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Ecotypic variation among switchgrass populations from the northern USA

Author(s): M. D. Casler

Month: Jan-Feb
Year: 2005

Journal: Crop Science
Journal Link:
Volume: 45
Issue: 1
Pages: 388-398

Article Topic(s): Ecotype,Human Use,Morphology
Research Setting(s): Agricultural

Species Referenced: Panicum virgatum (Switchgrass),


The phenotypes of 38 Panicum virgatum populations from across the USA, including 11 cultivars, were characterized in two common gardens for variables relavent to biomass production. Responses varied by populations and some evidence for spatial autocorrelation was detected

Suggested Citation

M. D. Casler. "Ecotypic variation among switchgrass populations from the northern USA." Crop Science 45.1 (2005): 388-398.

Article Links

ISSN: 0011-183X

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