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Stoichiometric response of nitrogen-fixing and non-fixing dicots to manipulations of CO2, nitrogen, and diversity

Author(s): A. M. Novotny, J. D. Schade, S. E. Hobbie, A. D. Kay, M. Kyle, P. B. Reich and J. J. Elser

Month: Apr
Year: 2007

Journal: Oecologia
Volume: 151
Issue: 4
Pages: 687-696

Article Topic(s): Community level survey, Competition, Fertilizer, Nutrients, Succession
Research Setting(s): Field
Location: Minnesota

Species Referenced: Achillea millefolium (Common yarrow),


Examines the interactions among plant diversity, increased carbon dioxide (CO2), and increased nitrogen (N) in the BioCON experimental setup in Minnesota. Increasing species diversity generally lowered both C:N and CY ratios. Under elevated CO2 levels, increasing diversity also led to a more modest increase in the C:N ratio. Legumes exhibited lower C:N and higher CY and NY ratios than non-legumes. The authors conclude that CO2, N, and plant species diversity interact to affect above and belowground processes.

Suggested Citation

A. M. Novotny, J. D. Schade, S. E. Hobbie, A. D. Kay, M. Kyle, P. B. Reich and J. J. Elser. "Stoichiometric response of nitrogen-fixing and non-fixing dicots to manipulations of CO2, nitrogen, and diversity." Oecologia 151.4 (2007): 687-696.

Article Links

ISSN: 0029-8549
DOI: 10.1007/s00442-006-0599-5

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