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Delayed autonomous selfing in Kosteletzkya virginica (Malvaceae)

Author(s): C. J. Ruan, P. Qin and Z. X. He

Month: Oct
Year: 2004

Publication Type: Article
Journal: South African Journal of Botany
Journal Link:
Volume: 70
Issue: 4
Pages: 640-645

Article Topic(s): Pollination,Seed increase
Research Setting(s): Greenhouse

Species Referenced: Kosteletzkya virginica (Virginia saltmarsh mallow),


Examines self-pollination in Kosteletzkya virginica (syn. K. pentacarpos). This species has a well-developed capacity for selfing based on similar levels of fruit set in self- and cross-pollinated plants. This species exhibits delayed selfing, only if stigmas did not receive external pollen at the end of anthesis days.

Suggested Citation

C. J. Ruan, P. Qin and Z. X. He. "Delayed autonomous selfing in Kosteletzkya virginica (Malvaceae)." South African Journal of Botany 70.4 (2004): 640-645.

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ISSN: 0254-6299

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