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Effects of temperature during seed development in Lactuca sativa and Helianthus debilis

Author(s): S. Contreras, D. Tay and M. A. Bennett

Month: Jul
Year: 2006

Journal: Hortscience
Journal Link:
Volume: 41
Issue: 4
Pages: 208

Article Topic(s): Germination,Light
Research Setting(s): Laboratory

Species Referenced: Helianthus debilis (Cucumberleaf sunflower),


Lactuca sativa and Helianthus debilis cultivars were used to assess the effect of temperature during seed maturation on seed quality. Higher temperatures reduced seed weights but did not affect "standard germination". However L. sativa seeds matured under cool temperatures were more affected by exogenous ABA and reduced water potential than seeds matures under hot temperatures. Seeds matured under hot temperatures germinated better at 30C under continual light and germinated better under continual darkness than cool matured seeds.

Suggested Citation

S. Contreras, D. Tay and M. A. Bennett. "Effects of temperature during seed development in Lactuca sativa and Helianthus debilis." Hortscience 41.4 (2006): 208.

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ISSN: 0018-5345

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