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Endangered cactus restoration: Mitigating the non-target effects of a biological control agent (Cactoblastis cactorum) in Florida

Author(s): P. Stiling, D. Moon and D. Gordon

Month: Dec
Year: 2004

Publication Type: Article
Journal: Restoration Ecology
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Pages: 605-610

Article Topic(s): Conservation assessment, Disturbance, Establishment methods, Invasive species, Pathology, Rare plants, Reintroduction
Research Setting(s): Forest,Coastal

Species Referenced: Opuntia stricta (Erect pricklypear),


Researches methods to reintroduce Conosolea (Opuntia) corallicola in the Florida Keys. Consolea corallicola planted near Opuntia stricta, in areas where cacti normally grow, were frequently attacked by the invasive moth Cactoblastis cactorum via transfer from O. stricta. Consolea corallicola planted away from O. stricta did not survive due to crown rot, likely because these areas are not suitable for cactus growth.

Suggested Citation

P. Stiling, D. Moon and D. Gordon. "Endangered cactus restoration: Mitigating the non-target effects of a biological control agent (Cactoblastis cactorum) in Florida." Restoration Ecology 12.4 (2004): 605-610.

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