
Sida ciliarisBracted Fanpetals
Bracted Sida
Sisyrinchium demissumStiff Blue-eyed Grass
Silphium gracileSlender Rosinweed
Silene laciniataCardinal Catchfly
Southern Indian Pink
Mexican Campion
Sisyrinchium langloisiiRoadside Blue-eyed Grass
Dotted Blue-eyed Grass
Southern Blue-eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium langloisiiRoadside Blue-eyed Grass
Dotted Blue-eyed Grass
Southern Blue-eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium minusDwarf Blue-eyed-grass
Pink Blue-eyed-grass
Sida neomexicanaNew Mexico Fanpetals
Silphium radulaRoughstem Rosinweed
Sisyrinchium rosulatumAnnual Blue-eyed Grass
Sida spinosaPrickly Fanpetals
Silene subciliataPrairie-fire Pink
Louisiana Catchfly
Solidago altissimaTall Goldenrod
Late Goldenrod
Canadian Goldenrod
Canada Goldenrod
Solidago altissimaTall Goldenrod
Late Goldenrod
Canadian Goldenrod
Canada Goldenrod
Solanum carolinenseCarolina Horsenettle
Carolina Horse-nettle
Solanum dimidiatumWestern Horsenettle
Western Horse-nettle
Solanum elaeagnifoliumSilverleaf Nightshade
Silver-leaf Nightshade
White Horse Nettle
Tomato Weed
Bull Nettle
Solidago giganteaGiant Goldenrod
Smooth Goldenrod
Tall Goldenrod
Late Goldenrod
Early Goldenrod
Solanum ptycanthumEastern Black Nightshade
West Indian Nightshade
Common Nightshade
Black Nightshade
Sophora secundifloraTexas Mountain Laurel
Mountain Laurel
Mescal Bean
Mescal Bean Sophora
Solidago tortifoliaTwistleaf Goldenrod
Solanum triquetrumTexas Nightshade
Hierba Mora
Sphaeralcea angustifoliaNarrowleaf Globemallow
Copper Globemallow
Copper Mallow
Sphaeralcea angustifoliaNarrowleaf Globemallow
Copper Globemallow
Copper Mallow
Spiranthes cernuaNodding Ladies'-tresses
Nodding Lady's Tresses
Sphaeralcea fendleriFendler's Globemallow
Sphaeralcea hastulataSpear Globemallow
Spiranthes laciniataLace-lip Ladies'-tresses
Lace-lip Lady's Tresses
Sphaeralcea leptophyllaScaly Globemallow
Sphaeralcea lindheimeriWoolly Globemallow
Spiranthes praecoxGreenvein Ladies'-tresses
Greenvein Lady's Tresses
Styphnolobium affineEve's Necklace
Eve's Necklacepod
Texas Sophora
Pink Sophora
Necklace Tree
Stachys crenataMousesear
Shade Betony
Mouse's Ear
Streptanthus cutleriCutler's Jewelflower
Strophostyles helvolaTrailing Fuzzybean
Trailing Wild Bean
Trailing Fuzzy Bean
Strophostyles helvolaTrailing Fuzzybean
Trailing Wild Bean
Trailing Fuzzy Bean
Stillingia texanaTexas Queen's Delight
Queen's Delight
Texas Toothleaf
Symphyotrichum ericoides var. ericoidesWhite Heath Aster
Heath Aster
White Aster
White Prairie Aster
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum var. lateriflorumCalico Aster
Symphyotrichum patens var. patensSpreading Aster
Late Purple Aster
Spread-leaf Aster
Sky-drop Aster
Symphyotrichum praealtum var. praealtumWillowleaf Aster
Tall Aster
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780 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page