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Allelopathic potential of leaf extract of Annona glabra L. (Annonaceae)

Author(s): R. S. Matsumoto, J. P. N. Ribeiro, L. K. Takao and M. I. S. Lima

Month: Jul-Sep
Year: 2010

Publication Type: Article
Journal: Acta Botanica Brasilica
Journal Link:
Volume: 24
Issue: 3
Pages: 631-635

Article Topic(s): Allelopathy,Competition
Research Setting(s): Laboratory,Wetland

Species Referenced: Annona glabra (Pond apple),


Evaluates the chemical composition of leaves of Annona glabra and examines whether these chemicals inhibit germination in other species. Triterpenes, tannins and flavonoids were detected from leaves. Chemical extracts inhibited germination of two of four species and affected initial growth of all species evaluated.

Suggested Citation

R. S. Matsumoto, J. P. N. Ribeiro, L. K. Takao and M. I. S. Lima. "Allelopathic potential of leaf extract of Annona glabra L. (Annonaceae)." Acta Botanica Brasilica 24.3 (2010): 631-635.

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ISSN: 0102-3306

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