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Effects of simulated root herbivory and fertilizer application on growth and biomass allocation in the clonal perennial Solidago canadensis

Author(s): B. Schmid, S. L. Miao and F. A. Bazzaz

Year: 1990

Journal: Oecologia
Volume: 84
Issue: 1
Pages: 9-15

Article Topic(s): Disturbance, Fertilizer, Morphology, Nutrients, Stress
Research Setting(s): Field, Greenhouse

Species Referenced: Solidago canadensis (Canada goldenrod),


Researches effects of simulated belowground herbivory on Solidago canadensis. When roots were removed through pruning, current shoots quickly restored equilibrium through compensatory belowground growth. When plants were fertilized, shoots increased allocation to aboveground parts. Unfertilized plants showed very little aboveground growth.

Suggested Citation

B. Schmid, S. L. Miao and F. A. Bazzaz. "Effects of simulated root herbivory and fertilizer application on growth and biomass allocation in the clonal perennial Solidago canadensis." Oecologia 84.1 (1990): 9-15.

Article Links

ISSN: 0029-8549
DOI: 10.1007/BF00665588

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