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title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced
The Hawaiian Species of Cibotium
Daniel D. Palmer
American Fern JournalCibotium ×heleniae (Manfern)
Cibotium nealiae (Neal's manfern)
Vaughan MacCaughey
TorreyaViola,VioletViola chamissoniana (Olopu)
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana (Olopu)
Viola chamissoniana ssp. robusta (Olopu)
Viola chamissoniana ssp. tracheliifolia (Olopu)
Viola helenae (Wahiawa stream violet)
Viola kauaensis (Pohe hiwa)
Viola kauaensis var. hosakae (Oahu pohe hiwa)
Viola kauaensis var. kauaensis (Pohe hiwa)
Viola kauaensis var. wahiawaensis (Pohe hiwa)
Viola lanaiensis (Hawaii violet)
Viola maviensis (Hawaii bog violet)
Viola oahuensis (Oahu violet)
The ichthyotoxic principles of Zanthoxylum clava-herculis
K. V. Rao, and R. Davies
Chemistry,Human UseLaboratoryZanthoxylum clava-herculis (Hercules club)
The identity of the African firebush (Hamelia) in the ornamental nursery trade
T. S. Elias and M. R. Pooler
HortscienceGenetics,MorphologyLaboratoryHamelia patens (Scarletbush)
The Importance of Gall Size for Sea Daisy Gall Midge Parasitoids
R. M. Clouse
Journal of the Kansas Entomological SocietyPathologyFieldBorrichia frutescens (Bushy seaside tansy)
The increasing scarcity of red oaks in Mississippi River floodplain forests: Influence of the residual overstory
C. D. Oliver, E. C. Burkhardt and D. A. Skojac
Forest Ecology and ManagementCommunity level survey, Competition, LightForest, WetlandCornus foemina (Stiff dogwood)
The influence of soil moisture on losses of buried seeds to fungi
M. Schafer and P. M. Kotanen
Acta Oecologica-International Journal of EcologyFungi,PathologyFieldGlyceria striata (Fowl mannagrass)
The influence of water stress on the physiology and competition of soybean (Glycine max) and Florida beggarweed (Desmodium tortuosum)
B. S. Griffin, D. G. Shilling, J. M. Bennett and W. L. Currey
Weed ScienceCompetition,WaterGreenhouseDesmodium tortuosum (Dixie ticktrefoil)
The interaction of pyridate and 2,4-DB in peanut (Arachis hypogaea), Florida beggarweed (Desmodium tortuosum), and sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia)
T. V. Hicks, G. R. Wehtje and T. L. Grey
Weed ScienceHerbicideFieldDesmodium tortuosum (Dixie ticktrefoil)
The interactions of plant clone and abiotic factors on a gall-making midge
A. M. Rossi and P. Stiling
OecologiaDisturbance,Fertilizer,Light,GeneticsCoastalBorrichia frutescens (Bushy seaside tansy)
The invasive plant Solidago canadensis L. suppresses local soil pathogens through allelopathy
S. S. Zhang, Y. L. Jin, J. J. Tang and X. Chen
Applied Soil EcologyAllelopathy, Competition, Invasive speciesAgricultural, Field, GreenhouseSolidago canadensis (Canada goldenrod)
The isolation and structural elucidation of two novel sesquiterpenoid tumor inhibitors from Elephantopus elatus
S. M. Kupchan, J. M. Cassady, A. T. McPhail, G. A. Sim, Y. Aynehchi, H. K. Schnoes and Burlinga.Al
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyMedicinal chemistryLaboratoryElephantopus elatus (Tall elephant's-foot)
The life of a fire-adapted Florida goldenrod, Solidago odora var. chapmanii
E. S. Menges and R. B. Root
American Midland NaturalistDisturbance, Morphology, PhenologyScrubSolidago odora (Anisescented goldenrod)
The Ligneous Flora of Hot Springs National Park and Vicinity
Ernest J. Palmer
Journal of the Arnold ArboretumCrataegus thermopegaea (Graceful hawthorn)
The Long-Term Effects of Nitrate on the Growth and Nodule Structure of the Caesalpinioid Herbaceous Legume Chamaecrista fasciculata Michaux
T. Naisbitt and J. I. Sprent
Journal of Experimental BotanyNutrients,MorphologyGreenhouseChamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge pea)
The many growth rates and elasticities of populations in random environments
S. Tuljapurkar, C. C. Horvitz and J. B. Pascarella
American NaturalistDisturbance, Morphology, StressForest, UplandArdisia escallonioides (Island marlberry)
The mating system of the tropical understory shrub Ardisia escallonioides (Myrsinaceae)
J. B. Pascarella
American Journal of BotanyGenetics, PollinationForest, UplandArdisia escallonioides (Island marlberry)
The morphology of the bud and the development of the leaves of Viburnum rufidulum
G. L. Cross
American Journal of BotanyMorphologyLaboratoryViburnum rufidulum (Rusty blackhaw viburnum)
The Morphology of the Flower and Inflorescence of Mitchella repens
J. L. Blaser
American Journal of BotanyMorphologyLaboratoryMitchella repens (Partridgeberry)
The Mycorrhizal Fungus, Sebacina vermifera, Enhances Seed Germination and Biomass Production in Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L)
S. R. Ghimire, N. D. Charlton and K. D. Craven
Bioenergy ResearchGermination,MycorrhizaeLaboratory,FieldPanicum virgatum (Switchgrass)
The native subspecies of Juncus effusus (Juncaceae) in western North America
P. F. Zika
BrittoniaTaxonomyLaboratoryJuncus effusus (Common rush)
The natural history of Tanaostigmodes pithecellobiae (Hymenoptera : Tanaostigmatidae), a gall-maker on blackbead (Pithecellobium keyense)
C. Weekley
Florida EntomologistDisturbanceForest,CoastalPithecellobium keyense (Florida keys blackbead)
The nectar alkaloid, gelsemine, does not affect offspring performance of a native solitary bee, Osmia lignaria (Megachilidae)
S. E. Elliott, R. E. Irwin, L. S. Adler and N. M. Williams
Ecological EntomologyPollination,ChemistryField,LaboratoryGelsemium sempervirens (Carolina jessamine)
The novel flavonoid chemistry and phylogenetic origin of Phlox floridana
M. Levy and D. A. Levin
EvolutionChemistry,SystematicsLaboratoryPhlox floridana (Florida phlox)
The number and size of seeds in common versus restricted woodland herbaceous species in central Iowa, USA
C. M. Mabry
Seed collecting,Seed increaseForestViola sororia (Missouri violet)
The occurrence of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae on Florida range grasses
J. J. Mullahey and C. S. Speed
Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida ProceedingsMycorrhizaeGrasslandAndropogon virginicus (Broomsedge)
Ezra Brainerd
RhodoraTaxonomy ()
The olfactory component of floral display in Asimina and Deeringothamnus (Annonaceae)
K. R. Goodrich and R. A. Raguso
New PhytologistChemistry,PollinationLaboratoryAnnona glabra (Pond apple)
Asimina reticulata (Netted pawpaw)
The Opuntias of Mississippi
L. C. Majure and G. N. Ervin
HaseltoniaMorphology,Community level surveyGreenhouse,Field,Savanna,CoastalOpuntia stricta (Erect pricklypear)
The pathogenicity and phylogeny of Fusarium oxysporum isolates on Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam'
W. H. Elmer, M. M. Jimenez-Gasco and M. L. Daughtrey
PhytopathologyPathologyGreenhouseCoreopsis verticillata (Threadleaf coreopsis)
The persistence of seeds of 16 weed species over six years in two arable fields
P. J. W. Lutman, G. W. Cussans, K. J. Wright, B. J. Wilson, G. M. Wright and H. M. Lawson
Weed ResearchInvasive species,GerminationAgricultural,Field ()
The Phloxes of Oregon
Edgar T. Wherry
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of PhiladelphiaPhlox peckii (Peck's phlox)
The phylogeny of Leucothoe s. l. (Ericaceae: Vaccinioideae) based on morphological and molecular (ndhF, matK, and nrITS) data
C. M. Bush, W. S. Judd, L. Frazier, K. A. Kron
Systematics,TaxonomyLaboratoryLeucothoe axillaris (Coastal doghobble)
The phylogeny of Rosoideae (Rosaceae) based on sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA and the trnL/F region of chloroplast DNA
T. Eriksson, M. S. Hibbs, A. D. Yoder, C. F. Delwiche and M. J. Donoghue
International Journal of Plant SciencesGenetics,SystematicsLaboratoryRosa palustris (Swamp rose)
The Phylogeny of the Southeastern United States Hymenocallis (Amaryllidaceae) Based on ISSR Fingerprinting and Morphological Data
C. M. Bush, D. Rollins and G. L. Smith
CastaneaMorphology,SystematicsLaboratoryHymenocallis latifolia (Perfumed spiderlily)
The plot thickens: does low density affect visitation and reproductive success in a perennial herb, and are these effects altered in the presence of a co-flowering species?
T. S. Feldman
OecologiaGenetics, PollinationGreenhouseCoreopsis leavenworthii (Leavenworth's tickseed)
The population biology of the genus Viola: I. The demography of Viola sororia
O. T. Solbrig, S. J. Newell, D. T. Kincaid
Population viability analysis,Seed increase,Seed collectingForestViola sororia (Missouri violet)
The potential for control of the soft rush (Juncus effusus) in grass pasture by grazing goats
M. Merchant
Grass and Forage ScienceDisturbanceField,AgriculturalJuncus effusus (Common rush)
The Rare Asclepias texana and its Widespread Sister Species, A. perennis, are Self-Incompatible and Interfertile
R. Wyatt, A. L. Edwards, S. R. Lipow and C. T. Ivey
Systematic BotanyGenetics, PollinationLaboratoryAsclepias incarnata (Swamp milkweed)
Asclepias verticillata (Whorled milkweed)
The relationship between freezing tolerance and thermotropic leaf movement in five Rhododendron species
E. T. Nilsen
OecologiaWater,Stress,MorphologyNurseryRhododendron chapmanii (Chapman's rhododendron)
The relationship between ions, vigour and salinity tolerance of Acacia seeds
S. Rehman, P. J. C. Harris, W. F. Bourne and J. Wilkin
Plant and SoilGermination,StressLaboratoryVachellia farnesiana (Huisache)
The Relationship between Soil Fertility and Fire-Stimulated Floral Induction in Two Populations of Grass-Leaved Golden Aster, Pityopsis graminifolia
J. S. Brewer
OikosDisturbance,Fertilizer,Ecotype,Nutrients,PhenologyFieldPityopsis graminifolia (Narrowleaf silkgrass)
The relationship between soil seed bank, above-ground vegetation and disturbance intensity on old-field successional permanent plots
M. Dolle and W. Schmidt
Applied Vegetation ScienceCommunity level survey, Disturbance, SuccessionOld fieldSolidago canadensis (Canada goldenrod)
The Relationship of Leaf Size and Shoot Length in Prunus americana to Leaf-Galling by Mites
M. F. Willson and D. J. Odowd
American Midland NaturalistDisturbance, StressPrunus americana (American plum)
The relationship of Sophora sect. Edwardsia (Fabaceae) to Sophora tomentosa, the type species of the genus Sophora, observed from DNA sequence data and morphological characters
P. B. Heenan, M. I. Dawson and S. J. Wagstaff
Botanical Journal of the Linnean SocietyMorphology,Taxonomy,SystematicsLaboratorySophora tomentosa var. truncata (Yellow necklacepod)
The relationships between Apocrita wasp populations and flowering plants in Maine's wild lowbush blueberry agroecosystems
J. Karem, S. A. Woods, F. Drummond and C. Stubbs
Biocontrol Science and TechnologyDisturbanceAgriculturalViburnum nudum (Possumhaw viburnum)
The reproductive biology of a relict Illicium floridanum Ellis
L. B. Thien, D. A. White and L. Y. Yatsu
American Journal of BotanyPollinationLaboratoryIllicium floridanum (Florida anisetree)
The Reproductive Biology of Asclepias tuberosa .2. Factors Determining Fruit Set
R. Wyatt
New PhytologistMorphology, Phenology, PollinationGreenhouseAsclepias tuberosa (Butterflyweed)
The Reproductive-Biology of Asclepias tuberosa .1. Flower Number, Arrangement, and Fruit Set
R. Wyatt
New PhytologistMorphology, PollinationGreenhouse, RoadAsclepias tuberosa (Butterflyweed)
The Response of Achillea millefolium L. (Yarrow) to Shading
G. W. Bourdot, D. J. Saville and R. J. Field
New PhytologistLightGreenhouse, FieldAchillea millefolium (Common yarrow)
title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced

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