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The Research Literature database was created and funded by the Florida Wildflower Foundation. Use the search features below to find scientific articles on native wildflowers that are commercially available or used in restoration projects.

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Dynamics of Synthetic Phlox drummondii Populations at the Species Margin

Author(s): D. A. Levin and K. Clay

Year: 1984

Journal: American Journal of Botany
Volume: 71
Issue: 8
Pages: 1040-1050

Article Topic(s): Establishment methods,Provenance
Research Setting(s): Field

Species Referenced: Phlox drummondii (Annual phlox),


Evaluates the survival, flower production, and seed set of Phlox drummondii populations planted beyond its naturally occurring range in Texas. Reproductive rates of the populations generally declined with distance from the margin of the natural range.

Suggested Citation

D. A. Levin and K. Clay. "Dynamics of Synthetic Phlox drummondii Populations at the Species Margin." American Journal of Botany 71.8 (1984): 1040-1050.

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