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Effects of seed provenance on germination of herbs for agricultural compensation sites

Author(s): M. Keller and J. Kollmann

Month: Jan
Year: 1999

Journal: Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment
Volume: 72
Issue: 1
Pages: 87-99

Article Topic(s): Provenance,Ecotype,Germination
Research Setting(s): Laboratory

Species Referenced: (),


The germination characteristics of European species, including Papaver rhoeas, were compared on sites along a west-east gradient. Some species exhibit provenance-specific adaptations partly correlated with climate.

Suggested Citation

M. Keller and J. Kollmann. "Effects of seed provenance on germination of herbs for agricultural compensation sites." Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 72.1 (1999): 87-99.

Article Links

ISSN: 0167-8809
DOI: 10.1016/S0167-8809(98)00167-4

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