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Effects of Parental Identities and Environment on Components of Crossing Success in Phlox drummondii

Author(s): K. E. Pittman and D. A. Levin

Month: Mar
Year: 1989

Journal: American Journal of Botany
Volume: 76
Issue: 3
Pages: 409-418

Article Topic(s): Nutrients,Pollination,Water,Stress
Research Setting(s): Greenhouse

Species Referenced: Phlox drummondii (Annual phlox),


Describes the results of a controlled pollination study of Phlox drummondii testing low water or low nutrient conditions. The identities of male and female parents had significant effects on pollen germination and seed survival.

Suggested Citation

K. E. Pittman and D. A. Levin. "Effects of Parental Identities and Environment on Components of Crossing Success in Phlox drummondii." American Journal of Botany 76.3 (1989): 409-418.

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