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Allelopathic effects of Andropogon virginicus and its persistence in old fields

Author(s): E. L. Rice

Year: 1972

Publication Type: Article
Journal: American Journal of Botany
Volume: 59
Issue: 7
Pages: 752-755

Article Topic(s): Competition, Succession, Nutrients
Research Setting(s): Laboratory, Old field
Location: Oklahoma

Species Referenced: Andropogon virginicus (Broomsedge), Schizachyrium scoparium (Little bluestem),


Examines the allelopathic effects of Andropogon virginicus on native species in Oklahoma, including Schizachyrium scoparium (syn. Andropogon scoparius). Aqueous extracts of fresh roots and shoots of A. virginicus inhibited the growth of S. scoparium. Extracts of roots and shoots of A. virginicus were also inhibitory to two test species of Azotobacter, a free living nitrogen fixer, and to two species of Rhizobium, a symbiotic nitrogen fixer. Andropogon virginicus is known to compete vigorously and grow well on soils of low fertility. This demonstrated allelopathy could help explain why stands of A. virginicus remain in old fields for long periods of time.

Suggested Citation

E. L. Rice. "Allelopathic effects of Andropogon virginicus and its persistence in old fields." American Journal of Botany 59.7 (1972): 752-755.

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