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Are competitive effect and response two sides of the same coin, or fundamentally different?

Author(s): P. Wang, T. Stieglitz, D. W. Zhou and J. F. Cahill

Month: Feb
Year: 2010

Journal: Functional Ecology
Volume: 24
Issue: 1
Pages: 196-207

Article Topic(s): Competition, Nutrients
Research Setting(s): Greenhouse
Location: Alberta, Canada

Species Referenced: Achillea millefolium (Common yarrow),


Evaluates the competitive effect and response of Achillea millefolium grown with 22 prairie species under different soil fertilities. Competitive effect ability was associated with size-related traits under high nutrient conditions and root-related traits under low nutrient conditions. Competitive response ability was not associated with plant traits.

Suggested Citation

P. Wang, T. Stieglitz, D. W. Zhou and J. F. Cahill. "Are competitive effect and response two sides of the same coin, or fundamentally different?" Functional Ecology 24.1 (2010): 196-207.

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