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Effect of partial removal of endosperm on seedling sizes of Panicum virgatum and Agropyron psammophilum

Author(s): J. H. Zhang and M. A. Maun

Month: Oct
Year: 1989

Journal: Oikos
Volume: 56
Issue: 2
Pages: 250-255

Article Topic(s): Disturbance, Germination
Research Setting(s): Laboratory

Species Referenced: Panicum virgatum (Switchgrass),


Examines the role of the endosperm in determining seedling size of Panicum virgatum. Seedling growth was more dependent on the weight of the endosperm rather than the embryo size. This suggests that predation of the endosperm may results in smaller seedlings than seedlings from intact seeds.

Suggested Citation

J. H. Zhang and M. A. Maun. "Effect of partial removal of endosperm on seedling sizes of Panicum virgatum and Agropyron psammophilum." Oikos 56.2 (1989): 250-255.

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