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Breeding system and pollen limitation in two supergeneralist alien plants invading Mediterranean shrublands

Author(s): I. Bartomeus and M. Vila

Year: 2009

Publication Type: Article
Journal: Australian Journal of Botany
Volume: 57
Issue: 2
Pages: 109-115

Article Topic(s): Invasive species, Pollination
Research Setting(s): Field

Species Referenced: Opuntia stricta (Erect pricklypear),


Carpobrotus arrine and Opuntia stricta were both found to be at least partially self-compatible and routinely visited by pollinators. Opuntia stricta showed no sign of pollen limitation while hand pollination increased total seed set in C. arrine suggesting pollen limitation.

Suggested Citation

I. Bartomeus and M. Vila. "Breeding system and pollen limitation in two supergeneralist alien plants invading Mediterranean shrublands." Australian Journal of Botany 57.2 (2009): 109-115.

Article Links

ISSN: 0067-1924
DOI: 10.1071/bt08169

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