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The Research Literature database was created and funded by the Florida Wildflower Foundation. Use the search features below to find scientific articles on native wildflowers that are commercially available or used in restoration projects.

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title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced
Three New Species of Cuscuta from Mexico
T. G. Yuncker
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical ClubCuscuta dentatasquamata (Los pinitos dodder)
Three new species of Epichloe symbiotic with North American grasses
C. L. Schardl and A. Leuchtmann
MycologiaFungi,PathologyLaboratoryGlyceria striata (Fowl mannagrass)
Eugene P. Bicknell
TorreyaVioletViola ×notabilis (Remarkable hybrid violet)
Tiller dispersion in populations of the bunchgrass Schizachyrium scoparium: implications for herbivory tolerance
D. D. Briske and V. J. Anderson
OikosDisturbanceFieldSchizachyrium scoparium (Little bluestem)
Timing of transplanting affects survival of prairie perennial forb seedlings
R. D. Kemery, M. N. Dana
Establishment methods,PhenologyRoad,PrairieRatibida pinnata (Grayhead coneflower)
Tissue culture and wetland establishment of the freshwater monocots Carex, Juncus, Scirpus, and Typha
S. M. D. Rogers
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-PlantEstablishment methods,Propagation,Plant growth regulator,LightGreenhouse,Laboratory,WetlandJuncus effusus (Common rush)
Tissue Cultures of Solanum tuberosum and Ipomoea pandurata
Y. Lingappa
American Journal of BotanyPropagation,LightLaboratoryIpomoea pandurata (Man of the earth)
Tissue water relations in elfin cloud forest tree species of Serrania de Macuira, Guajira, Colombia
J. Cavelier
Trees-Structure and FunctionChemistry,Light,WaterForestMyrcianthes fragrans (Simpson's stopper)
Tissue-cultured creeping bluestem for restoration of phosphate-mined lands
R. Kalmbacher, J. Norcini, T. Chakravarty, I. Ezenwa and F. Martin
Native Plants JournalEstablishment methods,RestorationFieldSchizachyrium scoparium (Little bluestem)
Tolerance of four container-grown native wildflower species to selected herbicides
Aldrich, J.H.; Roddenberry, J.L.; Norcini, J.G.
111 ()
Tolerance of hardy ferns to selected preemergence herbicides
G. B. Fain, C. H. Gilliam, G. J. Keever
HerbicideGreenhouseDryopteris ludoviciana (Southern woodfern)
Tolerance of native wildflower seedlings to imazapic
J. G. Norcini, J. H. Aldrich and F. G. Martini
Journal of Environmental HorticultureEcotype, Establishment methods, HerbicideFieldCoreopsis lanceolata (Lanceleaf coreopsis)
Ipomopsis rubra (Standing cypress)
Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed susan)
Salvia coccinea (Scarlet sage)
Tolerance of Stokes aster to selected herbicides
E. J. Callan and C. W. Kennedy
Industrial Crops and ProductsHerbicide,Human UseGreenhouseStokesia laevis (Stokes aster)
Tolerance to salinity and manganese in three common roadside species
L. L. Beaton and S. A. Dudley
International Journal of Plant SciencesEcotype, Germination, Nutrients, StressLaboratoryAsclepias incarnata (Swamp milkweed)
Towards an understanding of the mixed breeding system of swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata)
S. R. Lipow and R. Wyatt
Journal of the Torrey Botanical SocietyPollination,GeneticsForest,,GreenhouseAsclepias incarnata (Swamp milkweed)
Tracheoid variation among Bignoniaceae seed wings, with emphasis on Campsis radicans
N. R. Lersten, L. Krueger and J. D. Curtis
International Journal of Plant SciencesMorphologyLaboratoryCampsis radicans (Trumpet creeper)
Trade-off between sexual and vegetative reproduction of the weedy Heliotropium curassavicum
A. K. Hegazy
Journal of Arid EnvironmentsEstablishment methods,Population viability analysis,GerminationFieldHeliotropium curassavicum (Salt heliotrope)
Trade-offs between clonal and sexual reproduction in Sagittaria latifolia (Alismataceae) scale up to affect the fitness of entire clones
W. E. Van Drunen, M. E. Dorken
Morphology,Propagation,NutrientsGreenhouseSagittaria latifolia (Broadleaf arrowhead)
Trait stasis versus adaptation in disjunct relict species: evolutionary changes in seed dormancy-breaking and germination requirements in a subclade of Aristolochia subgenus Siphisia (Piperales)
C. A. Adams, J. M. Baskin and C. C. Baskin
Seed Science ResearchGerminationLaboratoryAristolochia tomentosa (Woolly dutchman's pipe)
Transfer of Powdery Mildew Resistance from Helianthus debilis Nutt. to Cultivated Sunflower
C. C. Jan and J. M. Chandler
Crop ScienceFungi,PathologyLaboratoryHelianthus debilis (Cucumberleaf sunflower)
Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L. (Poaceae) caryopsis dormancy and germination responses to scarification, hydrogen peroxide and phytohormones
R. Huarte and M. D. Garcia
Seed Science and TechnologyGermination,Plant growth regulatorLaboratoryTripsacum dactyloides (Eastern gamagrass)
Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L. caryopses water uptake dynamics and germination responses to gibberellic acid, fluctuating temperatures and pericarp scarification
R. Huarte, S. Staltari, S. E. Chcrzempa and M. D. Garcia
Seed Science and TechnologyGermination,Plant growth regulatorLaboratoryTripsacum dactyloides (Eastern gamagrass)
Tritrophic interactions and trade-offs in herbivore fecundity on hybridising host plants
M. V. Cattell and P. Stiling
Ecological EntomologyGenetics,Pollination,DisturbanceLaboratoryBorrichia frutescens (Bushy seaside tansy)
Trophic interactions involving Herpetogramma phaeopteralis (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) and Passiflora incarnata (Passifloraceae)
A. Sourakov
Florida EntomologistDisturbance, PollinationGarden,UrbanPassiflora incarnata (Maypop)
Trumpetcreeper (Campsis radicans) control in double-crop glyphosate-resistant soybean with glyphosate and conventional herbicide systems
K. W. Bradley, E. S. Hagood and P. H. Davis
Weed TechnologyHerbicideAgriculturalCampsis radicans (Trumpet creeper)
title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced

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