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title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced
Pollination biology of saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) in southwestern Florida
M. E. Carrington, T. D. Gottfried, J. J. Mullahey
PalmsPollinationForest, Pine, Pine rocklandSerenoa repens (Saw palmetto)
Pollination biology, self-incompatibility, and sterility in Ipomoea pandurata (L.) GFW MEYER (Convolvulaceae)
J. M. Stucky and R. L. Beckmann
American Journal of BotanyMorphology, Pollination, Seed collecting, Seed increaseLaboratoryIpomoea pandurata (Man of the earth)
Pollination ecology and reproductive success in Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) in Quebec (Canada)
I. Barriault, D. Barabe, L. Cloutier and M. Gibernau
Plant BiologyPollinationForestArisaema triphyllum (Jack in the pulpit)
Pollination Intensity, Seed Predation, and Reproductive Success in Hibiscus moscheutos L.
T. P. Spira
American Journal of BotanyPollination, Seed collectingWetlandHibiscus moscheutos (Crimson-eyed rose-mallow)
Pollination limitation to reproductive success in the Missouri evening primrose, Oenothera macrocarpa (Onagraceae)
Jennifer M. Moody-Weis, John S. Heywood
American Journal of BotanyPollinationPrairieOenothera macrocarpa (Bigfruit evening-primrose)
Pollination of Ipomopsis rubra (Polemoniaceae) by Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds
J. R. Estes and P. M. Hall
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical ClubPollinationFieldIpomopsis rubra (Standing cypress)
Pollination of Scaevola plumieri (L) Vahl and Ipomoea pes-caprae Sweet, two plants of tropical beaches
H. Kugler
FloraPollinationCoastalIpomoea pes-caprae (Railroad vine)
Pollinator effectiveness on co-occurring milkweeds (Asclepias; Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae)
K. Theiss, S. Kephart and C. T. Ivey
Annals of the Missouri Botanical GardenPollinationFieldAsclepias incarnata (Swamp milkweed)
Pollinator efficiency of some insects in relation to wild species populations of Helianthus L
S. Meynie and R. Bernard
AgronomiePollination,Seed increaseGreenhouseHelianthus debilis (Cucumberleaf sunflower)
Pollinator importance and temporal variation in a population of Phlox divaricata L. (Polemoniaceae)
S. Wiggam, C. J. Ferguson
American Midland NaturalistPhenology, PollinationPrairiePhlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox)
Pollinator responses to variation in floral display and flower size in dioecious Sagittaria latifolia (Alismataceae)
M. Glaettli, S. C. H. Barrett
New PhytologistPollinationFieldSagittaria latifolia (Broadleaf arrowhead)
Pollinator-mediated isolation in sympatric milkweeds (Asclepias): do floral morphology and insect behavior influence species boundaries?
S. Kephart and K. Theiss
New PhytologistPollination,GeneticsGardenAsclepias incarnata (Swamp milkweed)
Polyacetylenes from Chrysoma pauciflosculosa: Effects on Florida sandhill species
M. A. Menelaou, M. Foroozesh, G. B. Williamson, F. R. Fronczek, H. D. Fischer and N. H. Fischer
PhytochemistryGermination, Competition, Allelopathy, ChemistryLaboratory, SandhillChrysoma pauciflosculosa (Woody goldenrod)
Nauman, Clifton E
SIDAPolygala grandiflora var. angustifolia (Showy milkwort)
Polygala grandiflora var. grandiflora (Showy milkwort)
Polymorphic buttonwood: Effects of disturbance on resistance to herbivores in green and silver morphs of a Bahamian shrub
A. A. Agrawal and D. A. Spiller
American Journal of BotanyDisturbance, Ecotype, StressForestConocarpus erectus (Button mangrove)
Polyploid and hybrid evolution in roses east of the Rocky Mountains
S. Joly, J. R. Starr, W. H. Lewis and A. Bruneau
American Journal of BotanyGenetics,SystematicsLaboratoryRosa palustris (Swamp rose)
Polyploidy in Stokes Aster (Stokesia laevis)
J. Gaus, D. Werner and S. Tallury
HortscienceGeneticsLaboratoryStokesia laevis (Stokes aster)
Polystichum kwakiutlii sp. nov., the Elusive Bipinnate Ancestor of P. andersonii
David H. Wagner
American Fern JournalPolystichum kwakiutlii (Kwakiutl's holly fern)
Polytaenia albiflora (Apiaceae), a new species from the Balcones Canyonlands in the Edwards Plateau of Texas
Eric L. Keith
PhytoneuronPolytaenia albiflora (White flowered prairie parsley)
Population Biology of Bonamia grandiflora (Convolulaceae): Effects of Fire on Plant and Seed Bank Dynamics
D. C. Hartnett and D. R. Richardson
American Journal of BotanyDisturbance, Germination, Seed storage, Succession, Rare plantsLongleaf pine, ScrubBonamia grandiflora (Florida lady's nightcap)
Population biology of Kosteletzkya pentacarpos (Malvaceae) in the Llobregat delta (Catalonia, NE of Spain)
J. Pino and E. de Roa
Plant EcologyConservation assessment,Rare plants,Phenology,Light,Population viability analysisWetlandKosteletzkya virginica (Virginia saltmarsh mallow)
Population differentiation in an annual legume: Genetic architecture
C. B. Fenster and L. F. Galloway
EvolutionGeneticsFieldChamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge pea)
Population differentiation in an annual legume: Local adaptation
L. F. Galloway and C. B. Fenster
EvolutionEcotype,Provenance,GeneticsGarden,FieldChamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge pea)
Population differentiation in the range expansion of a native maritime plant, Solidago sempervirens L.
J. Brauer, M. A. Geber
International Journal of Plant SciencesEcotype, StressGreenhouse, CoastalSolidago sempervirens (Seaside goldenrod)
Population dynamics of the rare plant Kosteletzkya pentacarpos (Malvaceae): a nine-year study
J. Pino, F. X. Pico and E. De Roa
Botanical Journal of the Linnean SocietyPopulation viability analysis,Rare plants,Conservation assessmentWetlandKosteletzkya virginica (Virginia saltmarsh mallow)
Population dynamics of thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae: Phlaeothripidae) inhabiting Vaccinium (Ericales: Ericaceae) galls in Georgia
S. K. Braman, R. J. Beshear, J. A. Payne and A. A. Amis
Environmental EntomologyPathologyForestVaccinium arboreum (Farkleberry)
Population genetic structure in Nolina brittoniana (Agavaceae), a plant endemic to the central ridges of Florida
R. W. Dolan, R. Yahr, E. S. Menges
Southeastern Naturalist Genetics, Rare plantsSandhill, ScrubNolina brittoniana (Britton's beargrass)
Population structure and tiller demography of the bunchgrass Schizachyrium scoparium in response to herbivory
J. L. Butler and D. D. Briske
OikosDisturbanceFieldSchizachyrium scoparium (Little bluestem)
Population variation in plant traits associated with ant attraction and herbivory in Chamaecrista fasciculata (Fabaceae)
R. S. Rios, R. J. Marquis and J. C. Flunker
OecologiaDisturbance,ProvenanceCoastal,UrbanChamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge pea)
Population-Genetics of the Rare Asclepias texana and Its Widespread Sister Species, A. perennis
A. L. Edwards and R. Wyatt
Systematic BotanyGenetics,Rare plantsLaboratoryAsclepias perennis (White swamp milkweed)
Positive and negative consequences of salinity stress for the growth and reproduction of the clonal plant, Iris hexagona
P. A. Van Zandt, M. A. Tobler, E. Mouton, K. H. Hasenstein, S. Mopper
Journal of Ecology Stress, WaterWetlandIris hexagona (Dixie iris)
Post-dispersal predation of Acacia farnesiana seeds by Stator vachelliae (Bruchidae) in Central America
A. Traveset
OecologiaDisturbance, Seed collectingCoastal,SavannaVachellia farnesiana (Huisache)
Post-fire canopy recovery in two fire-adapted palms, Serenoa repens and Sabal etonia (Arecaceae)
W. G. Abrahamson, C. R. Abrahamson
Florida ScientistDisturbance, MorphologyForestSerenoa repens (Saw palmetto)
Post-fire growth strategies of resprouting Florida scrub vegetation
A. J. Maguire, E. S. Menges
Fire EcologyDisturbanceScrubLyonia fruticosa (Coastal plain staggerbush)
Lyonia lucida (Shining fetterbush)
Palafoxia feayi (Feay's palafox)
Serenoa repens (Saw palmetto)
Vaccinium darrowii (Darrow's blueberry)
Vaccinium myrsinites (Shiny blueberry)
Post-fire seedling establishment in Florida sand pine scrub
M. E. Carrington
Journal of Vegetation ScienceDisturbance, GerminationPine,ScrubGarberia heterophylla (Garberia)
Post-transplant Irrigation Scheduling for Two Native Deciduous Shrub Taxa
A. B. Griffin, A. N. Wright, K. M. Tilt and D. J. Eakes
HortscienceIrrigationLandscapeItea virginica (Virginia sweetspire)
Postestablishment landscape performance of Florida native and exotic shrubs under irrigated and nonirrigated conditions
S. M. Scheiber, E. F. Gilman, D. R. Sandrock, M. Paz, C. Wiese and M. M. Brennan
HorttechnologyIrrigationLandscapeCallicarpa americana (American beautyberry )
Ilex glabra (Inkberry)
Ilex vomitoria (Yaupon)
Prunus angustifolia (Chickasaw plum)
Serenoa repens (Saw palmetto)
Viburnum obovatum (Small-leaf arrowwood)
Zamia pumila (Coontie)
Posttransplant Growth of Container-grown Wild Coffee, Copperleaf, and Orange Jasmine Is Affected by Irrigation Frequency
K. A. Moore, A. L. Shober, E. F. Gilman, C. Wiese, S. M. Scheiber, M. Paz and M. M. Brennan
HorttechnologyEstablishment methods,IrrigationLandscapePsychotria nervosa (Seminole balsamo)
Potential allelopathic effects of Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi, Anacardiaceae) aqueous extract on germination and growth of selected Florida native plants
E. C. Morgan and W. A. Overholt
Journal of the Torrey Botanical SocietyAllelopathy,Competition,GerminationLaboratory,GreenhouseRivina humilis (Pigeonberry)
Potential carry-over of seeds from 11 common shrub and vine competitors of loblolly and shortleaf pines
M. G. Shelton and M. D. Cain
Canadian Journal of Forest Research-Revue Canadienne De Recherche ForestiereGermination,Seed storagePineCallicarpa americana (American beautyberry )
Potential for biological control of the lobate lac scale, Paratachardina lobata lobata (Hemiptera : Kerriidae)
R. W. Pemberton
Florida EntomologistDisturbanceLaboratoryChrysobalanus icaco (Icaco coco plum)
Potential for using native plant species in stormwater wetlands
C. M. Bonilla-Warford and J. B. Zedler
Environmental ManagementCompetition,Invasive species,Restoration,WaterLaboratoryGlyceria striata (Fowl mannagrass)
Potential of Creeping Bluestem for Improvement of Grazing on Florida Range
R. S. Kalmbacher, W. F. Brown, F. G. Martin and S. W. West
Crop ScienceGermination,GeneticsNurserySchizachyrium scoparium (Little bluestem)
Potential Pollen Competition in Hibiscus moscheutos L (Malvaceae)
T. P. Spira
American Journal of BotanyCompetition, PollinationGreenhouseHibiscus moscheutos (Crimson-eyed rose-mallow)
Prairie establishment/restoration seeding recommendations
US Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Con ()
Prairie forb response to timing of vole herbivory
A. T. Sullivan and H. F. Howe
EcologyDisturbance, Establishment methods, Restoration, WildlifeTallgrass prairieEchinacea purpurea (Eastern purple coneflower)
Pre-dispersal seed predation in Central American Acacia farnesiana: factors affecting the abundance of co-occurring bruchid beetles
A. Traveset
OecologiaDisturbance, Seed collecting, Seed increaseCoastal,SavannaVachellia farnesiana (Huisache)
Preliminary studies on the resistance of tropical tree species to the pest Atta insularis (Guer) in Cuba
G. Febles, T. Ruiz, V. Torres, G. Achan, A. Noda and J. Alonso
Cuban Journal of Agricultural SciencePathology,StressLaboratorySophora tomentosa var. truncata (Yellow necklacepod)
Premergence herbicides for transplanted herbaceous perennials." Proceedings, Northeastern Weed Science Society
J. F. Ahrens
Proceedings, Northeastern Weed Science SocietyEstablishment methods, HerbicideLandscapePhlox divaricata (Wild blue phlox)
Prescribed fire effects on structure in uneven-aged stands of loblolly and shortleaf pines
M. D. Cain, T. B. Wigley and D. J. Reed
Wildlife Society BulletinDisturbanceForestCallicarpa americana (American beautyberry )
title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced

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