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Botanical Glossary

Glossary of commonly used botanical terms and their definitions.

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Palmately compoundLeaflets radiating from one point, resembling a hand with the fingers spread. Leaves may also be palmately lobed or have palmate venation.
PanicleA branched raceme; a raceme of racemes.
PappusThe calyx modifications found on many species of Asteraceae (Sunflower Family), commonly appearing as hairs, bristles, or scales, and usually persisting on the fruit.
ParallelA leaf whose veins run in parallel from the stem.parallel.jpg
Parallel venationMain veins running from base to apex of leaf.
Part ShadePart shade is classified as a garden receiving 4-6 hours of sun with dappled shade from trees or as approximately 4 hours of sun with shade either in the morning or afternoon. Part shade and part sun are used interchangeably by the horticulture industry.
PedicelThe stalk of a single flower in a cluster of flowers.
PeduncleThe stalk of a solitary flower or of a cluster of flowers.
PeltateLeaf shape that is round or rounded with the petiole attachment on the abaxial leaf surface and not on a leaf edge.
PendulousSuspended, hanging.
PerennialA plant or plant species with a normal life cycle exceeding two years.
PerfectA flower with both male and female reproductive organs; bisexual, hermaphroditic or monoclinous.
PerfoliateA leaf with the base united around the stem.
PerianthCollective term for petals and sepals (corolla and calyx).
PetalUnit of the corolla.
PetioleA leaf stem.
PetioluleThe stalk of the leaflet of a compound leaf.
PhyllaryA term sometimes used for individual bracts below the head of flowers in Asteraceae (Sunflower Family), so designated to avoid confusion with bracts on the flower stem.
Pinnae(Pinna, sing.) A division of a pinnately compound leaf.
PinnateArranged along an axis. Leaves may be pinnately compound (see below) and/or pinnately lobed; they may also have pinnate venation, with veins extending from the midrib.pinnate.jpg
Pinnately CompoundLeaves with leaflets opposite each other on each side of the midrib. They may be oddly pinnate, ending with a leaflet at the tip, or evenly pinnate, with no leaflet at the end. These leaflets may be twice compound (Bipinnate), like the leaves on sensitive briars (Mimosa spp.). pinnate.jpg
PistilThe seed-producing or female organ, consisting of ovary, style, and stigma; usually located in the center of the flower.
Pistillate flowerA flower with pistils, but no stamens.
PithThe spongy tissue in the center of a stem.
PodA dry fruit that splits after ripening, a term applied to fruits in the Legume Family.pod.jpg

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