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Demography of the Polycarpic Herbaceous Perennial Asclepias tuberosa (Butterflyweed) in a Chronically Unproductive Site

Author(s): K. M. Klemow and D. J. Raynal

Month: Apr
Year: 1986

Journal: American Midland Naturalist
Volume: 115
Issue: 2
Pages: 374-385

Article Topic(s): Stress,Water
Research Setting(s): Field

Species Referenced: Asclepias tuberosa (Butterflyweed),


Researches the demography of Asclepias tuberosa in an abandoned limestone quarry in New York. Populations showed a marked decline in response to four years of drought. Both seed production and seedling survival were low.

Suggested Citation

K. M. Klemow and D. J. Raynal. "Demography of the Polycarpic Herbaceous Perennial Asclepias tuberosa (Butterflyweed) in a Chronically Unproductive Site." American Midland Naturalist 115.2 (1986): 374-385.

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