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title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced
Role of Sucrose in Bud Development and Vase Life of Cut Liatris spicata (L) Willd
S. S. Han
HortscienceChemistry,Water,Human UseLaboratoryLiatris spicata (Dense blazing star)
Roller application of clopyralid for huisache, Acacia farnesiana, control
C. J. Scifres, R. A. Crane, B. H. Koerth and R. C. Flinn
Weed TechnologyHerbicideFieldVachellia farnesiana (Huisache)
Root branching in Zamia floridana: Effect of growth regulators and anatomical features
B. Dehgan, C. R. Johnson
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural ScienceMorphology, Plant growth regulatorLaboratoryZamia pumila (Coontie)
Root Colonization by an Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) Fungus Increases Growth and Secondary Metabolism of Purple Coneflower, Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench
G. Araim, A. Saleem, J. T. Arnason and C. Charest
Journal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryMedicinal chemistry, NutrientsGreenhouseEchinacea purpurea (Eastern purple coneflower)
Root longevity and phenology differences between two co-occurring savanna bunchgrasses with different leaf habits
J. B. West, J. F. Espeleta and L. A. Donovan
Functional EcologyMorphology,PhenologySavanna,Longleaf pineAristida beyrichiana (Beyrich threeawn)
Root structure and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of the palm Serenoa repens under field conditions
J. B. Fisher, K. Jayachandran
Morphology,MycorrhizaeForest,Pine,Pine rocklandSerenoa repens (Saw palmetto)
Root system size and precision in nutrient foraging: responses to spatial pattern of nutrient supply in six herbaceous species
D. K. Wijesinghe, E. A. John, S. Beurskens and M. J. Hutchings
Journal of EcologyMorphology, Mycorrhizae, NutrientsGreenhouse ()
Rust Diseases in Ornamental Grasses
Y. Li, M. Windham, R. Trigiano, A. Windham, B. Ownley, G. Gwinn, J. Zale and J. Spiers
Southern Nursery Association Conference ProceedingsPathologyLandscape,NurseryPanicum amarum (Bitter panicgrass)
Safe sites and the regeneration of Clethra alnifolia L.(Clethraceae) in wetland forests of central New Jersey
R. A. Jordan and J. M. Hartman
American Midland NaturalistGermination,Establishment methods,PhenologyForest,WetlandClethra alnifolia (Coastal pepperbush)
Sagittaria biomass partitioning relative to salinity, hydrologic regime, and substrate type: Implications for plant distribution patterns in Coastal Louisiana, United States
S. B. Martin, G. P. Shaffer
Journal of Coastal ResearchDisturbance, Nutrients, WaterGreenhouse, WetlandSagittaria latifolia (Broadleaf arrowhead)
Salinity and the small-scale distribution of three barrier island shrubs
D. R. Young, D. L. Erickson and S. W. Semones
Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne De BotaniqueGermination, Stress, SuccessionCoastal, Laboratory, WetlandIva frutescens (Jesuit's bark)
Salinity tolerance and genetic variability in freshwater and brackish Iris hexagona colonies
S. Pathikonda, A. Meerow, Z. He, S. Mopper
American Journal of BotanyEcotype, Genetics, Provenance, StressWetlandIris hexagona (Dixie iris)
Salinity Tolerance of Kosteletzkya virginica. 1. Shoot Growth, Ion and Water Relations
K. C. Blits and J. L. Gallagher
Plant Cell and EnvironmentStressGreenhouseKosteletzkya virginica (Virginia saltmarsh mallow)
Salinity Tolerance of Kosteletzkya virginica. 2. Root-Growth, Lipid-Content, Ion and Water Relations
K. C. Blits and J. L. Gallagher
Plant Cell and EnvironmentStressLaboratoryKosteletzkya virginica (Virginia saltmarsh mallow)
Salt and Drought Tolerance for Four Ornamental Grasses.
E. E. Alvarez
Establishment methods, Irrigation, WaterGardenEragrostis spectabilis (Purple lovegrass)
Sand Burial Effects on Seed Germination, Seedling Emergence and Establishment of Panicum virgatum
J. H. Zhang and M. A. Maun
Holarctic EcologyDisturbance, Establishment methods, GerminationCoastal, Greenhouse, WetlandPanicum virgatum (Switchgrass)
Scaevola hobdyi (Goodeniaceae), an Enigmatic New Species from West Maui, Hawaiian Islands
Warren L. Wagner
NovonScaevola hobdyi (Hobdy's naupaka)
PhytoneuronSchoenoplectiella ×magrathii (Magrath's bulrush)
Scrub ecosystems of brevard county, Florida: A regional characterization
P. A. Schmalzer, S. R. Boyle, H. M. Swain
Florida Scientist Community level survey, Conservation assessment, Rare plantsScrubConradina grandiflora (Largeflower false rosemary)
Shinners, Lloyd H
SIDAScutellaria thieretii (Thieret's skullcap)
Seasonal and Diurnal Patterns of Photosynthetic Gas Exchange for Lonicera sempervirens and L. japonica (Caprifoliaceae)
K. A. Schierenbeck and J. D. Marshall
American Journal of BotanyInvasive species,PhenologyForest,FieldLonicera sempervirens (Coral honeysuckle)
Seasonal effects of prescribed burning and roller chopping on saw palmetto in flatwoods
E. V. Willcox, W. M. Giuliano
Forest Ecology and ManagementDisturbance, RestorationForestSerenoa repens (Saw palmetto)
Seasonal variation in competitive effect on water stress and pine responses
M. A. Perry, R. J. Mitchell, B. R. Zutter, G. R. Glover and D. H. Gjerstad
Canadian Journal of Forest Research-Revue Canadienne De Recherche ForestiereCompetition, Water, IrrigationFieldAndropogon virginicus (Broomsedge)
Seasonal variation in dormancy and light sensitivity in buried seeds of eight annual weed species
P. Milberg and L. Andersson
Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne De BotaniqueGermination,Light,Invasive speciesLaboratory ()
Secondary seed dormancy in Coreopsis lanceolata
S. J. Banovetz and S. M. Scheiner
American Midland NaturalistGermination, Seed storageLaboratoryCoreopsis lanceolata (Lanceleaf coreopsis)
Curtis R. Bjork
Madroņo; a West American journal of botanySedum valens (Idaho stonecrop)
Seed and vegetative propagation methods for the rare Florida native species Chionanthus pygmaeus (pygmy fringetree)
A. L. Eads
Germination, Propagation, Plant growth regulatorLaboratoryChionanthus pygmaeus (Pygmy fringetree)
Seed bank response to wet heat and the vegetation structure of a Virginia pocosin
J. F. Bolin
Journal of the Torrey Botanical SocietyCommunity level survey, Germination, SuccessionWetlandScirpus cyperinus (Woolgrass)
Seed Buoyancy and Viability of the Wetland Milkweed Asclepias perennis and an Upland Milkweed, Asclepias exaltata
A. L. Edwards, R. Wyatt and R. R. Sharitz
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical ClubGermination,WaterWetland,LaboratoryAsclepias perennis (White swamp milkweed)
Seed Characteristics and Field Establishment in Indiangrass, Sorghastrum nutans (L) Nash
Z. E. Rafii and F. L. Barnett
Crop ScienceProvenance,Establishment methods,Seed sourceFieldSorghastrum nutans (Indiangrass)
Seed Cleaning and Germination Testing Procedures for the Restoration of Ground Layer Plants in a Longleaf Pine Ecosystem
J. Barbour
Germination, Propagation, Restoration, Seed collectingLongleaf pineSilphium compositum (Kidney-leaf rosinweed)
Seed cleaning and germination testing procedures for the restoration of ground layer plants in a longleaf pine ecosystem
Barbour, J., Estes, B. L.; Kush, J. S.
Longleaf Pine Alliance No. 10. ()
Seed conditioning and storage of Gaillardia pulchella
Casey, Susan
Seed conditioning and storage of Gaillardia pulchella
Sharell, G
Seed conditioning and storage of Gaillardia pulchella
Kelly, P
Seed conditioning and storage of Gaillardia pulchella
Drylie, David
Seed conditioning and storage of Gaillardia pulchella
Vega, Cesar
Seed conditioning and storage of Vernonia gigantea
Zinn, T.
Wildflowers of Florida, Inc. ()
Seed conditioning and storage of Vernonia gigantea
Logan, B.
All Native ()
Seed development, maturation and germination improvement in gaillardia
Bharathi, A.; Palanisamy, V.; Raja, K.; Natesan, P.; Krishnasamy, V.; Vanangamudi, K.
94 ()
Seed Dispersal and Seedling Emergence in a Created and a Natural Salt Marsh on the Gulf of Mexico Coast in Southwest Louisiana, USA
T. Elsey-Quirk, B. A. Middleton and C. E. Proffitt
Restoration EcologyGermination,RestorationCoastal,WetlandIva frutescens (Jesuit's bark)
Seed dispersal by the Florida box turtle (Terrapene carolina bauri) in pine rockland forests of the lower Florida Keys, United States
H. Liu, S. G. Platt, C. K. Borg
OecologiaGermination, Seed collectingForest, Pine, Pine rocklandSerenoa repens (Saw palmetto)
Seed dispersal in the cycad Zamia pumila in Florida
W. Tang
Canadian Journal of BotanyGermination, Seed collectingPine, Pine rocklandZamia pumila (Coontie)
Seed dormancy and germination in Rhexia mariana var. interior (Melastomataceae) and eco-evolutionary implications
C. C. Baskin, J. M. Baskin and E. W. Chester
Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne De BotaniqueGerminationField, LaboratoryRhexia mariana (Maryland meadow beauty)
Seed Dormancy of Panicum virgatum L on the Shoreline Sand Dunes of Lake Erie
J. H. Zhang and M. A. Maun
American Midland NaturalistGermination, Light, Seed storageLaboratoryPanicum virgatum (Switchgrass)
Seed ecology of some Florida ecotypes of native wildflowers
Norcini, J. G.; Kabat, S. M.; Dehgan, B.; Aldrich, J. H.
38 ()
Seed fall and field germination of needlerush, Juncus effusus L
G. N. Ervin and R. G. Wetzel
Aquatic BotanyGerminationWetlandJuncus effusus (Common rush)
Seed flotation and germination of salt marsh plants: The effects of stratification, salinity, and/or inundation regime
T. Elsey-Quirk, B. A. Middleton and C. E. Proffitt
Aquatic BotanyGermination, WaterGreenhouse, WetlandIva frutescens (Jesuit's bark)
Seed germination and dormancy in eastern gamagrass
T. L. Springer, C. L. Dewald and G. E. Aiken
Crop ScienceGerminationLaboratoryTripsacum dactyloides (Eastern gamagrass)
Seed germination and growth requirements of selected wildflower species
Bond, LM
title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced

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