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title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced
Prevalence of chemical defenses among freshwater plants
A. C. Prusak, J. O'Neal and J. Kubanek
Journal of Chemical EcologyChemistry, DisturbanceWetlandSaururus cernuus (Lizard's tail)
Prevernalization daily light integral and vernalization temperature influences flowering of herbaceous perennials
G. H. Niu, R. Heins, A. Cameron and W. Carlson
HortscienceLight, Phenology, PropagationGreenhouseCoreopsis grandiflora (Largeflower tickseed)
Primary Productivity in 20-year Old Created Wetlands in Southwestern Virginia
R. B. Atkinson, J. E. Perry, G. B. Noe, W. L. Daniels and J. Cairns
WetlandsRestorationWetlandScirpus cyperinus (Woolgrass)
Priming and environmental influences on germination of two woody species
G. L. David, D. L. Hensley, S. C. Wiest
HortscienceGermination, WaterLaboratoryAmorpha fruticosa (Indigo bush)
Priming wildflower seed mixtures increases sod production rate
Pill, W.G.; Veacock, E.E.; Polston, C.E.
18 ()
Pritchardia flynnii (Arecaceae), a New Endemic Species from Kaua'i, Hawaiian Islands
David Lorence, Chrissen E C Gemmill
NovonPritchardia flynnii (Flynn's loulu)
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
A. L. Norrbom, B. A. Foote
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of WashingtonDisturbance, WildlifeLaboratoryCoreopsis tripteris (Tall tickseed)
Production and chemical composition of Saururus cernuus L. at sites of different fertility
C. E. Boyd and W. W. Walley
EcologyChemistry, Nutrients, ProvenanceForest, WetlandSaururus cernuus (Lizard's tail)
Production and performance of Gaillardia cultivars and ecotypes
Hammond, H.D.
Production physiology of three native shrubs intercropped in a young longleaf pine plantation
D. L. Hagan, S. Jose, M. Thetford and K. Bohn
Agroforestry SystemsCompetition,Light,WaterAgriculturalCallicarpa americana (American beautyberry )
Productivity and Profitability of Some Field-Grown Specialty Cut Flowers
T. W. Starman, T. A. Cerny and A. J. Mackenzie
HortsciencePropagationFieldLiatris spicata (Dense blazing star)
Propagation and selection of Vaccinium arboreum for use as an ornamental
R. C. Apter and E. L. McWilliams
HortScienceHuman Use, PropagationGreenhouseVaccinium arboreum (Farkleberry)
Propagation of Asclepias tuberosa from Short Root Segments
R. Ecker and A. Barzilay
Scientia HorticulturaePropagationGreenhouseAsclepias tuberosa (Butterflyweed)
Propagation of Asclepias tuberosa via asexual embryogenesis
M. Zilis
HortsciencePropagationLaboratoryAsclepias tuberosa (Butterflyweed)
Propagation of the Florida native shrub Psychotria nervosa
G. Denny and N. West
HortscienceGermination,PropagationLaboratoryPsychotria nervosa (Seminole balsamo)
Propagation of three endangered Conradina species for ornamental use
S. R. Wallace
Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural SocietyPropagationGarden, LaboratoryConradina grandiflora (Largeflower false rosemary)
Propagation of Zephyranthes through tissue culture
P. A. Philomena, B. P. Gunaseeli and B. V. David
Current SciencePropagationLaboratory ()
Propagation protocol for broadleaf arrowhead Sagittaria latifolia Willd. (Alismataceae)
L. Hunter-Cario
Native Plants JournalPropagationNurserySagittaria latifolia (Broadleaf arrowhead)
Propagation protocol for production of container Bignonia capreolata plants (Container seedling); USDA NRCS - Norman A. Berg National Plant Materials Center, Beltsville, Maryland
K. M. Davis and J. L. Kujawski
Germination, PropagationNurseryBignonia capreolata (Crossvine)
Propagation protocol for production of container Gaillardia aristata Pursh plants (10 cu. in. ); USDA NRCS - Pullman Plant Materials Center, Pullman, Washington
Skinner, D.M.
Propagation protocol for production of container Sisyrinchium angustifolium Miller plants; USDA FS - Hiawatha National Forest, Marquette Michigan
J. Schultz, P. Beyer and J. Williams
Propagation, GerminationGarden,NurserySisyrinchium angustifolium (Narrowleaf blue-eyed grass)
Propagation protocol for production of Coreopsis pubescens Ell. seeds (seed cleaning techniques); USDA FS - National Seed Laboratory, Dry Branch, Georgia
J. R. Barbour, B. Karrfalt, G. Kaufmann and G. Johnson
Propagation, GerminationField, Laboratory,NurseryCoreopsis pubescens (Star tickseed)
Propagation protocol for production of Gaillardia aristata Pursh seeds; USDA FS - R6 Bend Seed Extractory, Bend, Oregon
Barner, J
Propagation protocol for production of Gaillardia aristata seeds; USDA NRCS - Bridger Plant Materials Center, Bridger, Montana
Winslow, S.R.
Propagation protocol for production of Gaillardia aristata seeds; USDI NPS - Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, Colorado
Butler, J; Frieswyk, C
Propagation protocol for production of plug + transplants of Vernonia noveboracensis plants; USDA NRCS - Beltsville National Plant Materials Center, Beltsville, Maryland
Kujawski, J.; Davis, K. M.
University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, ()
Propagation protocol for production of Solidago odora seeds; USDA FS - National Seed Laboratory, Dry Branch, Georgia
J. R. Barbour
A protocol for cleaning seed with a brush machine, water column and screen sieve.FieldSolidago odora (Anisescented goldenrod)
Propagation protocol for the endangered crenulate lead plant, Amorpha herbacea var. crenulata
J. Roncal, J. B. Fisher, M. Q. N. Fellows, K. S. Wendelberger, J. Maschinski and M. W. Fidelibus
Native Plants JournalEstablishment methods, Germination, Propagation, Rare plants, Reintroduction, Seed storage, Plant growth regulatorGreenhouse, Laboratory, Pine rocklandAmorpha herbacea (Clusterspike false indigo)
Propagation protocol for the native cycad coontie (Zamia pumila L.)
D. Chiappini
Native Plants JournalPropagationNursery, LandscapeZamia pumila (Coontie)
Propagation protocol of production of container Gaillardia aristata Pursh. plants (160 ml containers); USDAI NPS-Glacier National Park, West Glacier, Montana
Wick, D; Luna, T; J, Evans; Hosokova, J
Prospects for Conservation of an Endemic Woody Species Native to Florida Chionanthus pygmaeus (Pygmy Fringetree) Through Seed and Vegetative Propagation
A. L. Bayer and J. R. Stewart
Native Plants JournalGermination, Propagation, Rare plantsSandhill, ScrubChionanthus pygmaeus (Pygmy fringetree)
Protandry, Incompatibility, and Secondary Pollen Presentation in Cephalanthus occidentalis (Rubiaceae)
F. M. Imbert and J. H. Richards
American Journal of BotanyPollination,Seed increaseLaboratory,GreenhouseCephalanthus occidentalis (Common buttonbush)
Protecting rare Florida cacti from attack by the exotic cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae)
P. Stiling and D. C. Moon
Florida EntomologistConservation assessment, Disturbance, Invasive species, Pathology, Reintroduction, Rare plantsForest,CoastalOpuntia stricta (Erect pricklypear)
Quality of seeds of selected ornamental species from Poland and India
Bralewski, T.W., M. Jarosz, and L. Ratajczak
67 ()
Quality or quantity: the direct and indirect effects of host plants on herbivores and their natural enemies
P. Stiling and D. C. Moon
OecologiaDisturbance, Fertilizer, NutrientsCoastal,FieldBorrichia frutescens (Bushy seaside tansy)
Quantifying gene flow from spatial genetic structure data in a metapopulation of Chamaecrista fasciculata (Leguminosae)
C. B. Fenster, X. Vekemans and O. J. Hardy
EvolutionGenetics,PollinationFieldChamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge pea)
Quantitative Genetics of Fitness Traits in a Wild Population of Phlox
K. E. Schwaegerle and D. A. Levin
EvolutionGeneticsGreenhousePhlox drummondii (Annual phlox)
Quantitative Genetics of Size and Phenology of Life-History Traits in Chamaecrista fasciculata
C. A. Kelly
EvolutionGenetics,Phenology,MorphologyGreenhouseChamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge pea)
Ramet population ecology of Panicum virgatum in the field - Competitively random growth of ramets and foraging behavior of ramet populations
X. G. Yang, T. L. Wu and X. Cheng
Progress in Natural ScienceCompetition, Population viability analysisFieldPanicum virgatum (Switchgrass)
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) variation among native little bluestem [Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash] populations from sites of high and low fertility in forest and grassland biomes
D. R. Huff, J. A. Quinn, B. Higgins and A. J. Palazzo
Molecular EcologyEcotype,Genetics,Provenance,NutrientsGreenhouse,Forest,GrasslandSchizachyrium scoparium (Little bluestem)
Range expansion northward in Illinois and into Wisconsin of Tridens flavus (Poaceae)
A. H. Williams
RhodoraFloristicsGrassland, PrairieTridens flavus (Purpletop tridens)
Boris A. Yurtzev, David F. Murray and Reidar Elven
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of TexasRanunculus glacialis ssp. alaskensis (Alaskan glacier buttercup)
RAPD inheritance and diversity in pawpaw (Asimina triloba)
H. Huang, D. R. Layne and T. L. Kubisiak
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural ScienceGeneticsLaboratoryAsimina reticulata (Netted pawpaw)
Rapid adaptive divergence in new world Achillea, an autopolyploid complex of ecological races
J. Ramsey, A. Robertson and B. Husband
EvolutionFloristics, Genetics, Ecotype, SystematicsLaboratoryAchillea millefolium (Common yarrow)
Rapid response to artificial selection on flower size in Phlox
G. Lendvai and D. A. Levin
HeredityGenetics,MorphologyLaboratoryPhlox drummondii (Annual phlox)
Rate and uniformity of herbaceous perennial seed germination and emergence as affected by priming
D. M. Samfield, J. M. Zajicek and B. G. Cobb
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural ScienceGermination, Seed storage, StressLaboratoryEchinacea purpurea (Eastern purple coneflower)
Rates of vegetation succession on a coastal dune system in northwest Florida
A. F. Johnson
Journal of Coastal ResearchCommunity level survey,SuccessionCoastalChrysoma pauciflosculosa (Woody goldenrod)
Muhlenbergia capillaris (Gulf muhly)
Reactive oxygen species, ABA and nitric oxide interactions on the germination of warm-season C-4-grasses
G. Sarath, G. C. Hou, L. M. Baird and R. B. Mitchell
PlantaGermination,Plant growth regulatorLaboratoryAndropogon gerardii (Big bluestem)
Sorghastrum nutans (Indiangrass)
Recently Recognized Species of Crataegus in Eastern Canada and New England - I
Charles Sprague Sargent
RhodoraCrataegus pequotorum (Connecticut hawthorn)
Recently Recognized Species of Crataegus in Eastern Canada and New England - III
Charles Sprague Sargent
RhodoraCrataegus forbesiae (Forbes's hawthorn)
title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced

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