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Glossary of commonly used botanical terms and their definitions. Use the search bar below to look up a botanical term.

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15 Random Botanical Terms

Herb - A plant species lacking woody tissue when mature.

Achene - A dry, usually one-seeded, indehiscent fruit.

Staminate - Having stamens.

Aril - An outer covering or appendage of some seeds.

Nectar - A sweet fluid produced in flowers.

Twig - A small branch.

Annual - A species that grows from seed, flowers, fruits and dies within one year's time. See also, Winter Annual.

Bract - A reduced or modified leaf occurring at the base of a flower or group of flowers. Bracts are sometimes arranged in rows, like shingles on a roof, usually closely cupping the blossoms of Asteraceae (Sunflower Family); cf. Phyllary. Sometimes brightly colored or petallike, as in Castilleja spp. (paintbrush), or threadlike, as in Daucus carota (Queen Anne's Lace). ...

Cactus/Succulent - A plant having leaves and/or stems which are thick and fleshy.

Radial asymmetry - The flower can be cut into two equal halves in many ways, provided that the plane of cutting passes through the center.

Cordate - Heart-shaped, with the point at the apex.

Oblanceolate - Inversely lanceolate with top wider than bottom.

Rosette - An arrangement of leaves radiating from the stem at a nearly common level, frequently at or just above the ground line.

Lobed flower - A tubular or funnel shaped flower that opens into petal like lobes.

Superior ovary - An ovary situated above the origin of sepals and petals.