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2,212 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced
Characterizing the interaction between the bogus yucca moth and yuccas: do bogus yucca moths impact yucca reproductive success?
D. M. Althoff, K. A. Segraves and J. P. Sparks
OecologiaDisturbance, PollinationScrubYucca filamentosa (Adam's needle)
Chemical analyses of seeds II: oil and protein content of 759 species
Jones, Quentin; Earle, F. R.
20 ()
Chemical analyses of seeds III: oil and protein content of 1253 Species
Barclay, A. S.; Earle, F. R.
Economic Botany ()
Chemical analyses of seeds III: oil and protein content of 1253 Species
Barclay, A. S.; Earle, F. R.
Economic Botany ()
Chemical control of wild Allium species
W. S. Hardcastle
Agronomy JournalHerbicideFieldAllium canadense (Meadow garlic)
Chemical height control of containerized seashore mallow
K. R. Hilgers, C. Haynes and W. R. Graves
HorttechnologyPlant growth regulator,PropagationGreenhouseKosteletzkya virginica (Virginia saltmarsh mallow)
Chemical inhibition of fire-prone grasses by fire-sensitive shrub,Conradina canescens
G. B. Williamson, N. H. Fischer, D. R. Richardson and A. Delapena
Journal of Chemical EcologyAllelopathy, Chemistry, GerminationLaboratory, Scrub, SandhillConradina canescens (False rosemary)
Chionanthus (Oleaceae), a new host genus for the powdery mildew Phyllactinia fraxini (Erysiphaceae)
M. Piatek
Nova HedwigiaFungi,PathologyGardenChionanthus virginicus (White fringetree)
Chloroplast DNA Haplotype Variation within and among Populations of Coreopsis grandiflora (Asteraceae)
R. J. Masongamer, K. E. Holsinger and R. K. Jansen
Molecular Biology and EvolutionGeneticsLaboratoryCoreopsis grandiflora (Largeflower tickseed)
Chromosome differences between some species of the genera Sophora L. and Styphnolobium Schott
G. Palomino, P. Martinez, C. Bernal and M. Sousa
Annals of the Missouri Botanical GardenGenetics,TaxonomyLaboratorySophora tomentosa var. truncata (Yellow necklacepod)
Chromosome numbers in the compositae. I. Meiotic chromosome counts for 25 species of Texas Compositae including 6 new generic reports
B. L. Turner, W. L. Ellison
Texas Journal of ScienceGeneticsLaboratoryEupatorium rotundifolium (Roundleaf thoroughwort)
Chromosome Races of Gaillardia pulchella (Asteraceae)
W. Stoutamire
BrittoniaEcotype, Genetics, MorphologyLaboratoryGaillardia pulchella (Indian blanket)
Circumnutation behavior of an exotic honeysuckle vine and its native congener: Influence on clonal mobility
K. C. Larson
American Journal of BotanyInvasive species,MorphologyGardenLonicera sempervirens (Coral honeysuckle)
Clinal variation associated with edaphic ecotones in hybrid populations of Gaillardia pulchella
J. S. Heywood
EvolutionEcotype,Genetics,NutrientsLaboratory,RoadGaillardia pulchella (Indian blanket)
Clonal Biology of the Temperate, Caespitose, Graminoid Schizachyrium scoparium - a Synthesis with Reference to Climate Change
J. M. Welker and D. D. Briske
OikosClimate change, MorphologyFieldSchizachyrium scoparium (Little bluestem)
Clonal Structure of Wild Populations and Origins of Horticultural Stocks of Illicium parviflorum (Illiciaceae)
D. L. Newell and A. B. Morris
American Journal of BotanyGenetics,Ecotype,Provenance,Seed collectingLaboratoryIllicium parviflorum (Yellow anisetree)
Coastal prairie plant growers' handbook
Gonzalez, J.; Allain, L; Solomon, T; Hannha, F
Coexistence of mutualists and antagonists: exploring the impact of cheaters on the yucca - yucca moth mutualism
D. L. Marr, M. T. Brock and O. Pellmyr
OecologiaDisturbance, PollinationCedar GladesYucca filamentosa (Adam's needle)
Cold hardiness of floral buds of deciduous azaleas: Dehardening, rehardening, and endodormancy in late winter
S. R. Kalberer, R. Arora, N. Leyva-Estrada and S. L. Krebs
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural SciencePhenologyLaboratoryRhododendron canescens (Mountain azalea)
Cold Hardiness of Various Provenances of Flame, Roseshell, and Swamp Azaleas
N. E. Pellett, N. Rowan and J. Aleong
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural ScienceProvenance,Climate changeLaboratoryRhododendron viscosum (Swamp azalea)
Collection Records and First Adult Host Record for Phydanis bicolor Horn (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Alticini), An Uncommonly Encountered Texas Flea Beetle
Riley, Edward G., and Quinn, Michael A.
Coleopterists BulletinDisturbance,MorphologyDyschoriste linearis (Snake herb)
Collections Towards a Flora of the Territory of Arkansas
Nuttall, Thomas
Transactions of the American Philosophical SocietyPhacelia glabra (Smooth phacelia)
Colonization of old fields by trees vs. shrubs: seed dispersal and seedling establishment
S. Gardescu and P. L. Marks
Journal of the Torrey Botanical SocietyEstablishment methods,CompetitionOld fieldViburnum dentatum (Southern arrowwood)
Combining Ability for Canopy Growth and Gas-Exchange of Interspecific Blueberries under Moderate Water Deficit
W. A. Erb, A. D. Draper and H. J. Swartz
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural ScienceStress,WaterGreenhouseVaccinium darrowii (Darrow's blueberry)
Combining Ability for Seedling Root Systems Size and Shoot Vigor in Interspecific Blueberry Progenies
W. A. Erb, A. D. Draper and H. J. Swartz
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural ScienceStress,WaterGreenhouseVaccinium corymbosum (Highbush blueberry)
Vaccinium darrowii (Darrow's blueberry)
title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced

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2,212 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page